Monday, March 31, 2014

Hypnosis as a tool for spiritual awakening

Awaken spiritually with hypnosis.  Many clients come to me thinking I am going to put them to "sleep", I like to consider the experience as an opportunity to awaken.  From a spiritual standpoint during the hypnotic state there is an opportunity to tap into your inner wisdom.  Society is very noisy and the mind is always bombarded with messages. Some people have difficulty sleeping in the silence and they may need a television or other media sound during sleep time. This is unfortunate because the subconscious mind is always awake and listening, unable to distinguish reality.  I have had clients describe the inability to turn it(noise) off.  Most would not agree to publicly admit that the voices in their head provide an incessant often annoying chatter, however it is a growing concern. To admit it would be to claim insanity.  So many people sleep walk through life missing the very essence of why we are here.
How do we shut it off?  This is the computer age and electronics have more importance than ever, yet even the most complex device requires an occasion reboot.  When was the last time you took the time to reboot your mind? 
I like to refer to metaphysical hypnosis as meditation on steroids.  During my sessions I facilitate a space of quite stillness so my clients can remember or experience what it feels like to relax.  Relaxation is a key within.
There is nothing greater than the ability to tune into that still small voice.
Metaphysical hypnosis can help you relax and tap into your inner wisdom.  Visit 
for more information on how you can awaken to your highest and best self.    Learn how to let go with the use of affirmations through my e book What happens when affiramtions dont work?
Call 305 305-2288 for more information on cultivating your spiritual sanity and tapping into that peace that surpasses understanding.  You will be glad you did! peace

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