Friday, July 25, 2014

How high can you fly? (how hypnosis can help with fear of flying and other issues)

Many people shy away from past life regression because they think it always involves going to some far away mystical (and maybe a little scary) place in the past.  This is this  not always true.  When I went to study with Dr. Brian Weiss this was one of the questions I wanted to ask him.  I had been doing regressions for awhile and many of my clients would go to childhood experiences during their sessions.  Some of them would actually be disappointed, they expected this grandiose experience, with an amazing story line. This does happen but it may take some sessions to get there, after all patience is a virtue my dears.  The subconscious mind is very powerful, once conscious thinking is bypassed the mind will go where the healing needs to take place.   This is one reason why meditation is so effective, you actually relax.  Often something has happened or was heard in the past that has an impact on present issues. One purpose of a regression is to get to the core of an issue...
where it first started.
For example one person with a fear of flying had a story which began as a small child on one of those small prop type planes.  You might remember the planes with the loud humming and sputtering engines.  There was an airline in Miami called Chalks and the planes took off and landed on water. While traveling from one small island to another in the Caribbean this small child was excited and filled with innocent wonder and anticipation as they boarded the plane. Accompanied by a close adult relative the child felt safe and protected.  Then something happened...TURBULENCE!  The innocent child wasn't fearful at all,  it felt like a typical ride at any theme park.  The adult however FREAKED OUT! In hypnosis the client described an adult who was frantic and tearfully praying for their lives, making the sign of the cross and gripping a Rosary as the plane encountered some air pockets. The memories of fear and anxiety over what was happening were re-experienced.
Children are like sponges and as the adult became more fearful the child reacted to the emotions and became fearful as well. The scene created a negative imprint in the subconscious mind of the child.  The observant child picked up on the discomfort and it remained stored in the memory banks.  The fear did not surface until many years later. This person had been flying many times and then all of a sudden finds it fearful.  This could be the minds way of saying it is time to release this fear. It is said when the student is ready the teacher will appear.  Fear is a great teacher.  Perhaps it should be embraced and explored as opposed to being pushed away.  The inner child has stored years of memories.  In the hypnotic state a memory can be recalled and the person can integrate the feelings of the inner child. Children are often unable to speak for themselves to express their feelings and emotions.  As adults we can let go.  Many adults are walking around fearful, not knowing why. Perhaps a wounded child within is just waiting to be loved.  That person was happy to report the next flight they took was a more pleasant childlike experience.  It is written lest ye become a child can you enter the kingdom...

Any moment preceding this moment is past.  Each second our cells are changing as our life is changing. Hopefully we are changing for the better.  As we are unconsciously shedding and releasing fears, old worn out beliefs and anything that no longer serves us, there is always the opportunity to consciously grow in the wisdom and understanding of the BEST life ever.
Try metaphysical hypnosis to help you remove fears it works.  Try working from within to manifest without. Visit for more information.

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