Sunday, July 23, 2017

Feeling stuck and unmotivated? Try hypnosis

In a competitive World of human "doers", it is easy to feel stuck. Especially when it seems everyone around you is doing what you think is better than what you are doing.  Metaphysical hypnosis can help you realize the full and unlimited potential that exists within you.  There is this incessant mindless chatter that can affirm negative feelings.  In this materialistic media filled World you can wake up and recognize how beautiful you truly are.  If you could just stop, look around and listen within you will begin to step out of the insanity and into an awareness that the drama is only in your mind.  Life's dramas are often fed through excessive use of social media and watching drama, violence and negative news reports on television.

The good news is there is a way out.  With so much going on some people find it difficult to unplug.  Just the other day a friend  remarked how she left her cell phone at home and something that simple ruined her morning.  I offered her my cell and she gave me a blank stare.  She realized it wasn't needed at the time and is actually usually turned off during an activity like yoga.  After a good laugh she was able to relax. 

We forget that literally everyone has a phone, even the three year old with the pacifier in his mouth.  Little things like unintentionally leaving the phone home can put you into fight or flight response.  The harder you try to unwind the more entangled it may seem you get in your negative thoughts.   On days when the cell phone is inaccessible, lost or broken, the mind can automatically revert to everything that could possibly go wrong.

relax. time to learn a new behavior..

Usually when you do get the phone back you discover you missed that one very important phone call, a solicitor or even more dramatic you were NOT among the first to like and comment on a social media post... gasp!

There is another way.  Metaphysical hypnosis  is a great way to unplug. Unfortunately many people don't understand the importance of unplugging as an option because they have programmed themselves to believe there aren't enough hours in a day and they might "miss" something.  In reality the act of letting go can metaphorically add time and productivity to the day.  Metaphysical hypnosis is a technique that can teach you to remember what it feels like to relax.  The mind and body can "unlearn" the fight or flight response the same way it learned stress and become more receptive to allowing.

Babies know instinctively when it is time to sleep or take a nap.As children grow older they fear missing something and resist resting.  Some grow up to become obsessive adult insomniacs with a mistrust of the universe.  Perhaps it is time to learn to trust again and let go of the fear of missing out on anything. We are all exactly where we are supposed to be.

It all starts right here.  Right now.  

Metaphysical hypnosis can be described as an awakening to to the infinite possibilities in this lifetime.   It all starts from within.  Seek first the kingdom within through meditation or the spiritual practice of metaphysical hypnosis. Remember we are all Divinely guided by that still small voice within.  Metaphysical hypnosis can help you learn to relax, go within and clear the mental chatter so you can hear the guide.

It really is a beautiful world.  Be in in it

For more information on how metaphysical hypnosis can help you release and let go visit
or call (305)305-2288 to schedule an appointment. 

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Fear of the dentist...GONE!

Today was historical!! What is usually a stressful and sometimes downright painful experience for me was not that bad at all.  It was well...kinda fun.
I went in for my periodic dental deep cleaning and mid way through the cleaning I started laughing realizing the sensations in my mouth felt like I was being tickled...

Hypnosis can help you relax  through just about any situation and or circumstance.  Not only can hypnosis help you relax give yourself permission to feel good and accomplish your desired outcomes. 
What a concept!  Relax and accomplish your goals easily and effortlessly with MIND POWER
Stress is actually adrenaline, the stuff that causes teams like the Miami Heat to win games and to go the playoffs. Through focus and concentration adrenaline can be directed to make something as annoying as a visit to the dentist pleasurable.  Maybe not as pleasurable as going to the baseball all star game....but just imagine your pearly whites smiling because you enjoyed a visit to the dentist!