If I told you a simple way to help you stop smoking, would you at least give it a try? One thing I tell all of my clients who want to quit smoking is that the cigarette manufacturers are very smart people. They have created an industry worth billions based on a very simple need every human has. The need to breathe. Breathing is simply NOT an OPTION. Every moment we are either inhaling or exhaling with a pause in between. Most of the time the breath is breathing you, because you aren't paying any attention to it. Thank goodness the body is made so brilliant. Stop for a moment if you already haven't and take a really deep breath...again...just become aware of that amazing life force of air.
Make a note to yourself....just breathe!
Take as much AIR as you want. IT"S FREE!!!also lots of WATER again IT"S FREE!
The picture below is of a normal lung and one of a smoker. (photo courtesy tocancer.com)
If you are like most people (warm blooded and alive) you walk around all day breathing pretty shallow. Medical studies say we only use a fraction of our lung capacity and brain capacity(that's another issue) Then something happens. stress. life. all of a sudden you may realize that you are NOT breathing. Just how long have you been holding your breath hunched over that computer screen?
This thing happens that is pretty much involuntarily where when confronted by stress, fear, worry or concern where the body tenses up and the breath becomes very shallow.
It is during these times when smokers have what is known as a craving, the powerful desire to intake carcinogenic toxins into one's body.
The urge to take a really deep BREATH!
Here is the kicker. What if you began to pay more attention to the breath. Honor the life affirming breath that is the gift of life. Instead of taking a drag of the thousands of cancer causing chemicals in a cigarette, take a deep breath of clean fresh air. Go ahead try it!
Take a really deeeep breath of fresh air and hold it. Purse your lips like you would if you smoked but only take in clean air. repeat. again. Also give yourself a hand massage as you breathe deeply. just learn to relax naturally. According to this acupuncture websiteclick here there are some points on the body that help to stop smoking click here for more details or see a local acupuncturist for more info. Try tapping or massaging these points while you breathe deeply.
The average craving for those chemical only lasts a few minutes so if you can keep breathing deeply the craving will disappear. Begin gently and mindfully. It is mind boggling how many smokers I see who get dizzy on fresh air. lol
The more you remember to breathe clean fresh air and pass on the cigs the closer you are to becoming a non smoker.
Each day replace cigarettes with this simple habit. The more you breathe the easier it will become. Don't wait for a stressful moment wake up each morning and honor life with a deep deep breath.
You can't live without it.
Hypnosis can help you stop smoking Click here for more information.
*remember to consult your medical before trying any health related suggestions.
For more support and to find out how hypnosis can help you call (305) 305-2288
Metaphysical hypnosis is a safe and effective spiritual technique to help you relax and release what no longer serves you. Go within or go without.. Manifesting peace, love, health, happiness, success and prosperity comes from within. K Saunders is a certified hypnosis instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists and trained by Dr. Brian Weiss in past life regression. She is also a tobacco treatment specialist helping many to quit smoking.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
The Miami Herald is reporting that E-Cigs contain nicotene and cancer causing chemicals
Many people have turned to the latest smoking craze which is the e-cig or electronic cigarette. While waiting for a delayed flight in an airport last year a guy sat next to me who pulled out an e-cig and began to puff away. He appeared appeared apprehensive like a toddler engaging in some forbidden behavior. It was interesting to watch what appeared to be a glass version of a cigarette light up at the tip as he inhaled. While it didn't "smell" it was rather comical and creepy to watch. I wondered what would drive such behavior as he kept looking around as if he was waiting for security to tap him on the shoulder and confiscate his "stash". Much worse I wondered what he was actually inhaling. The truth is now surfacing and as the e-cig gains in popularity the dangers are being revealed. This article reveals some astonishing facts about the e-cig http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/07/26/4256849/e-cigarettes-colorful-cherry-flavored.html
What seemed like a great idea may be deadly as well. There are many options to help you become a non smoker.
Click on this link for loads of free information on how you can become a nonsmoker http://www.tobaccofreeflorida.com/
Friday, July 25, 2014
Can you imagine being able to remember everything?
