Sunday, October 4, 2015

Who said what your mind believes it can achieve?

Napoleon Hill author of Think and Grow Rich wrote what your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.  This statement could imply the obstacle to manifesting is the ability to  conceive an idea and then by actually believing it can be done, it is done.  While this sounds easy, it can be easier "said" than done....Another reason why hypnosis is so powerful!  The human mind is like electricity and tends to take the path of least resistance.  Many thoughts go through the human mind yet how many do you actually believe? How many can you actually achieve?  Success requires focus and hypnosis can help you focus and identify the possible roadblocks to your success.   Hypnosis is safe and easy.  While you sit back and relax positive suggestions are given to your subconscious mind, bypassing the fears, doubts and what ifs...
A key to manifesting is believing.  Many folks think they know what they want but upon deep introspection realize things like being a millionaire may not really the answer.  Maybe you just want to be healthy and happy.  Studies have shown if you are not happy and content where you are today, no amount of money may change that. Thinking miserable thoughts will only attract misery.  Test it...the next time you feel miserable allow yourself to really feel.  miserable. 

By identifying with feeling the misery, it is possible to make a decision to be or not to be....
By experiencing recognizing and believing happy feels better than misery, you can actually begin to be happy.  Ignoring a miserable feeling and hoping it will disappear is only a temporary fix. 
By thinking without knowing how you feel, is it possible to release anything that no longer serves you?  If you do not know how you feel, is it really possible to recognize what you believe?

For example many folks get married because they are in love.  Or so they think.  There are individuals  that have been married for years, months or even weeks who have forgotten what love felt like.  There was love in the beginning then life happened. careers. kids. in-laws.  stuff.  lol Perhaps they lost that loving feeling...Having forgotten they may even become bitter. A regression can help a person to remember what it felt like to fall in love and return to love.  Once that loving feeling is brought to the conscious mind the body remembers and when the body and mind remember it is possible to renew and rekindle any relationship.
When the conscious and subconscious mind agree...the magic happens.
Relax and get your happy back.

The only thing between YOU and success can be as simple as a THOUGHT!
Visit for more information on how hypnosis can help you.
To read Think and Grow Rich CLICK HERE