Metaphysical hypnosis is a safe and effective spiritual technique to help you relax and release what no longer serves you. Go within or go without.. Manifesting peace, love, health, happiness, success and prosperity comes from within. K Saunders is a certified hypnosis instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists and trained by Dr. Brian Weiss in past life regression. She is also a tobacco treatment specialist helping many to quit smoking.
Monday, December 28, 2015
Learn to meditate faster and easier with metaphysical hypnosis
Meditation has been proven to help a wide range of mental and physical issues. But what happens when you find it difficult to meditate? Try metaphysical hypnosis. There are skeptics to the effectiveness of hypnosis and this may be attributed to the many myths and misconceptions that exist historically. The benefits of hypnosis far outweigh any myths and they are just that, a myth. For ages holistic self empowerment methods and techniques have taken a back seat to fears and myths. Many have succeeded in overcoming issues by seeking alternative healing methods like hypnosis and meditation. Hypnosis is a viable and proven technique for the manifestation of positive outcomes. Metaphysical hypnosis sets the stage for the participant to look deeper into their life experiences by bypassing the conscious thinking mind, tapping into a spiritual awareness, and releasing fears of the unknown. Metaphysical hypnosis opens the door to an inner awareness thereby accessing a space of peace and connection to a higher power some identify as God. Metaphysics means to look beyond what is literal, physical and material. Spiritually the ability to look within is where all the answers are. We have everything we need. It is written that the ego speaks first and the ego speaks loudest. In the space of silence, the mind has the ability to create positive changes through suggestion bypassing the limiting conscious mind. There are many techniques of meditation. Transcendental Meditation(TM) is described on its website as an evidence based technique for peace and wellness. The TM practice involves sitting quietly with eyes closed for 20 minutes twice a day preferably morning and evening. The cost for TM classes is around $1500.00 At the other end of the meditation spectrum is Vipassana meditation which requires participating in a ten day discourse on Dhamma. That course is free however it requires the student to commit silence for the entire ten days at one of the Art of Living facilities around the World. According to the website at the technique is taught at ten-day residential courses during which participants follow a prescribed Code of Discipline, learn the basics of the method, and practice sufficiently to experience its beneficial results. I personally attended one of those discourses and it was one of the most difficult practices I have done. The setting was in Darlington, Maryland and it was predicted to be below freezing. A received a call from one of the teachers about the weather concerns with an offer to reschedule. Having already rearranged my schedule to be off for ten days and having confirmed my travel plans I decided to go forward and attend. The setting was a temporary Vipassana facility located on campgrounds that reminded me setting of the movie Dirty Dancing. All electronic devices were collected as well as any reading or writing materials by the Vipassana staff and stored until the end of the course. On day eight of the discourse the teacher spoke of suffering. Was I the only one that heard him? Was I the only one suffering? Actually half the participants had already left on my last unofficial count. It was freezing and the taped windows and unsecured doors made sleep a challenge. I was suffering and decided to take a walk beyond the confines of the taped off area of the course restrictions. That walk was a metaphor for everything I had been taught in that discourse, any meditation training and for life. Non-attachment. It was 4am cold and very dark. For a city girl as myself it might be considered frightening, but for some reason I was called to venture into the woods. I walked awhile and encountered a winding creek with moss hanging form huge trees. At the base of the creek were two solar lights. Enlightenment. I smiled from within and decided this was a good place to have my meditation that morning. After an enlightening walk up the mountain on the way back I experienced what meditation was teaching, every moment life is changing and what I perceived the change to be, good or bad was what I experienced. Liberation from any type of confinement is an awakening. Attachment to any outcome can instigate suffering. Why suffer?
I sit in meditation most days after that experience There is always a choice. Most choices are made unaware of previous life experiences. Meditation creates a space for detachment and observation and most importantly spiritual growth. Meditation creates awareness and awareness begets an awakening. There are many methods of meditation. Meditation is a practice, find one that works for you and practice. Just as there are many leaves on a tree there are many ways to practice the silence. The meditation that is best is the meditation that you practice consistently...
What happens when you are not able to quiet the mind chatter? Many of my clients express they simply cannot meditate. I am able to help the majority of them feel what it is like to meditate with the use of metaphysical hypnosis. It is a type of deep guided meditation which relaxes the body and mind. The process is safe, very effective and includes a period of serenity and silence many people have trouble achieving or recognizing as their own. They have simply forgotten. Some folks think hypnosis will put them to sleep. I recognize hypnosis as a point of awakening. Many people are sleep walking in a daze of doing the same thing. Perhaps you are stuck. This is where a trained facilitator can help. Learn to quiet the mind and awaken to the infinite possibilities. Hypnosis is a tool that is beneficial. After a discussion about what possible roadblocks or fears that may be involved, the client is taken thorough a relaxation process which reorients them to the sensation of relaxation. There are a myriad of reasons why a person may feel they can't meditate. I have helped clients that feel silence represents punishment for them. The old adage children are to be seen and not heard may have been ingrained into their mind by well meaning parents. The suppressed need to be heard carried over into adulthood and the punishment that silence represented prevents a successful meditation practice .
