Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Get out outta your head and into your mind...that's where the answer is!

This is one of my favorite quotes by Einstein.  It is also another reason why I love hypnosis.  Hypnosis allows you to tap into various states of consciousness to obtain the answers to issues unlike any other metaphysical modality.  If you are willing to show up and do the inner work the powerful creative subconscious mind can reveal answers that help almost anyone move forward. Notice I said almost anyone.  For many years there have been skeptics due to various myths and misconceptions about hypnosis.  Myths like you can be made to do something without your consent.  It's simply not true.  If it were there would be a lot more millions in the World.  Let me reiterate: hypnosis is very safe and effective.
I became a hypnotist because it helped me quit smoking improve my outlook on life.  Once I remembered what it felt like to relax in a different state of consciousness I was hooked.  Hypnosis helped me go deeper into my meditation practice.  Hypnosis helped me see things  differently.  The key to unlocking your greatest potential is not a team sport.  It requires going within, silencing the chatter of the everyday thinking mind.  Hypnosis can unlock that inner awareness to peace love and abundance.  When is the last time you heard that inner voice?  Are you listening? for more information on how hypnosis can help you cal (305) 305-2288 or visit www.amustardseedhealing.com
(pic google brightdrops.com)

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