Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A simple technique to help you stop smoking

Smoking is bad for you but you can't seem to quit and you're not alone.  Quitting is one of the hardest things you may ever do but may also be the most rewarding.  You see the commercials on television with the health issues from smoking yet you continue to puff away.  Logically you know smoking is bad for you but quitting is so hard!  What's up with that?
While the conscious thinking mind knows smoking is bad for you there is some benefit that keeps you puffing away. Hypnosis can help you quit but you can try this simple technique below to stop smoking on your own. 

 A simple technique to help you quit

Take a deep breath every time you desire a cigarette. A really deep breath mimicking the way you smoke.
Keep breathing deeply while you massage you hands or temples.  This will give you something to do with your hands instead of holding the cigarette.
Studies show the urge only lasts for several minutes so while you breathe in clean fresh air play your favorite song and remind yourself of the benefits of being a non smoker.
Allow the urge to smoke to pass.  Give it at least 3 minutes.
Relax your body and assume the posture like you do when you smoke.The chart below outlines the average number of craves daily.  You may experience more or less.  Do the breathing exercises consistently. Practice even when aren't craving.  Recondition yourself to breathe clean fresh air. 

Pic Goggle Stop_smoking_tips

Hypnosis is an alternative that works
If you still can't quit . Call me. The results are amazing with hypnosis!  Many people are able to quit smoking in only one hypnosis session.  There are a few exceptions to every rule and I know it sounds out of the ordinary but it's true in only one hypnosis session it is possible to be a nonsmoker. In fact hypnosis may help you get rid of all types of negative behaviors and achieve many goals in your life.  Hypnosis works by bypassing the monkey chatter in the conscious thinking mind and  connect with positive thoughts, feelings and behaviors needed to achieve goals. The mind is so powerful that when properly focused it can and will accomplish goals like smoking cessation more quickly.

Some people may need more than one session.  It all depends on how bad you want to quit.  Hypnosis is not a magic bullet, as a matter of fact there are NO magic bullets!  There are no guarantees.  Your success is my success and I have plenty of success stories like the client who gave of smoking AND soda in one session.  All hypnosis is self hypnosis and your success is determined by you.
For more information call (305)305-2288 or visit my website at www.stopsmokeinmiami.com
If you can't make it to my office and/or you want additional reinforcement CLICK HERE 
to access an online system you can download immediately. 

Monday, July 25, 2016

How to achieve your goals via gratitude and mindfulness

Past life regression and overcoming fears

Hypnosis can help you to relax and go to where a fear or phobia first began. Often the fears result from a situation that should have been fun like a day at the beach as a child. Sometimes these issues are from an incident in childhood and the have simply been forgotten. Dr. Brian Weiss author of "Miracles Happen" and "Many Lives and Many Masters" writes about his patient Catherine, who recalled her past life from another lifetime, and this is another possibility. The  subconscious mind can remember everything and the point is to bypass the limited conscious thought patterns and beliefs we use everyday in order to tap into the deeper memory bank. This is where our mind stores very important information that can be the key to healing. Metaphysical hypnosis is the spiritual process of looking beyond appearances and gaining a clear insight to the core belief which is creating any negative thought patterns. During a hypnosis session, in a state of relaxation and focused concentration, those limiting beliefs can come into a present awareness, this begins the process of healing. By recognizing and clearing those negative beliefs you can begin to moving forward. The mind is extremely powerful and in an effort to protect, may "hide" important information.

For example someone who is afraid to swim, or afraid of  the water, may have had an incident in the past that created this fear of wide bodies of water. The mind in an effort to maintain a safe space, may store the memory of what happened and embed the fear so it never happens again. While this may be a logical response to some type of trauma, the fear may be preventing a pleasurable experience from happening such as enjoying the seaside with a significant other. Hypothetically, the subject is engaged to an avid swimmer and wants to participate in water activity but cannot comfortably do so due to the fear of water. The subject has a desire to swim and wishes to do so but can not understand the basis of the fear. A hypnosis session may be uncover, during childhood, the subject was at a family picnic and thrown into the water, unable to swim, the subject panicked, and although it was less than a foot of water, it may as well have been a tidal wave. The subject now has a negative imprint of the trauma and embarrassment of the incident, and is no longer comfortable in the water.

Once this memory has been consciously uncovered the conscious mind can integrate what has happened and logically assimilate the experience and release the fear.

All hypnosis is self hypnosis and as a consulting hypnotist I facilitate a safe, effective an affordable  process to help you remove road blocks to success.It is not medical nor therapeutic.  
Learn more about how hypnosis can help you in Miami by clicking here.  for more information or for private sessions call (305) 305-2288

Hypnosis can help with hoarding

Are you holding on to many old, outdated things, people, situations and circumstances in your life?  Do you have lots of nice "stuff" but always seem stuck?  Do you want to let go but just can't seem to move forward?  Perhaps you have what is called a hoarding disorder and hypnosis can help with hoarding. The act of hoarding can apply to many things both physical and non physical.  Let's begin by exploring mental aspect which are our thoughts.