Many clients express that silence evokes some type of emotional response and they may feel restricted in the process. There was a client I was working with who was unable to sit still and remain silent for even a few seconds or so before she became very agitated. Just the thought of being silent caused her stress. After a few sessions her defenses were removed and she was able to remember what it felt like to relax her body and also release the monkey chatter in her mind. This recall of relaxation was the catalyst to her being able to open up her heart space and really let go. A self described spiritual person, she harbored some guilty feelings from the past. Each time she attempted to meditate those feelings, the stories of guilt would surface. Each past "story" seemed to deepen her agitation to the point where it was all she could think about. Hypnosis restored her faith in the universe through relaxation techniques. I always provide follow up self hypnosis exercises and some simple techniques that enhance the experience and can be done almost anywhere without anyone knowing. This reinforces the sensation of relaxation.
Once the body and mind are aligned in a state of relaxation the client is able to experience what meditation is like. Most clients are able to experience the benefits of this type of relaxation in just one session. I like to refer to hypnosis as meditation on steroids without any drugs, of course. Some describe it as a natural high. It is that feeling of deep relaxation many folks have simply forgotten in the quest for material gains sometimes referred to as success. Real success is a state of mind.
So if you would like to meditate and can't seem to tune out the mental chatter, try hypnosis. For more information CLICK HERE
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Who said what your mind believes it can achieve?
Napoleon Hill author of Think and Grow Rich wrote what your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. This statement could imply the obstacle to manifesting is the ability to conceive an idea and then by actually believing it can be done, it is done. While this sounds easy, it can be easier "said" than done....Another reason why hypnosis is so powerful! The human mind is like electricity and tends to take the path of least resistance. Many thoughts go through the human mind yet how many do you actually believe? How many can you actually achieve? Success requires focus and hypnosis can help you focus and identify the possible roadblocks to your success. Hypnosis is safe and easy. While you sit back and relax positive suggestions are given to your subconscious mind, bypassing the fears, doubts and what ifs...
A key to manifesting is believing. Many folks think they know what they want but upon deep introspection realize things like being a millionaire may not really the answer. Maybe you just want to be healthy and happy. Studies have shown if you are not happy and content where you are today, no amount of money may change that. Thinking miserable thoughts will only attract misery. Test it...the next time you feel miserable allow yourself to really feel. miserable.
By identifying with feeling the misery, it is possible to make a decision to be or not to be....
By experiencing recognizing and believing happy feels better than misery, you can actually begin to be happy. Ignoring a miserable feeling and hoping it will disappear is only a temporary fix.
By thinking without knowing how you feel, is it possible to release anything that no longer serves you? If you do not know how you feel, is it really possible to recognize what you believe?
For example many folks get married because they are in love. Or so they think. There are individuals that have been married for years, months or even weeks who have forgotten what love felt like. There was love in the beginning then life happened. careers. kids. in-laws. stuff. lol Perhaps they lost that loving feeling...Having forgotten they may even become bitter. A regression can help a person to remember what it felt like to fall in love and return to love. Once that loving feeling is brought to the conscious mind the body remembers and when the body and mind remember it is possible to renew and rekindle any relationship.
When the conscious and subconscious mind agree...the magic happens.
Relax and get your happy back.
The only thing between YOU and success can be as simple as a THOUGHT!
Visit for more information on how hypnosis can help you.
To read Think and Grow Rich CLICK HERE
A key to manifesting is believing. Many folks think they know what they want but upon deep introspection realize things like being a millionaire may not really the answer. Maybe you just want to be healthy and happy. Studies have shown if you are not happy and content where you are today, no amount of money may change that. Thinking miserable thoughts will only attract misery. Test it...the next time you feel miserable allow yourself to really feel. miserable.
By identifying with feeling the misery, it is possible to make a decision to be or not to be....
By experiencing recognizing and believing happy feels better than misery, you can actually begin to be happy. Ignoring a miserable feeling and hoping it will disappear is only a temporary fix.
By thinking without knowing how you feel, is it possible to release anything that no longer serves you? If you do not know how you feel, is it really possible to recognize what you believe?
