Saturday, June 28, 2014

Past life regression as a source of mind purification

Past life regression is a great tool to use for mind purification and greater clarity.  It is written that cleanliness is next to Godliness and physical baths are a part of many daily routines however many never think to take the time to cleanse the mind.  A past life regression can be like spring cleaning the closet, the deeper you go into the back of the closet the more items you may find that are no longer useful or have simply been forgotten and can be put to good use.
Perhaps there are shoes that have worn soles that either need to be repaired or discarded.  There maybe an old garment hidden that is fabulous and ready to be used immediately. The same is true of the mind.  During the relaxation of a past life regression the subconscious mind can reveal important information that may help you move forward.  Imagine regaining a sense of confidence and feeling free to embrace your best life!  For more information on past life regression contact Karen Saunders at  Karen trained with Dr. Brian Weiss in past last regression and has helped many people relax and move forward. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

The benefit of past life regression hypnosis in healing relationships

George Santayana coined the phrase "Those who are unaware of history are destined to repeat it."  Have you ever wondered why you repeat the same relationship patterns? Be it familial, romantic or just an interesting boss and /or friend there are clues and links from the past that may not be immediately apparent that can you move forward or accept a situation. Once past past relationship patterns are recognized it can be the catalyst to a more satisfying life.  During a past life session the conscious thinking mind is bypassed and the memory bank of inner wisdom can be accessed.  The subconscious mind is powerful and it stores everything that has ever happened to you.  In a relaxed state those memories can surface.  The Course in Miracles stated when the student is ready the teacher will appear.  History is a great teacher. Once a relationship pattern is identified wouldn't it be liberating to release it if it is simply not working.  A past life regression may help you to release what no longer serves you.  A Mustard Seed Healing offers past life regressions as a fun non therapeutic way to relax and enjoy your best life. For more information go to  or call (305) 305-2288.  Click here for books and downloads on past life regressions.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Why a past life regression session can be useful to everyone

Past life regressions are gaining in popularity as many people are awakening to their individual spirituality. Regressions can help enhance your spirituality by giving insight into recurring spiritual experience. Past life regression can be defined as a process used in hypnosis to recall past memories. Hypnosis is safe and very effective. These memories can be valuable to healing issues ranging from self esteem to fears phobias. There are even documented cases of physical healing as a result of past life regression. Many people think you have to believe in reincarnation to experience a past life memory, but this is not the case.A past life can be any moment other than this present moment. Everyday we are bombarded with situations, conversations and experiences, etc.that create imprints in the subconscious mind. These imprints can be positive or negative and actually shape our belief systems. The subconscious mind is very powerful and holds the key to progression. The subconscious mind remembers everything that has happened to you and some believe it is the soul and remembers every lifetime as well. Regressions provide the opportunity to reveal memories from childhood that can be extremely important in adults releasing emotions and that release can be the catalyst to a better life. A past life regression can also reveal important information that has been buried deep in the subconscious mind. For example something as simple as driving in traffic has the ability to create a negative imprint that could possibly make a person not want to drive.

In a recent episode of the Kardashians, Khloe was hypnotized because she could not remember most of her childhood. During the session she recalled having been upset because of the OJ Simpson trial and later the death of her father. Her mind basically blocked out the trauma of those events. Wanting to know why she could not remember she consulted and doctor who first thought she might be suffering from pre dementia. After ruling out that possibility she was referred to a hypnotist were she was able to remember during a session.  Dr Brian Weiss made regression popular with the book Many Lives Many Masters
Past life regression has unlimited possibilities and is a great tool for revealing what needs to be revealed so it can be healed. For private sessions in your home or office CLICK HERE for more information on past life regression in South Florida.  There are also many books available on the subject Click HERE for my personal favorites on the subject.  Or call Karen Saunders at 305 305-2288 for more information.