The period of falling asleep can be highly suggestible state so be mindful
of what you fall asleep listening to. While quite surroundings are the ideal situation many people are accustomed to falling asleep with some type of noise like television. The subconscious mind
which does not differentiate between good and bad nor reality and stores memories as fact, therefore it is possible to pick up fears, etc.
while sleeping which are very realistic in the subconscious mind. Many things can arise from falling asleep while watching the television. There are many examples of this so be especially mindful of what you watch or think just before falling asleep. The subconscious mind is always awake and listening. Studies show that during portions of the sleep cycle the conscious mind is resting therefore not monitoring or filtering what is reality. Hypnosis is a state of sleep. And I like to define hypnosis as focused concentration. During hypnosis it is possible to tap into the subconscious and uncover the core issue of fears and phobias, many of these fears are media based. You can help determine your reality...
Five tips to help you sleep better:
1) Turn off the television before you go to sleep. If you find this difficult due to past conditioning, at least set it on a positive program with positive messages, sans commercials if possible.
2) Set some positive intentions just before falling asleep. This will give your subconscious mind something to work on. Perhaps there is a issue you need resolved, write it down, or journal, then hold a positive intention for the outcome. Many issues can be resolved in the dream state without you even realizing it!
3)Consciously resolve any conflicts by visualizing a positive outcome.
4) Remind yourself of the calmness and tranquility sleep brings.
5) Relax! This is the for natural healing to occur.
Try hypnosis is Miami Florida at A Mustard Seed Healing, llc. Karen Saunders is a certified hypnotist and a trainer with the National Guild of Hypnotists. Visit the website at
Metaphysical hypnosis is a safe and effective spiritual technique to help you relax and release what no longer serves you. Go within or go without.. Manifesting peace, love, health, happiness, success and prosperity comes from within. K Saunders is a certified hypnosis instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists and trained by Dr. Brian Weiss in past life regression. She is also a tobacco treatment specialist helping many to quit smoking.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Friday, December 6, 2013
Get Motivated to Exercise With Hypnosis
Hypnosis can help you get in that exercise you have been putting off. After just one session many have reported they have simply decided to take the time to exercise. After all there is plenty of time...isn't there? Hypnosis bypasses the conscious thinking mind and gives the subconscious mind beneficial suggestions. For example you have decided now is the time to get in your best shape ever BUT, somehow you have convinced yourself you do not have the time to go to the gym. In the relaxing hypnotic state the wonderful subconscious mind can creatively create a new way to achieve the desired results. Perhaps you will realize you actually do not like the gym but can burn sufficient calories by walking more throughout the day. Hypnosis can help you actually release the mental blocks to achieving your goals. Try Hypnosis it works! Karen Saunders is a certified hypnotist and instructor with the National Guild Of Hypnotists and sees clients at A Mustard Seed Healing
in Miami Florida the phone number is305 305-2288

Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Fake It Till You Make It With Hypnosis
There are
many critics of hypnosis and most of those critics have fears that are are based on myths. The most common myth is that a person can be
made to do something against his or her will.
This is not ethical. The process of hypnosis is a way to tap into the power of the subconscious.
The subconscious mind controls many of our bodily functions like the heart beat and it also stores
memories. The subconscious mind is said
to store everything that has ever happened to us. How powerful! The subconscious mind would be the hard drive to our mental computer with the ability to recall why
fears and or phobias started and release any limitations to achieving goals. The conscious mind however is very limited in
its capacity. Imagine having the ability
to bypass the thinking, judging limited conscious mind. Imagine being able to reveal the greater possibilities
blow the egoistic surface. Hypnosis can be defined
as focused concentration. In the hypnotic state it is possible to manifest
abundantly. There is a statement “fake
it till you make it”. Hypnosis is a
way to mentally “fake it till you make it".