Can you imagine having a photographic memory? Friends and team mates of LeBron James describe his ability to recall events as remarkable. This is a great ESPN article on James who may have what is called an "eidetic memory". Everyone is not so lucky to be able to remember things. It speaks of how he is able to recall an extraordinary amount of information and how that can both a blessing and a curse. To read the article go here:
lebron photo goggle
Hypnosis can help you recall events from the past that may be stored in your vast memory bank. You may be able to recall where you put a lost object or remember something that help you . Hypnosis can even help you relax enough to pass an important exam. Click here for more information
lebron photo goggle
Hypnosis can help you recall events from the past that may be stored in your vast memory bank. You may be able to recall where you put a lost object or remember something that help you . Hypnosis can even help you relax enough to pass an important exam. Click here for more information
How high can you fly? (how hypnosis can help with fear of flying and other issues)
Many people shy away from past life regression because they think it always involves going to some far away mystical (and maybe a little scary) place in the past. This is this not always true. When I went to study with Dr. Brian Weiss this was one of the questions I wanted to ask him. I had been doing regressions for awhile and many of my clients would go to childhood experiences during their sessions. Some of them would actually be disappointed, they expected this grandiose experience, with an amazing story line. This does happen but it may take some sessions to get there, after all patience is a virtue my dears. The subconscious mind is very powerful, once conscious thinking is bypassed the mind will go where the healing needs to take place. This is one reason why meditation is so effective, you actually relax. Often something has happened or was heard in the past that has an impact on present issues. One purpose of a regression is to get to the core of an issue...
where it first started.
For example one person with a fear of flying had a story which began as a small child on one of those small prop type planes. You might remember the planes with the loud humming and sputtering engines. There was an airline in Miami called Chalks and the planes took off and landed on water. While traveling from one small island to another in the Caribbean this small child was excited and filled with innocent wonder and anticipation as they boarded the plane. Accompanied by a close adult relative the child felt safe and protected. Then something happened...TURBULENCE! The innocent child wasn't fearful at all, it felt like a typical ride at any theme park. The adult however FREAKED OUT! In hypnosis the client described an adult who was frantic and tearfully praying for their lives, making the sign of the cross and gripping a Rosary as the plane encountered some air pockets. The memories of fear and anxiety over what was happening were re-experienced.
Children are like sponges and as the adult became more fearful the child reacted to the emotions and became fearful as well. The scene created a negative imprint in the subconscious mind of the child. The observant child picked up on the discomfort and it remained stored in the memory banks. The fear did not surface until many years later. This person had been flying many times and then all of a sudden finds it fearful. This could be the minds way of saying it is time to release this fear. It is said when the student is ready the teacher will appear. Fear is a great teacher. Perhaps it should be embraced and explored as opposed to being pushed away. The inner child has stored years of memories. In the hypnotic state a memory can be recalled and the person can integrate the feelings of the inner child. Children are often unable to speak for themselves to express their feelings and emotions. As adults we can let go. Many adults are walking around fearful, not knowing why. Perhaps a wounded child within is just waiting to be loved. That person was happy to report the next flight they took was a more pleasant childlike experience. It is written lest ye become a child can you enter the kingdom...
Any moment preceding this moment is past. Each second our cells are changing as our life is changing. Hopefully we are changing for the better. As we are unconsciously shedding and releasing fears, old worn out beliefs and anything that no longer serves us, there is always the opportunity to consciously grow in the wisdom and understanding of the BEST life ever.
Try metaphysical hypnosis to help you remove fears it works. Try working from within to manifest without. Visit http://amustardseedhealing.com/ for more information.
