Friday, October 28, 2016

Can hypnosis enhance spirituality?

Hypnosis is another door within. Just like yoga, meditation, visualization and guided imagery, hypnosis bypasses the conscious thinking mind to access the subconscious.  Many religions and spiritual schools teach their followers processes similar to hypnosis.  The idea is to go within.   In order to achieve balance in body, mind and spirit,  the use of techniques that are based on relaxation, breathing and suggestion are paramount. Metaphysical hypnosis incorporates all of these techniques and more...
One of the more interesting sessions involved a conservative executive who came to see me for relaxation.  During the session I asked him a few questions when he got into deep relaxation and because he seemed to be uncomfortable.  Evidently he had been engaging a spiritual practice that no one knew about aside from his spouse and a few confidantes.  During his session he got some unexpected answers to some questions he had been seeking.  It took some convincing,  but he finally relaxed and told me what was happening. Seek and ye shall find...

With the guidance of trained facilitator and ordained metaphysical minister Karen Saunders spirituality can be enhanced through metaphysical hypnosis.  The process of metaphysical hypnosis takes you deeper within the subconscious mind.  This is where all the answers are said to be.
You can also download a great guided self hypnosis exercise called Talk To God Hypnosis Develop Deeper Spirituality & Higher States Of Consciousness With Theta Binural Beats by clicking HERE
Anna Thompson does a great job of guiding you through the spiritual hypnosis process and you can do this in the privacy of your home or office.  For a more personal experience seek a qualified hypnotist who specializes in spirituality.

Past life regression is probably the most popular spiritual hypnosis practice and Dr. Brian Weiss has a CD called Spiritual Progress Through Regression which is very good.  

The process can be likened to a tour of your inner self.  A dive into the ocean of your mind where there are waves of inspiration and the tide is unpredictable.  You never know what you might find however the journey is always helpful.  For more information visit. or call (305) 305-2288.

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