When I first heard about the power of affirmations I was so excited! I had heard the concept before...as a matter of fact a theme repeated often during my younger years was "what your mind can conceive you can achieve." What a concept! If there was something desired by simply thinking about it...it could manifest? I was ready to ride this rodeo of positive affirmations and wonderful manifestations of good. But not so fast cowgirl...there was something missing...I grew up in what was considered a not so great part of town and I was considered a "minority". Minor is not a way to describe success filled dreams. I was not so thin and not so perfect. There were literally thousands of reasons why this concept would not work. Intellectually it didn't seem possible. The odds seemed to be against me as well as several people. I persisted anyway. Oftentimes failing miserably in my ignorance to succeed.
Thank the universe that ignorance can be considered bliss;) core word IGNORE!!!
Success sometimes includes over indulgences like working too much, drinking and eating too much and thinking waaaay too much. Life also comes with comparisons, analyzing and a whole lot of judgement. While I continued affirming that I could be and do anything imaginable there were many folks who disagreed with me(some of them very close to me sighs). I was unaware that a part of me agreed with them as well(sad face). Who was I to think I could be great? Who was I to succeed? Marianne Williamson said our deepest fear wasn't failure, our deepest fear was being powerful beyond measure. As a children of the Universe we are designed to be happy. God wants us HAPPY!
Fears are often hidden beneath a veil of perceived confidence. There are folks that walk around affirming how great their life is, but upon further introspection they may be miserable..Is this you??
Say it isn't so!!!
By releasing the past we are free to embrace the present. Its a gift...freedom is a wonderful feeling!
Hypnosis can help you get to the core of fear. Some folks think a past life regression is some far out phenomenon in woo woo land. Actually I define a past life experience as any moment that is not in the present. We can never get this moment back so it's all in the past. Often something in this lifetime in the not so distant past(like childhood memories) created the very fear that is holding you back. In an effort to protect you, the mind has buried the actual fear or roadblock to success in the subconscious...you just forgot and can't remember. Hypnosis can help you remember.....so you can consciously forget...forget being afraid. Forget about the naysayers. Remember how great you were created. Remember to live. Remember to just be happy.
Affirm what is good and release what no longer serves you....combine hypnosis and affirmations to enhance your goals. The two together form a dynamic duo reaching deep within to manifest outward.
Relax and repeat...I am prosperous I am healthy I am at peace I am love and loved I have everything I need and all is well...
For more information on how to use affirmations for success and manifestation click HERE and check out my book on amazon.com or call (305) 305-2288 for more information.