Monday, July 21, 2014
A jury in Florida awarded a widow of a smoker $23.6B in damages! Smoking is deadly and hypnosis can help you quit
Attorney Willie Gary represented a widow who was recently awarded $23.6B in damages from R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. the second largest tobacco company.Gary is reported as saying if we don't get a dime, that's OK, if we can make a difference and save some lives. Kudos Counselor! To read more about this award CLICK HERE
It is proven that cigarette smoking can kill you. Hypnosis can help you to stop smoking and possibly add years to your life. For more information on how hypnosis can help you visit http://www.amustardseedhealing.net/hypnosis-for-quitting-smoking.html
It is proven that cigarette smoking can kill you. Hypnosis can help you to stop smoking and possibly add years to your life. For more information on how hypnosis can help you visit http://www.amustardseedhealing.net/hypnosis-for-quitting-smoking.html
Monday, July 14, 2014
Have you forgotten what it feels like to relax? Hypnosis can help
Most of my clients awaken feeling renewed and rejuvenated after just one hypnosis session. Others may take a little more time to realize or should I say recognize and remember what it feels like to relax. Small children relax naturally, they learn, they play and then they fall asleep when they are tired. Have you ever come home from work feeling totally exhausted but so uptight you can't seem to relax? Perhaps you have forgotten what it feels like to relax. Hypnosis can help you experience and "relearn" what it feels like to just let go and relax. It is written when you become child like, you enter into heaven.
Hypnosis can allow you to experience a slice of heaven right here on earth. During a hypnosis session you will hear and remember everything so there is no need to worry that you will lose control or that you might do something against your will. That is among the many hypnosis myths, you are always in control. Some clients find that they not only forgot how to relax, relaxing actually frightens them! CONTROL GEEKS!!! You probably know one or two folks that are like the internet...always on and a little bit uptight? maybe you are one that is wound up like a knot.
The good news is that with the right hypnosis facilitator you can relax, And a relaxed mind is a more productive mind. A relaxed mind can cultivate a healthier lifestyle and hopefully a better life overall. For more information on how hypnosis can help you relax click here
For books I recommend CLICK HERE
Photo from quotesvalley.com
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Why there is no reason to fear metaphysical hypnosis
Metaphysical hypnosis is a simple yet profound process. It is the journey within and with help of an experienced practitioner it can be the most powerful and rewarding journey you every embark upon. Did you know that the subconscious mind is said to hold around 90% of the information in your mind? There is nothing to fear as you are always in control and if the process seems overwhelming be gentle with yourself. This is a journey that is not to be forced. Choose your hypnotic guide wisely and be certain your goals are aligned before you begin. What is it you want to know? Are there any decisions that need to be made? and most importantly...what are your fears? If you are afraid of the dark perhaps there is something in your past that perpetuated this fear and it is possible to overcome that and step into the light. A metaphysical hypnotist is a facilitator/interpreter who has experienced life from a physical as well as a spiritual point of personal introspection. Many fears are born of a religious or spiritual nature and it it important that your facilitator be open to discuss your background. Are you atheist or monotheist or do you believe in many gods and/or goddesses? Your religious or spiritual background can help the hypnotist help you to have the best session possible. Perhaps you have encountered a situation or circumstance in which your spiritual values are conflicted and you carry some guilt or shame. A metaphysical hypnotist can help you sort through the issues so you can release these feelings and move forward with you best life. A metaphysical hypnotist is not a counselor or therapist and can help facilitate the inner awareness of the super conscious. The super conscious is often referred to as the higher power.
