Saturday, February 20, 2016

Are e-cigarettes a good way to quit smoking? Perhaps

The popularity of e-cigarettes is growing and many people are reporting that the e-cigarette is helping them to quit smoking.  This can be a good thing however the best thing would be to become a non smoker and not rely on any type of outer stimulant for the benefits of relaxation.  Fact is what the body wants is to BREATHE!!
If you can learn to inhale deeply without the chemicals and additives associated with traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes studies say you can live a longer healthier life!
Give yourself the gift of life..breathe clean fresh air and drink plenty of clean water.
While e-cigarettes may be a way to quit smoking, be mindful of what types and flavors you are inhaling.  Some may be harmful.  Also be aware of the dangers associated with the mechanisms you choose.  There have been reports of fire and explosions.  The reward may seem to be an easy fix but are you just replacing one bad habit with another?
Why not try to quit smoking   naturally?  Hypnosis is one of the fastest and easiest ways to quit smoking!  In fact some people quit with just one session.Hypnosis can a safer alternative to smoking cessation.  That is if you want to quit…many people enjoy the sensations of smoking, the taste , the smell,  the habit of breathing in the smoke.  Hypnosis may help you if you want to quit.  Some folks are professional quitters and have no desire to stop.  Hypnosis is not a magic bullet to make you do something against your will.  If you want to continue to smoke you probably will.  If that’s the case see a  tobacco cessation specialist like the one at  You will learn the many benefits of being a non smoker and get the motivation to quit.  Never give up!.  Cigarettes are proven to kill however as a non smoker your body may begin to heal.
After a few days of not smoking the sense of smell returns and the smoker actually begins to remember what freshness smells like.  During the “recovery” phase of becoming a nonsmoker the sense of taste returns and food starts to taste like real food again(not like tobacco and the reported thousands of chemicals being inhaled with each puff).  This is a fear many folks have of becoming a non smoker.  The fear of gaining weight.  With hypnosis the suggestion can be given to become a non smoker and not gain any weight, some folks have reported losing weight because as non smoker they have more energy.  Energy is great because with more energy instead of smoking perhaps after dinner (or whatever) you can take a nice relaxing walk.

The benefits of becoming a non smoker with hypnosis far outweigh using an e cigarettes or any chemicals.  What are the chances the chemicals in the e-cigarette solution are as toxic as the chemicals in a cigarette?  Why take a chance.
So are e-cigarettes a way to quit smoking?  I have clients that have successfully quit using an e-cigarette.  Some describe the e-cigarette as being a way to break the habit of the regular cigarette, this is probably in part to the similarities of both products.  You light up after a particular event or during the same time each day so it is a familiar activity.  People are like electricity  and tend to take the path of least resistance.  What breaks the habit is usually the weight of the e-cigarette.  Because it is heavier than the traditional cigarette there is a noticeable difference and this awakens many people to fact of what they are doing and they quit.
There are many ways to give up addictions and bad habits like smoking. The one that is most effective is the one that works.  Try and try again! Never give up on achieving your goals.  I’ve seen clients who quit in one session and I’ve seen clients who refuse to quit because they are not ready to. I always suggest they relax give it break and come back when they are ready.. no pressure. A partner, spouse or family member wants them healthy.  That pressure creates more stress and makes it even harder to let go.  A cigarette may be the only time you take a really DEEP breath and let go..sad but true.
It will happen just as rapidly as you relax!  breathe deep and let go, let it all go…
Be well!
For more info of smoking cessation call (305) 305-2288

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