Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How to try to stop smoking for free

If I told you a simple way to help you stop smoking, would you at least give it a try?  One thing I tell all of my clients who want to quit smoking is that the cigarette manufacturers are very smart people.  They have created an industry worth billions based on a very simple need every human has.  The need to breathe.  Breathing is simply NOT an OPTION.  Every moment we are either inhaling or exhaling with a pause in between. Most of the time the breath is breathing you,  because you aren't paying any attention to it.  Thank goodness the body is made so brilliant.  Stop for a moment if you already haven't and take a really deep breath...again...just become aware of that amazing life force of air.
 Make a note to yourself....just breathe!
Take as much AIR as you want. IT"S FREE!!!also lots of WATER again IT"S FREE!
The picture below is of a normal lung and one of a smoker.  (photo courtesy tocancer.com)

If you are like most people (warm blooded and alive) you walk around all day breathing pretty shallow.  Medical studies say we only use a fraction of our lung capacity and brain capacity(that's another issue) Then something happens. stress. life.  all of a sudden you may realize that you are NOT breathing.  Just how long have you been holding your breath hunched over that computer screen?
This thing happens that is pretty much involuntarily where when confronted by stress, fear, worry or concern where the body tenses up and the breath becomes very shallow.
It is during these times when smokers have what is known as a craving, the powerful desire to intake carcinogenic toxins into one's body.
The urge to take a really deep BREATH!
Here is the kicker.  What if you began to pay more attention to the breath.  Honor the life affirming breath that is the gift of life.  Instead of taking a drag of the thousands of cancer causing  chemicals in a cigarette, take a deep breath of clean fresh air.  Go ahead try it!
Take a really deeeep breath of fresh air and hold it.  Purse your lips like you would if you smoked but only take in clean air. repeat. again. Also give yourself a hand massage as you breathe deeply. just learn to relax naturally. According to this acupuncture websiteclick here there are some points on the body that help to stop smoking click here for more details or see a local acupuncturist for more info.  Try tapping or massaging these points while you breathe deeply.

The average craving for those chemical only lasts a few minutes so if you can keep breathing deeply the craving will disappear.  Begin gently and mindfully.  It is mind boggling how many smokers I see who  get dizzy on fresh air. lol
The more you remember to breathe clean fresh air and pass on the cigs the closer you are to becoming a non smoker. 
Each day replace cigarettes with this simple habit.  The more you breathe the easier it will become.  Don't wait for a stressful moment wake up each morning and honor life with a deep deep breath.
You can't live without it.
Hypnosis can help you stop smoking Click here for more information.
*remember to consult your medical before trying any health related suggestions.
For more support and to find out how hypnosis can help you call (305) 305-2288 

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