Karen Saunders is a ordained metaphysical minister who specializes in helping you reaching your goals from within your own creative and powerful subconscious mind. Visit her website at www.amustardseedhealing.com photo: google
Friday, July 11, 2014
How to step out of the "busy-ness" into a state of blissfulness with hypnosis
Metaphysical hypnosis is an alternative method of tapping into one's inner wisdom. Often in the "busy-ness" of a typical day there isn't enough emphasis placed on the art of relaxation. Little or no time is spent cultivating peace. From a spiritual standpoint it is important to cultivate some "me" time. The excuses are many and range from, I don't have time to slow down, or to stop and relax, to I don't even know where to begin. It is very easy to become comfortable with the discomforts of everyday life. As the stress mounts day by day it can be like a tea kettle that begins as cold water set on a stove top. ..just chillin'. Once the fire is lit underneath the container the molecules begin to change. it's getting hot in here. Everyday our molecules are changing as we experience this journey called life. It is beneficial to step out of the fire periodically and allow the "cool" down. Metaphysical hypnosis can help you do just that. In a one hour session you can relax renew and begin to rejuvenate your mind and your body. The process is simple and effective. It is a process of self renewal and with the help of a facilitator from A Mustard Seed Healing you can begin to remember bliss. photo from quoteswave.com
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Hypnosis is like meditation on steroids
So I don't mean this literally, but of course you understand what I am trying to convey. Hypnosis can provide the same benefits as meditation and even more...Have you ever tried to meditate but simply could not shut out the noisy monkeys that seem to live in your brain? Then try hypnosis! In just one hypnosis session you can experience the benefits of mindfulness and begin to manifest a better life. I believe hypnosis is another gateway to that inner wisdom everyone should tap into. Recently the benefits of meditation have gone mainstream, but some folks just haven't been able to reap the rewards that is until now. I have helped hundreds of people relax and renew their minds with hypnosis. A one hour session with hypnotist Karen Saunders can be described as a mental massage, a time of renewal and rejuvenation. Some people begin to sleep better than they have in years! As your body relaxes so can your mind and as your mind and body relax together...well let's just call it a slice of nirvana. If you feel you can't meditate don't take my word for it, book a session and give yourself the gift of mental relaxation. CLICK HERE for more information on how hypnosis can help you relax and let go. Visit www.amustardseedhealing.net to learn about how hypnosis can help you achieve your goals. photo from Google
Monday, July 7, 2014
Becoming a non smoker requires willpower and hypnosis can help!
Willpower is needed to stop smoking and hypnosis is not a magic bullet but it can greatly reduce or eliminate the cravings and/or withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting. There are also natural alternatives that can help as well. Hypnosis can help you quit smoking in the privacy of your home by using hypnosis recordings. CLICK HERE for a hypnosis recording than make the process of becoming a non smoker easier. Or to see me in person at your home or office go CLICK HERE The process is simple easy and effective. Many people can quit smoking in as little as one hour. Although for some folks they may need more than one session. Either way I believe that any habit can be changed in 21 days(three sessions). If you smoke more than a pack a day be gentle with yourself. Think about it...if you have been smoking for years isn't a 21 day investment worth potentially adding more years to your life? Quit smoking and WIN at LIFE!!!
Saturday, July 5, 2014
How metaphysical hypnosis can help you
When you have decided to make a change in your life the Universe responds. It is said prayer is talking to God and meditation is how God talks back. To trust that everything needed is always provided it is necessary to get out of the way to allow the blessings to flow. The blessings flow as Divine ideas. This usually means having some type of spiritual practice like meditation to be able to hear that still small voice which is trying to get your attention. Many people believe they simply cannot meditate. And this may be true since most of society is extremely noisy. Some folks thrive on the external stimulus of sound as a source of comfort and even think of noise as peace. Real peace and comfort come from within. Metaphysical hypnosis can help you to tap into your inner awareness, that place where peace beyond understanding exists. To find out more about how metaphysical hypnosis can help you in Miami Florida CLICK HERE and to explore hypnosis right now CLICK HERE!
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Learn to meditate in your home or office
I meet many people who believe they can not meditate. The reasons vary and can be very simple to overcome. As a hypnotist I find there is a correlation between the hypnotic state and meditation. Both methods are based on bypassing the conscious thinking mind which is always judging and analyzing situations and circumstances. Both meditation and hypnosis are techniques which tap into the subconscious. The subconscious mind is a very powerful creative source of information and knowledge which can assist you in achieving goals. I like to describe hypnosis as focused concentration and as a metaphysical hypnotist I am the facilitator helping you to pinpoint any obstacles to your desired outcome. One reason some people find it hard to meditate is due to childhood issues. If you have ever been sent to your room a form of punishment or put on "time out" for "bad" behavior it may be difficult to meditate. With hypnosis I can help you relax and meditate in the comfort of your home or office. Call Karen Saunders at 305 305-2288 for more information or visit www.amustardseedhealing.com for more information.
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