In this very relaxed state your mind can begin the process of achieving your
desired outcome. Try hypnosis…it works. Karen Saunders is a certified hypnotist in Miami Florida and a hypnosis trainer with the Nation Guild of Hypnotists. She has helped many people relax let go and achieve their goals. A Mustard Seed Healing is located in Miami Florida.
fears and phobias,
life coach Miami,
public speaking,
stop smoking,
weight loss,
weight reduction
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Hypnoband Session A Virtual Weight Loss Experience
The Hypo-Band is a hypnosis experience that offers the benefits of weight reduction without actually having surgery. It can be considered virtual surgery. The revolutionary Hypo-Band system devised by Scotsman John Maclean is a virtual gastric
band weight loss system designed to help you make permanent changes to your eating
habits enabling you to lose weight and keep it off.For more information visit A Mustard Seed Hypnosis to find out how to use the power of your mind to get in your best shape ever. The process takes several visits and the results are great. If you are !00% committed to weight loss give hypnosis a try! This is not a medical treatment and you should consult with your physician regarding this technique.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Relax With Hypnosis at A Mustard Seed Healing in Miami
Would you like to learn how to really relax?Hypnosis can help you! Dr. Karen Saunders is a hypnotist in Miami Florida specializing in helping you to relax, let go and achieve your goals.
Today’s pace of life is being run at a hectic speed and it’s all too easy to allow
everyday stresses to get on top of you. If you don’t learn to deal with stress then
it can have a dramatic effect on your ability to cope with life, leaving you feeling
irritable or short tempered.
A fifty minute session at my office will help you to experience the deepest levels
of relaxation during which you will be able to forget all of the worries and concerns
that pervade your life, and also to gain a new perspective on problems and concerns.
Hypnosis is excellent for helping you to “internalize” during which you will be able
to “re- connect” with yourself.
You really won’t believe just how relaxed it is possible to be, and how beneficial
relaxation can be as a general life skill. Call Dr. Karen Saunders TODAY! She is an instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists and has trained with Dr. Brian Weiss in past life regression.
highest good,
letting go,
life coach Miami,
Miami hypnotist,
negative beliefs,
release negative emotions,
stress management,
stress reduction
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Paris Jackson Suicide Attempt: Is Suicide A Sin?
Paris Jackson Suicide Attempt: Is Suicide A Sin?
There are natural ways to calm the mind with the use of holistic and alternative methods. Speak with your doctor about natural ways to heal.
There are natural ways to calm the mind with the use of holistic and alternative methods. Speak with your doctor about natural ways to heal.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Gain Confidence in Public Speaking at A Mustard Seed Healing
Public speaking is on the biggest fears many people have. Just the thought of getting in front of a crowd to speak will elevate the stress level, increase the heart rate and start the sweat flowing from the palms to the forehead. Before you get all stirred up about your next work related presentation or that church social where you have been asked to speak, learn to relax with hypnosis. Hypnosis can help you improve your ability to speak publicly in as little one session. Hypnosis has been defined as focused concentration and in this relaxed state you are able to receive beneficial suggestions to improve or release in areas where improvement is necessary. Contact in Miami Florida by clicking the link or cal (305) 305-2288 for more information on how hypnosis can help you!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Hypnosis can help with exams and testing
Preparing for an exam can be stressful and actually taking the exam adds additional stress. Hypnosis can help you remain calm and focused while taking school exams. Hypnosis is defined as focused concentration and many people complain that while they actually know the material they are being tested on, when it comes time to the exam they become anxious and nervous. Karen Saunders at A Mustard Seed Healing in Miami is a trained hypnotist and Certified hypnosis instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists. During hypnosis session you are in a relaxed state and given suggestions that will help you be focused and clear minded during the actual exam. You will no longer be nervous because you will be confident and prepared. Hypnosis can make a difference in your confidence level the day of the exam and can also help you be prepared as you study. Stop stressing and relax! You can pass your exam with confidence by using hypnosis.The session begins with some questions to align the goals. Then the relaxation begins. Hypnosis is completely safe and all natural. Many actors, athletes and people from all walks of life use hypnosis as an easy way to focus and accomplish goals.
CLICK HERE for more information and to make appointment today!
CLICK HERE for more information and to make appointment today!
Monday, February 11, 2013
Overcome That Fear Of Flying
Hypnosis is defined as "a focused state of concentration". In this safe and relaxed state it is possible to overcome many fears and phobias. The fear of flying can be overcome with hypnosis. Are you delaying seeing the World
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Conquer the Doral Blue Monster Golf Course with hypnosis
Did you know hypnosis can help you improve your golf game? It is reported that Jack Nicholas and Tiger Woods both used hypnosis and there is no denying they are champion golfers. The Trump National Doral Miami is now hosting the World Championships- Cadillac Championships golfing event with such greats as Tiger Woods teeing off for an reported $9 million.
