Does it make me happy?
Being happy can be a confusing concept and occasionally a little frustrating. Especially since at times it seems so elusive like a butterfly....
Consciously we may want to be happy but sometimes forget what happy even feels like, literally "running around" trying to find that happy "place". It can be a sad situation.
The good news is you can decide at any moment to make happiness a priority. The happier you get some interesting things may begin to happen. Maybe you feel like the proverbial hamster on the wheel, chasing "some thing(s)" except it is always just out of reach...
Reminiscent of Tom Hanks running in Forrest Gump once happy you may decide to just STOP running...
you may no longer want, or need as much tangible outer stuff and you may begin to appreciate what you have and who you are even more. Peace, love, prosperity and happiness begin to flourish when happiness is consciously activated from within, and it lasts longer. When happy some folks find they no longer care so much about Who Moved My Cheese ( great read btw)
they just want out of the trap.
Metaphysical hypnosis can help you tap into that happy space as you begin to realize
while things may add to happiness... they don't provide it.
seek first the kingdom within and everything will manifest to accommodate that happy space

*mandatory recess
Note to Self:
Let go of what doesn't make you feel happy because you do DESERVE to be happy. You DESERVE to succeed and everyday you can wake up SUCCESS-FILLED!
You can remember what happiness feels like
and know when it feels right.
Calm relaxed and in control...welcoming happy in
You always have a choice and in spite of any outer appearances you can choose happiness!
For more information on how hypnosis can help you get your happy back visit
or visit my web store for some recommended reading by CLICKING HERE!
Call (305) 305-2288 to schedule a session
Above all else BE HAPPY!!!
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