Hypnosis is a safe and effective way to stop smoking. Research in the New Scientist Journal demonstrated that hypnosis was the
most effective way to quit smoking compared to the other methods
available. The quit smoking session lasts about 60 -90 minutes.Some people may quit
on the first session. The average is 21 days to change any habit and
smoking is no different. You can stop if you want to.
An hour or so will be spent helping you to understand, at a detailed
level, all about YOUR “belief systems” about smoking, and how your “old
way of thinking” has actually been a “barrier” to you successfully
stopping smoking.
The last thirty minutes of the session utilizes the positive effects
of Hypnosis to help you to make “internal” changes to your thoughts and
feelings about smoking.
When you leave our office, we will have helped you to change your mind-set into that of a “NON-SMOKER”.
The session is individually tailored to YOU rather than just being a
“standard” session in which all smokers go through an identical process.
Ready to quit smoking permanently? Then give it (3) sessions -21 days to become a non smoker
If the answer is YES, then simply give me a call to arrange your stop smoking session. Call (305) 305-2288 for more information or visit my website by clicking HERE
Metaphysical hypnosis is a safe and effective spiritual technique to help you relax and release what no longer serves you. Go within or go without.. Manifesting peace, love, health, happiness, success and prosperity comes from within. K Saunders is a certified hypnosis instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists and trained by Dr. Brian Weiss in past life regression. She is also a tobacco treatment specialist helping many to quit smoking.
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