Sunday, October 30, 2016

Increase sales performance with hypnosis

Successful sales require a love of the product or service you are providing and more importantly a dedication and enthusiasm to meeting your goals and objectives.  The best and often overlooked tools for success in sales are self talk & visualization.  Self hypnosis can help you see yourself as the winner you really are by building confidence from within.  In a hypnosis session you will be able to uncover the mental roadblocks to your success.  Once you bypass what you think the issues are you can get to what really needs to happen to put you in the winners circle.  If you think you are doing everything right, but still somehow you are not meeting your objectives, it is time to go deeper into your own mind and plant some positive suggestions to help you win!  I worked over twenty years is sales and know what it takes to make the numbers and by the numbers I mean money!!  Every sales managers mantra is SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!

Within three sessions hypnosis helped a salesperson who always just "missed" being number one in his district rise in enthusiasm AND in his numbers.  He had always been number one, but suddenly things shifted and he was consistently at number three.  Well, he got comfortable and slacked up.  Without even realizing it he wasn't as committed to being the best.  After awhile he got too comfortable.  Hypnosis helped him get the passion and love for his product and company back.  He remembered what it felt like to be a winner. He discovered some new strategies and ways to get new clients he hadn't thought of before and it WORKED!  As his attitude improved old clients started calling him! It was amazing.  He feels and thinks like a winner and is back on top!

Face it, working in sales can be stressful.  And the harder you try the further away it may seem you are from your goals.  Hypnosis can help you relax and begin to achieve those goals.   Your biggest cheerleader should be you!  Hypnosis is a way to silence the mind chatter and doubt that lurks around you possible telling you that you are less than you really are.  Learn some simple techniques than you can use personally without anyone knowing to boost your morale, expand your enthusiasm and grow your bottom line!

Enthusiasm is contagious and needs to be cultivated everyday.  Hypnosis can help you build a solid foundation for success. In as little as one hour your perspective can change from mediocre to fantastic.  Check out this recording Sales Success, Increase Your Sales & Income you can listen to in a quiet place and home or in your office for sales motivation.  Make sure you are in a quiet place and not driving or operation machinery.  Sit back and relax or make an appointment to see a hypnotist in person.

When your perspective changes in a positive way, everything around you changes for the better...including your sales numbers!

Go within and cultivate sales success.  

Friday, October 28, 2016

Can hypnosis enhance spirituality?

Hypnosis is another door within. Just like yoga, meditation, visualization and guided imagery, hypnosis bypasses the conscious thinking mind to access the subconscious.  Many religions and spiritual schools teach their followers processes similar to hypnosis.  The idea is to go within.   In order to achieve balance in body, mind and spirit,  the use of techniques that are based on relaxation, breathing and suggestion are paramount. Metaphysical hypnosis incorporates all of these techniques and more...
One of the more interesting sessions involved a conservative executive who came to see me for relaxation.  During the session I asked him a few questions when he got into deep relaxation and because he seemed to be uncomfortable.  Evidently he had been engaging a spiritual practice that no one knew about aside from his spouse and a few confidantes.  During his session he got some unexpected answers to some questions he had been seeking.  It took some convincing,  but he finally relaxed and told me what was happening. Seek and ye shall find...

With the guidance of trained facilitator and ordained metaphysical minister Karen Saunders spirituality can be enhanced through metaphysical hypnosis.  The process of metaphysical hypnosis takes you deeper within the subconscious mind.  This is where all the answers are said to be.
You can also download a great guided self hypnosis exercise called Talk To God Hypnosis Develop Deeper Spirituality & Higher States Of Consciousness With Theta Binural Beats by clicking HERE
Anna Thompson does a great job of guiding you through the spiritual hypnosis process and you can do this in the privacy of your home or office.  For a more personal experience seek a qualified hypnotist who specializes in spirituality.

Past life regression is probably the most popular spiritual hypnosis practice and Dr. Brian Weiss has a CD called Spiritual Progress Through Regression which is very good.  