(Photo credit Brad Barr of USA Today Sports)
The winner will receive a reported $1.6 million. Hypnosis is a state of focused concentration and relaxation and great golfers are focused. If it works for champions hypnosis can work for you. Hypnosis can help you become an even greater golfer. In the hypnotic, relaxed state of mind state you are able to tap into the sub conscious mind and create some amazing results. Hypnosis has helped many athletes at different skill levels and hypnosis can help you. Try hypnosis it works! Visit for more information on how hypnosis can help you. Hypnosis is safe, effective and the office is conveniently located in Miami, Florida.
(Photo credit Brad Barr of USA Today Sports)
The winner will receive a reported $1.6 million. Hypnosis is a state of focused concentration and relaxation and great golfers are focused. If it works for champions hypnosis can work for you. Hypnosis can help you become an even greater golfer. In the hypnotic, relaxed state of mind state you are able to tap into the sub conscious mind and create some amazing results. Hypnosis has helped many athletes at different skill levels and hypnosis can help you. Try hypnosis it works! Visit for more information on how hypnosis can help you. Hypnosis is safe, effective and the office is conveniently located in Miami, Florida.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Learn To Eat Your Vegetables and Love Them
Do you hate vegetables? Does the thought of eating broccoli create stress in your life? You are not alone, as a matter of fact the 41st President of the United States George W. Bush didn't like broccoli. While broccoli and green veggies supply many nutrients and are great for our health many people simply do not like them. Hypnosis can help you develop a taste for vegetables. Perhaps the dislike stems from something in the past. For instance after a minor surgery someone was wheeled into the recovery room and the anesthesia began to wear off a little earlier than anticipated. The hospital staff was evidently having lunch. The smell was overpowering and combined with the movement of the gurney and the physical discomfort of the surgery the client had became very nauseous and ill. Under hypnosis they recalled the event and recognized the smell of the food and the timing of the event had left a negative imprint. After that event they could not tolerate the smell and taste of a particular food. After the hypnosis regression session the client was able to enjoy that food again.
Maybe the act of chewing the greens is an issue. A hypnotic suggestion may be made to include the greens in a smoothie or some other type of recipe to enjoy the benefits the vegetables bring. The important thing to remember is that hypnosis can help improve many different circumstances and situations. Try it, it works.
Maybe you have an aversion to something that hypnosis can help? Visit http://www.amustardseedhealing for more information on how hypnosis can help you.
Photo credit Wikipedia
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Regressions Can Help Overcome Limiting Beliefs
Many times there are limiting beliefs from the past that prevent us from attaining our highest good in the present. During a hypnosis session, in a state of relaxation and focused concentration, those limiting beliefs can come into a present awareness. Thus begins the process of healing. By recognizing and clearing those negative beliefs you can begin moving forward.
Learn more about how hypnosis can help you in Miami by clicking here!
Hypnosis Can Help U!
Learn more about how hypnosis can help you in Miami by clicking here!
Hypnosis Can Help U!
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Learning to Live With It?
Sometimes life deals a card that indicates you must live with a certain situation or circumstance that is uncomfortable at best. Perhaps it's a difficult boss or significant other. Hypnosis can help you relax and/or deal more effectively with almost any situation.Hypnosis is defined as a state of concentrated focus and it does not involve any drugs. Hypnosis is safe and effective and usually takes only one hour to see results. If you have an issue that you have been told to learn to live with, try hypnosis. CLICK HERE for more information on hypnosis and to speak to someone about how hypnosis may help you.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Relationship Issues From A Past Life
Is there someone in your life perhaps a family member that you just can't seem to get along with, no matter how hard you try? During a regression session it was uncovered that a father and son had been in a difficult situation in a previous lifetime. They were rivals an in a relationship triangle over the same woman. During the regression it was also revealed the situation had ended tragically. In this lifetime they reincarnated as father and son. The relationship was tumultuous. This proved to be very difficult since they had no idea they were rivals in another lifetime and there was no present cause for dissension. Once the son regressed and recognized were the discontent stemmed from, it brought him a sense of peace in knowing he had done nothing wrong. He was then able to look at the situation objectively, sending love and forgiveness to his father and elevating himself into a place of unconditional self love. He assumed the role of becoming his own father, because his biological parent was simply incapable of loving him unconditionally.