What are you thinking?
Everyday the mind is bombarded with literally hundreds if not thousands of thoughts. The more engaged you are in work and/or socially activities the more messages you receive.  And it doesn't stop there, add in television, radio, cell phones, computers and social media communications and the number of messages the brain receives can be quite overwhelming.  If you can begin to think of thoughts as things,  you can also begin to understand why it is important to take the time to disconnect periodically.  Go outside in nature.  Turn off any electronics and breathe deeply, giving your mind and body time to center and relax.   As you begin to clear you can also focus on what you really need and want to manifest.  Meditation is growing in popularity because there is scientific evidence proving that taking the time to disconnect is beneficial to our overall health.  Metaphysical hypnosis is a technique where you work with a facilitator such as myself, to help you align with the best meditation practice for you.  What is the best meditation practice?  The one you do...

For example, begin with a few minutes each day and start right where you are.  Focus on the breath or purchase one of the many guided meditations available by clicking HERE 
The important thing is to make a conscious decision to consistently clear your mind.
One suggestion would be to begin with a denial like the one below.  Metaphysically, denials are used to mentally release old worn out thoughts or beliefs that may be holding you back. In a comfortable position sitting or lying down.  Focus on your breathing which should become nice, deep and even.
Repeat the following releasing denial statement:
I now release any and everything that may be holding me back from my highest good...
Some things may come up.  Allow them to surface.  Resist the urge to engage in the mental chatter. continuing to focus on your breathing which should be nice and deep and even.   Counting may help.
Inhaling 1...2...3...exhaling 1...2...3...

Repeat the release statement again:
I now release any and everything that may be holding me back from my highest good...(pr from success)..
Allow yourself to relax.  Breathing in and out.
This is your time to relax.
It's also a good time to let go..

After awhile, when you feel relaxed and ready, incorporate an affirmation.  Affirmations are statements that reinforce the positive aspects you are now incorporating into your life.  A good affirmation might be the following:
Mind mind is clear and open to receive the manifestation of peace love joy perfect health and prosperity in my life and all is well...

Close with  positive statements like any of the following affirming your desires.
I am healthy..
I am wealthy...
I am wise...
I am happy..
I am love and loved..
I am prosperous...
and so it is

To do:  Make this a daily practice
Schedule time everyday to do this practice or something similar.  In as little as 15 minutes you have set the tempo for a great day.  An easy way to remember is to do it in the morning before or after you brush your teeth or shower.  You can even start the denials and affirmations while still in bed, then just sit in silence for a few moments.  It's a great way to start the day and to begin the process of eliminating mental as well as physical clutter as you build your best life ever.
For more information and a free phone consultation call (305) 305-2288 or visit my website at www.amustardseedhealing.com


Karen Saunders demonstrates hypnosis on the Arthritis Show with Dr. Farshchian

Hypnotist Karen Saunders is interviewed and demonstrates hypnosis on the Arthritis Show with Dr. Farshchian.  Hypnosis is one of many alternative holistic modalities that can compliment traditional medicine.  Hypnosis is an excellent way to relax the mind and focus on a desired outcome like physical relaxation.   Call (305) 305-2288 for more information on how hypnosis can help you!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Improve sports performance with visualization

The benefits of past life regression and recalling childhood memories

Past life regressions are gaining in popularity as many people are awakening to the benefits of hypnosis, meditation and spirituality. Regressions help enhance your connection to source via spirituality by giving insight into recurring experiences. Past life regression is a process used in hypnosis to recall past memories. Some people are uncomfortable with the process so it helps to be familiar with reincarnation. While it is referred to as a "past life" most of the beneficial memories are from childhood experiences in this lifetime.  Regressions provide the opportunity to recall memories from childhood that help release negative emotions. That release can be a catalyst towards a more comfortable life.

A past life regression can reveal important information buried deep in the subconscious mind. For example something as simple as a scolding from a parent could create self esteem issues or shyness.  Hypnosis is safe and very effective and recalling these memories can be valuable in healing all types of  issues. There are even documented cases of physical healing as a result of past life regression. Read Dr. Brian Weiss M.D., book Miracles Happen for more information on the power of past life regression and healing. Many people think you have to believe in reincarnation to experience a past life memory, but this is not the case.  I feel a past life is any moment other than this present moment. 
Everyday we are bombarded with situations, messages and experiences, etc. that create imprints or memories in the subconscious mind. These imprints can be positive or negative and shape our belief systems. The subconscious mind is very powerful and holds the key to life's progression. The subconscious mind remembers everything that has happened and some believe it is the soul.  If this holds true the subconscious mind has stored every previous lifetime experience as well.

In a past episode of the reality television series,  Keeping up with the Kardashians,  Khloe was hypnotized because she could not remember most of her childhood. She remembered having been upset because of the OJ Simpson trial and later the death of her father but could not remember much of her childhood. Her mind basically blocked out childhood events. Wanting to know why she could not remember she consulted a doctor who first thought she might be suffering from some type of pre dementia. After ruling out that possibility she was referred to a hypnotist were she was able to remember  significant parts of her childhood.
Past life regression has unlimited possibilities as an alternative technique and is a great tool for revealing roadblocks to moving forward.
For more information on how hypnosis can help you call (305) 305-2288.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Deepen your meditation with hypnosis as a tool