The process can be likened to a tour of your inner self.  A dive into the ocean of your mind where there are waves of inspiration and the tide is unpredictable.  You never know what you might find however the journey is always helpful.  For more information visit. or call (305) 305-2288.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Law of Attraction, Relaxing and Removing Blocks with Hypnosis

Do you feel stuck?  Are you offering a negative vibration of something that happened in your past?  Is it possible that negative vibration could be blocking the manifestation of your best life?  The law of attraction is based on the idea of finding a positive thought vibration and holding that vibration until that which you desire manifests.  Sometimes it seems difficult to manifest through the law of attraction because you are not in alignment with the positive vibration, or as Abraham would describe it, you are not in the vortex.  If you are practicing the law of attraction and find it difficult to manifest your desired outcome, don't give up. Try metaphysical hypnosis.

According to the collective consciousness of Abraham it is possible to offer a negative vibration of something that happened twenty years ago. wow. It is also possible to not  even remember what the situation is that happened that cause you to beat the drum of not enough.  As humans it is our  nature to want to know what that situation is, maybe to churn it, analyze it,  perhaps even understand it.  Even though it may not matter when practicing the law of attraction, it certainly will not hurt to uncover past events and move forward esp. if you feel stuck.  A past life regression can help you to recall a situation, clear the emotions and move forward.  If you are using the law of attraction and having difficulty aligning with the positive aspects in your life, hypnosis can help you get out of your head and into alignment with your highest consciousness.

In the book, Think and Grow Rich(1937),  Napoleon Hill suggests meditation with your master mind group. The best master mind group meeting occurs in your own relaxed mind. If you find it hard to meditate and/or difficult to relax and use you imagination, hypnosis can hep you to tap into your inner awareness and plant positive suggestions to help you achieve your goals. Hypnosis is natural, safe and effective. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Hypnosis Training And National Certification - Group and Private Classes

Begin a new career and/or enhance your current personal or professional goals as a Certified Hypnotist. Hypnosis is rewarding and you can earn income while helping family and friends. Everyone, including you, no matter what your profession, can benefit by utilizing hypnosis techniques.

The next certification class begins soon.
Learn techniques to help people with issues like:
•  stop smoking
• weight
• self esteem
• focus and concentration
• stress reduction
• fears and phobias
and much more...

The class utilizes interactive hands on training with demonstrations, explanations and detailed marketing techniques to help you build a clientele. This class is suitable for professionals as well as beginners.

Host Karen Saunders, a National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) Trainer brings years of experience in training and assisting people with hypnosis, life coaching and alternative healing modalities.
This certification is approved by the NGH, and includes a one year membership to the Guild.
Ask about private instruction and/or mentoring options to help grow your practice.
Call (305) 305-2288 today for more information, or visit

Reasons Why You Should Learn Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a wonderful tool almost anyone can use to improve their lifestyle. The following are just a few examples of how hypnosis can help you..
  • CEO's of major corporations use hypnosis to set clear intentions and goals.  They also use hypnosis for the relaxation benefits it provides and to reduce stress.
  • Athletes use hypnosis for peak performance in sports.  Hypnosis assists in focus and concentration.  Students  use hypnosis to pass exams and enhance their retention during study.
  • Kids use hypnosis to release fears, improve school work and reduce exam stress so they can pass.
  • Adults use hypnosis to overcome addictive behaviors like smoking and worrying.
  • Metaphysical hypnosis provides a great introduction to meditation.

When is the last time you really relaxed and felt happy?  If you can't seem to remember...
Hypnosis can help!

Train to be professional hypnotist in as little as one week.  Supplement your income or have a full time practice.  Help your friends and family with safe natural and effective hypnosis techniques.
Call (305) 305-2288 for more information. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Could The Miami Dolphins Could Use Some HELP? What About The Dolfans...

Sports hypnosis has enhanced the ability to win for some of the best athletes in the World.  The power of positive intention can turn almost any situation around.  If the individual and/ or team is determined to win they can and will win.  However, often the coaches and/or trainers  get caught up so physically in the game they forget or negate the mental conditioning that is required to win! Hypnosis can help.  Right now the Miami Dolphins are facing a losing season and the fans are not happy.  It is kinda difficult to please the most appeasing fans but it becomes a daunting struggle when the fans get obnoxious. So how does Miami create a a WIN WIN situation?