Sometimes there are difficult situations and circumstances in this lifetime due to a karmic debt on a history, genetic or past life level. According to Brian Weiss author of Messages from Masters, "we cannot stop the psychic archeology at childhood, or even infancy, but that past life patterns and memories also must be excavated for complete healing to occur".
When we know better we can do better. For more information on hypnosis and past life regression CLICK HERE.
Sometimes there are difficult situations and circumstances in this lifetime due to a karmic debt on a history, genetic or past life level. According to Brian Weiss author of Messages from Masters, "we cannot stop the psychic archeology at childhood, or even infancy, but that past life patterns and memories also must be excavated for complete healing to occur".
When we know better we can do better. For more information on hypnosis and past life regression CLICK HERE.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Want To Enhance Your Creativity? Try hypnosis
Hypnosis can help you tap into your creative side. While taking a class or workshop is great, true creative genius comes from within. Keith Fowler a professor at the University of California did research on acting and hypnosis through a grant he obtained from the university. He found that actors are great candidates for hypnosis. Sylvester Stallone worked with a hypnotist during the making of the film "Rocky". Other research has deduced that actors who used hypnotic enhancement techniques were overall better actors. Hypnosis can help you easily tap into your creative side. Hypnosis is also great to overcome stage fright and increase performance ability. Click here or call 305 305-2288 for more information on how hypnosis can help you.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Hypnosis Can Help You Become Unstuck
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Hypnosis Can Help with New Years Resolutions
Have you started working on your New Year's Resolutions? Have you completed your resolutions already? The ending of each year is usually a time of reflection and while reviewing the past it is easy to say next year I am gonna______, you fill in the blank. Then before you know it another year has rolled around and the process repeats itself. Year after year. In this time of mass communication it is easy to forget personal goals. With cell phones, computers, etc. we are inundated with messages. When is the last time you took a mental break? Perhaps you are in need of some mental down time. Hypnosis can help you with a mental detox. Hypnosis can help you shut it down for awhile and get in tune with your desires. In one session you can clear your mind and begin to manifest some of those goals you have been putting off for years. Hypnosis has been used for years by many people to achieve their goals and improve their circumstances. Hypnosis can work for you as well. CLICK HERE for more information on some things hypnosis can help with, like quitting that smoking habit, losing weight, finally tackling that clutter in the garage and yes, even being nicer to your mother-in-law.
Try hypnosis it works!
Try hypnosis it works!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Hypnosis Can Help with Effective Stop Smoking Tips
Many smokers want to quit but simply do not have the willpower, or so they think. Hypnosis can help change the subconscious beliefs that you are too weak to quit. In the relaxed state of hypnosis effective stop smoking tips can be given to which will assist in breaking the smoking habit. These simple stop smoking tips can be suggested:
- You no longer crave a cigarette.
- Cigarettes no longer have any control over you.
- You are stronger than the craving you feel to have a cigarette.
- You are a non smoker!
Hypnosis can help you quit smoking
Quitting the smoking habit IS an emotional battle! Many people have a hard time quitting because a cigarette is a placebo for something else. The cigarette is like a pacifier. A pacifier that KILLS! Perhaps you grab a smoke because you did not like something some one said or it is hard to communicate how you feel. You are not alone! Try hypnosis it can help. Click here for more information on quitting!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Hypnosis can help remove negative imprints that have you stuck
A negative imprint occurs when the subconscious mind picks up a negative belief and holds onto it. For example perhaps as a child something may have happened that scared you in a particular situation. The subconscious mind has the ability to "hide" that negative incident as a way of possibly protecting you as an adult. This imprint may prevent you from doing certain things or attaining certain goals. In hypnosis you can relax enough to uncover that negative imprint, see it from a higher perspective, deal with it and move forward. For more information on hypnosis in Miami Click here
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Hypnosis Can Help with Knee Discomfort!
A few months back I bumped my knee getting off a spinning bike and it hurt pretty bad. It was so swollen I could barely walk. The doctor suggested ibuprofen after the x-rays and MRI didn't show much. I declined the shots and decided instead to try some holistic treatments and hypnosis. The hypnosis helped me to relax and focus on the healing of the area. It doesn't hurt as bad now and I am back on the spinning bike!Click here to find out how hypnosis can help you!
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