Monday, December 29, 2014

Trouble sleeping? Try holistic hypnosis for insomnia

Hypnosis may help you sleep better.  Perhaps there is some  nagging issue or situation that is keeping you awake, even if you think you know the answer(s), for some reason you just can't seem to fall asleep and/or stay there.  Insomnia can negatively affect so many things in life and 
quality of sleep has a scientifically proven impact on the quality of life.  View the chart from Wiki on the complications of insomnia.  Spiritual or metaphysical hypnosis can help you relax and reach a space of peacefulness in which positive sleep patterns can be remembered and developed.   In this state of deep relaxation you may be surprised to find the "soul"-ution to whatever seems to be troubling you.  Hypnosis is a dream like state where the super-conscious can be accessed.  Some call it that "still small voice" that is all too often drowned out by the much louder and dominate "ego" voice. Some call this inner voice a  higher power, some folks call it love or peace, I choose to call it my connection to God.  From this still quiet space in hypnosis answers can emerge more quickly and problems can be solved at a core level.  Once the outer issues are resolved from within normal sleep patterns can take form. 

So..... what's keeping you up at night? 

Have you tried everything and still can't sleep?  Relax and try metaphysical hypnosis...Call now and ask me how hypnosis can help you. Visit or call (305)-305-2288 for more information and to make an appointment to sleep better.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Past life regressions can help identify the core issue of a problem

Is there something bothering you and you can't quite put a finger on what it is?  Metaphysical hypnosis can help you get to the core issue of a situation or a troubling circumstance through regression, by looking beyond the obvious appearances.

Many issues are the result of something that was experienced during childhood.  Maybe someone said something to frighten you or there was an unpleasant incident stored in the subconscious mind which created a fear or phobia you can't explain. It makes no "common" sense why you are experiencing the discomfort of the situation but you just can't seem to get past it...
Pic from via goggle

Some believe in reincarnation and this current lifetime is only one of many lives we experience.  Reincarnation is the belief that we experience life over and over again until we learn the lessons to enlightenment. When I first began doing past life regressions I noticed that once in a state of hypnosis many of my clients would immediately begin with a memory from recent childhood usually in this current lifetime.  They would recall childhood experiences they had forgotten that directly correlate with a current issue they wanted to resolve.  The client would leave feeling much better however the issue might crop up again. There could be one or more past situations all relating to the same presenting issue(s) and a lot of times they are all from this current lifetime.  The key to resolving any issue is to get to the core of said issue and that requires introspection.

The mind is very powerful and will go to where the most immediate attention is needed.  It is said, "when the student is ready the teacher will appear". Some people are simply not ready to really believe wholeheartedly in past lives and there are skeptics of hypnosis.  Some are not even willing to invest in trying the process.  When faced with a trying situation or circumstance it is a good idea to become familiar with the many options that exist.  The greatest miracles happen when we step out of our comfort zone.  It is like peeling back the proverbial onion. Hypnosis is not a magic bullet.  The more you open to relief the more comfortable the mind will be with releasing valuable information which may help you move forward from a challenging situation and/or circumstance.  There is no exact science and the hypnosis process is a creative way of exploring alternatives.  For more information on how past life regression helps read Dr. Brian Weiss book Many Lives, Many Masters or call (305) 305-2288.