1)The team is probably in fight or flight response but who should they be fighting the opponents or the fans?  
The correct answer is neither. The key to winning is the ability to focus on the goal... 

If you have done all you can do to physically and strategically prepare, and things still aren't going your way. Time to go within.  Individually AND Collectively. 

At game time the only things that matter are the ability to relax, 
remain calm, clear and focused on the goal of winning...that's IT! 
 CHILL and you got this..
It is easy to get distracted when literally thousands of folks are calling you a loser.  They don't matter.  The media NOT matter.  The only thing that matters is the voice that is guiding you from within.  That voice should  reassure you that no matter what you can and will turn this thing around and WIN!!!

 2) The fans should treat the team like any other relationship with some love and support.  If your spouse had a bad day would you scream and yell or show up at home with paper bag over your head?
OK don't answer that...this is about taking one for the team.  Try to be supportive, just a little..

Hypnosis can help you tap into the power of listening to that voice.  What are you saying to yourself?  Are you agreeing with the naysayers OR are you focused on the win?  Hypnosis is a safe and effective way to cultivate the mental stamina required to win and the compassion to grow if you're not.  If your current game plan and/or coach isn't not be afraid to try something different!
So how can Miami create a WIN WIN!

Sports hypnosis can not only help in football it can help with any sport, from the sofa warrior to the little league pitcher and can help with achieving any goal in between.  Just like you condition the body it is important to condition the mind.  Daily exercise is important and consistently working with a mind coach is the key to success. Try hypnosis it works.   CLICK HERE for more info on how hypnosis can help you.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Studies Show Approximately 70% of Americans Are NOT Happy At WORK!

More than half of all Americans don't like their jobs.  WOW. That is a LOT of people!  Just imagine all these unhappy people everyday driving on our roads and highways, pissed off, cutting us off in traffic, cussing and honking and.. it really has nothing to do with you.  sighs.  Wait a minute...may be the pissed off person IS you...if you recognize this analogy CLICK HERE make an appointment and get help to relax.

Money is an important aspect of our lives, and for most folks that means we gotta WORK!  Some people are fortunate enough to work in a place with a supportive boss and really nice coworkers.  However studies show approximately 70% of people are NOT happy at work! The stats are staggering and whats even more interesting is that most of these people are unwilling to change jobs or careers.  They are STUCK!!
Hopefully you are among the 30% that are happy at work.

If you are not happy you should try hypnosis for stress reduction and relaxation.  Hypnosis can help you step out of your humdrum everyday existence into an inner awareness of just how great life is or supposed to be.  Perhaps you have forgotten that LIFE IS GREAT!  It may be hard to remember this when you do the same thing everyday, every day the same thing.  After awhile you begin to believe the madness.  The good news is it is possible to step out of that miserable reality you have created and co create something new even exciting and it starts within you.  Metaphysical hypnosis is a spiritual approach to tapping into peace, love and prosperity.  One session and you'll be hooked.  After several sessions you will wonder why you took so long to try it!  One client after a few sessions was so relaxed the boss asked if she was "on something".  The answer should have been YES, high on LIFE!  It feels so good to trust the Universe.

It's not about the nasty boss or the gossipy co worker.  What matters and what's important is that you be HAPPY!  Happiness is a choice and once planted in the subconscious mind can be cultivated and will grow.  Happiness is an inside job.  Once you remember what it feels like to be happy you will relax and make better decisions.  Who knows? You may decide to update your resume or explore that business you have always dreamed about.  Or you may decide to not engage the office negativity and enjoy the paycheck.  It's all in how you perceive it.

Visit the website at for more information and then (305)305-2288 for and appointment today!  Hypnosis is safe, natural and effective and most importantly it WORKS!

If you want to try hypnosis in the privacy of your own home or click HERE for a link to a great relaxation experience. The call for an appointment for the real deal..