Tuesday, March 17, 2015

One idea can change your life for the better...forever!

Ideas are what dreams are made of and metaphysical hypnosis can help you tap into an inner wisdom that could change your life.  Everyday we are bombarded with many messages from different sources.  Social media and the media in general has expanded our knowledge base.  This is a good thing...or not?  Many people come to me  because they are bombarded with so many messages it has become overwhelming.  How do you decipher that still small voice?

Let's face it.  Life can be overwhelming.  It can be difficult to sort through all the messages to get to what really matters.  What really matters comes from within...not from the external stimuli and distractions.   Metaphysical hypnosis can help you sift through or in some instances eliminate the mental clutter long enough so you can begin to enjoy life more.  From this space of peace and relaxation it is possible to bring forth ideas and manifest from the infinite possibilities of the subconscious mind.  There have been some simple ideas that have made millions of dollars...like the post it note and Spanx which are ever popular and oft needed;)  The Snuggie is a blanket that sells for around $15.99 and sold over 30 million units.  simple idea. millions of dollars in revenue.
One simple idea can change your life for the better.  It doesn't have to be a million dollar idea either.  Authors and actors use hypnosis to help develop their art.  Winning athletes use hypnosis for focus and concentration.Maybe you just need a simple idea to relax and enjoy what you have! Great start..

Metaphysical hypnosis creates a space to look beyond the activity of the conscious thinking mind.  During a session the body is relaxed but the mind is alert and  hears everything that is said.  I have had clients describe it as a deep feeling of peace and serenity.  Often I'm told they could not remember feeling so relaxed.

Have you  forgotten what it feels like to relax?  Many people are remembering what it feels like to relax with techniques like yoga and meditation.  Hypnosis is another holistic alternative that is relaxing and with a trained facilitator can help you clear you mind and create a space for manifestation.  Call (305) 305-2288 or visit www.amustardseedhealing.com for more information and mention this post and receive one hypnosis session  for only $90.00
Everything in life was created from an idea.  What was your last idea?
If you have used affirmations and they don't seem to be working CLICK HERE! for a link that can take your affirmations to the next level!  Or call (305)305-2288 to schedule a session.
Happy manifesting!

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