Monday, January 7, 2013

Hypnosis Can Help with Effective Stop Smoking Tips

Many smokers want to quit but simply do not have the willpower, or so they think.  Hypnosis can help change the subconscious beliefs that you are too weak to quit.  In the relaxed state of hypnosis effective stop smoking tips can be given to which will assist in breaking the smoking habit. These simple stop smoking tips can be suggested:
  1. You no longer crave a cigarette.
  2. Cigarettes no longer have any control over you.
  3. You are stronger than the craving you feel to have a cigarette.
  4. You are a non smoker!
Hypnosis is effective in helping bypass the conscious decisions to have the cigarette.  The reason hypnosis is effective in helping smokers quit the habit is that logically smokers know it is bad to smoke, yet they continue to puff away.  Hypnosis relaxes the mind enough to bypass the so called "logical" thinking of a smoker and gives suggestions to help the smoker quit the habit.  The mind is very powerful, if you think you can stop smoking but need some help CLICK HERE to learn more about how you can quit smoking.    Many stars have used hypnosis to quit smoking like Ellen DeGeneres, Matt Damon and Samuel Jackson with success.

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