Sunday, October 26, 2014

Are you so doggone frustrated you just can't seem to relax? Hypnosis can help

 Have you ever wanted to try hypnosis but were intimidated by the process or simply did not know where to begin? RELAX!!! I've got a GREAT DEAL just for you...time to move forward

If you're feeling a bit "froggy" not need to jump, just kick back and relax, one hour is all it takes to shift any fuzzy stinking thinking into focus with clear positive projections.  Imagine yourself floating into a state of mental relaxation. 
Hypnosis is safe, effective an it feels good to relax.

You are just a click away from relaxation, renewal and rejuvenation with hypnosis. 

CLICK HERE for an amazing deal on hypnosis!  You have a choice of one or three sessions.   Calm. relaxed. JUST CHILLIN' and more PRODUCTIVE
Wait until you feel how that happens...
Hypnosis is an alternative way to resolve many issues like smoking cessation and it really helps when you have simply forgotten what it feels like to relax.  
Did I mention that right now there is a great relaxing deal going on?

I am currently offering first time clients the opportunity to try hypnosis with a great from my friends at Amazon Local!  Give it a try!  

Click below for more details on how hypnosis can help u!!  I look forward to meeting you with this special offer in relaxation for manifestation...
HYPNOSIS SPECIAL OFFER check out the website to see how hypnosis can help you.  Or call (305)305-2288 to schedule a session!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The gift of living life on purpose and recognizing it

Napoleon Hill of Think and Grow rich said "There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it." Lots of people go through life wondering what their life purpose is.  I was one of those people.  I used to spend lots of time wondering if I would ever find my life purpose, what that purpose was and how could I fully embrace and use it?  It was a loaded question that had what seemed to be an elusive and daunting answer.  At times the question was am I good enough to live on purpose?  Living on purpose can be frightening especially if you come from a background seemingly surrounded in fears of lack and or limitation.  Living on purpose might require giving up something or even more challenging acquiring more responsibility than one is willing to endure. Deciding to shift the energy used to "find" a life purpose into actually "living" a purpose filled life in the present moment is a pivotal point.  It is said we have everything we need.  The awareness of this statement may be deemed enlightenment, think about it...
I have everything I need...

To have everything we need means to be living in a state of awareness that wherever we are doing whatever it is we are doing, there is a higher presence leading and guiding us.  This would imply we are always on purpose.  To be knowledgeable of  your purpose and to desire more of that awareness is an amazing thing.
Past life regression is one tool that can open the space to become consciously aware of experiences that have brought us to this moment of having everything we need.  The awareness that each experience is cyclical  and provides an opportunity to learn and grow, or release and grow.  Either way we are always growing simply because the universe is always changing and expanding.  To sit still and inquire within brings an awareness to the infinite possibilities of a purpose filled life.  Right where you are God is in perfect abundance.
While reviewing some old journals I came across a newspaper article written during my high school years about a science project I did which directly relates to my current work as tobacco treatment specialist.  It was confirmation of having studied what I currently know at another time and dimension.  Having seen and forgotten that memory it was refreshing to remember a promise made as a young teen to help people.  While it doesn't look very much like what I envisioned at the time, it is a great reminder that I do have everything I need to be present and live life on purpose.  I am grateful.
We all possess the talents and abilities to live a purpose filled life. Oftentimes we are unaware. There are many alternative tools like hypnosis that can help you to reveal what your purpose is. All we have to do is ask and the Universe is waiting to respond. 

If you journal set aside some time and periodically review what you have written.  It is a great way to see any patterns that may help you recognize your life purpose.  We have everything we need all that is left is to openly recognize it.  CLICK HERE for some of my favorite books...

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hypnosis is a great compliment to weight loss surgery. Better body mind and spirit with hypnosis!

There are so many people having success with weight loss surgery.  However there are also many people who have the surgery, and then have trouble reaching and maintaining their goals.   There is more to weight loss than the physical appearance.  In order to accomplish and maintain any goal it requires some mental work and hypnosis can help you during your transformation. 

Metaphysical hypnosis is a safe and effective way to tap into your subconscious mind and uncover any roadblocks that may exist to your successful new physique.  As a facilitator of metaphysical hypnosis I can help you recall and resolve what may be hampering your success and together we will explore ways to assist you in enjoying your new body.  Once the procedure is done some find all the new attention uncomfortable and this could trigger over eating.  It may be uncomfortable giving up your old wardrobe and shopping for new clothes.  Maybe you just miss your comfort foods and the places you used to eat freely.  Hypnosis can help you relax into the new you and help you create that vision on a deeper level!

Perhaps you are having issues giving up your favorite foods or you simply do not feel FULL on such a small amount.  RELAX!  Hypnosis can help you!  For more information on how hypnosis can help you achieve your goals call visit
photos courtesy goggle
DISCLAIMER: We/ I do not practice medicine. Hypnosis is a unique and separate profession as is counseling, psychotherapy and all other mental health professions or services. Hypnosis is an alternative means to self-improvement and personal growth. These processes are non-diagnostic, non-psychological and non-medical. The use of Hypnosis is not intended to be used in the treatment of any human illness, disease, injury or for any other therapeutic purpose. Medical concerns should be addressed with your primary care physician. Note: Those under the care of a physician should not ignore the doctors advice for medical conditions. Consult your physician before making changes in his/her prescribed treatment. Our philosophy is not intended to be a replacement; it is intended as a complementary method to help you accomplish your goals.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Overcome the fear of public speaking with hypnosis

When you speak in public, do you experience...
    Sweaty palms?
    Shaking hands?
    Racing thoughts?
    Pounding heart?
    Stuttering and sputtering?
    Even forgetting what you had to say?

If you experience any of the symptoms above, speaking in public must be a very stressful experience for you.

When you get rid of your fear, not only will you eliminate these painful feelings, you will also be able to...RELAX
and possibly...just maybe!!
    Apply and accept that promotion..
    Make that best mans speech...
    Be calm and confident when speaking in public.
    Allow your voice to be heard at meetings and whenever necessary.
    Sleep well at night the day before and after a speaking engagement.
    Be calm and confident when speaking in public.

 Receive the accolades of the audience!! You ARE a WINNER!!!
Have you tried any of the following to get rid of your fear of making speeches or public speaking?

    Spending countless hours preparing for your speeches.
    Confronting your fear by speaking in public many times.
    Or playing the fears over and over in your head  like a broken record?
Hypnosis can help you relax and recall the information you want to convey to your audience.

What drives the Fear of Public Speaking?

Most people who fear public speaking are worried about being judged negatively or criticized ... or they may fear disappointing people who currently think well of them ... they might even feel that they just don't have what it takes to be a good public speaker ... or that people aren't that interested in what they have to say.

These are just some of the many insecurities that contribute to a fear of public speaking.  Hypnosis allows the mind to overcome those fears by bypassing the conscious thinking mind and tapping into the subconscious which is an inner reservoir of strength and wisdom.

More specific concerns of public speaking are caused by beliefs like:

    Mistakes and failure are bad..
    People simply aren't interested in what I have to say..
    I won't be good enough.

These are just a few of the limiting beliefs that contribute to a fear of public speaking.

Recognize that many of the beliefs that cause your fear of public speaking are not true, they only limit you.  And you may even discover evidence that some of those beliefs are completely false.

Try hypnosis.  CLICK HERE for more information on how hypnosis can help you overcome fears and phobias by removing roadblocks to your best life ever or call(305) 305-2288.