For example many folks get married because they are in love. Or so they think. There are individuals that have been married for years, months or even weeks who have forgotten what love felt like. There was love in the beginning then life happened. careers. kids. in-laws. stuff. lol Perhaps they lost that loving feeling...Having forgotten they may even become bitter. A regression can help a person to remember what it felt like to fall in love and return to love. Once that loving feeling is brought to the conscious mind the body remembers and when the body and mind remember it is possible to renew and rekindle any relationship.
When the conscious and subconscious mind agree...the magic happens.
Relax and get your happy back.
The only thing between YOU and success can be as simple as a THOUGHT!
Visit for more information on how hypnosis can help you.
To read Think and Grow Rich CLICK HERE
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
What is hypnosis?
The hypnotic state is a state of deep relaxation and
in this relaxed state you are open to receive positive suggestions.
These suggestions can help you change unwanted behaviors and build a more positive lifestyle reflecting your best and highest self.
These suggestions can help you achieve your goals.
You will not be made to do anything against your will. Hypnosis is NOT a magic bullet so it is important to be clear on your intentions.
In the session I will facilitate the experience of relaxation after we align your goals. I will always make sure you are comfortable and my goal is to create a safe space for you to delve into your inner wisdom to achieve that goal.
Hypnosis helps you to achieve goals and increases your motivation level by gently changing your perceptions.
in this relaxed state you are open to receive positive suggestions.
These suggestions can help you change unwanted behaviors and build a more positive lifestyle reflecting your best and highest self.
These suggestions can help you achieve your goals.
You will not be made to do anything against your will. Hypnosis is NOT a magic bullet so it is important to be clear on your intentions.
In the session I will facilitate the experience of relaxation after we align your goals. I will always make sure you are comfortable and my goal is to create a safe space for you to delve into your inner wisdom to achieve that goal.
Hypnosis helps you to achieve goals and increases your motivation level by gently changing your perceptions.
Hypnosis is also used to recall past events that may be hidden in the subconscious mind
These events from childhood or beyond may be holding you back and
a past issue may prevent you from achieving present or future goals.
Metaphysical hypnosis is in alignment with regular hypnosis with the specific intent of addressing spirituality and a higher consciousness I call God. It is not important what your specific beliefs are what is important is your willingness to improve your circumstances.
Hypnosis is safe and effective.
These events from childhood or beyond may be holding you back and
a past issue may prevent you from achieving present or future goals.
Metaphysical hypnosis is in alignment with regular hypnosis with the specific intent of addressing spirituality and a higher consciousness I call God. It is not important what your specific beliefs are what is important is your willingness to improve your circumstances.
Hypnosis is safe and effective.
Visit for more info or call (305) 305-2288
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Problem solving with hypnosis and some little known hypnosis facts...
No one can be hypnotized against his or her will.
You are always in control.
All hypnosis is "self-hypnosis" sometimes with the guidance of a facilitator.
We cannot change the past but we can change how we experience it in the present moment.
Hypnosis gives you the opportunity to heal your past as you view it from a higher perceptive.
Hypnosis may be one of the fastest way to create permanent positive change in your life.
Einstein is reported to have once said no issue can be resolved at the level it was created...
Metaphysical hypnosis is a process of reviewing life events, situations and/or circumstances from a higher perspective. In a relaxed state it is amazing how perceptions can change from negative to positive. In this relaxed state you can mentally review your life sort of like watching a reality television show, only you are the main character.
What type of life are you creating?
If you've ever watched a sitcom, movie or anything on TV think about how you naturally invoke your intuitive problem solving skills. Maybe you gave the characters advice. You might be the one who always solves the mystery or unravels the drama. You can do this in your own life.
For more information on how hypnosis can help you click HERE or call(305) 305-2288
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Hypnosis as a mental vacation for stress reduction. Relax it's all in your mind!
Hypnosis can be just the mental vacation you need to kick it up a notch! Relax recharge and kick some butt!! or perhaps relax recharge and get that promotion you've been wanting...
As you sit back and relax you are guided into an inner awareness of peace and tranquility you may have forgotten you even had. In just one hour you can enter into a space of relaxation where you will unwind and reset your mind, body and spirit. Everyone should experience the benefits of hypnosis. Often all it takes is some time to go within and uncover the answers that seem to elude you. Especially if you are feeling suck or burnt out. Hypnosis can help you relax, clear the mental clutter and reduce your level of stress. Become the master of your destiny by going within. Hypnosis is safe and effective. You are always in control in a hypnosis session. Call for more information or visit my Amazon bookstore and learn more about holistic techniques than help you live you best life ever.
Visit or call (305) 305-2288 for more information.
As you sit back and relax you are guided into an inner awareness of peace and tranquility you may have forgotten you even had. In just one hour you can enter into a space of relaxation where you will unwind and reset your mind, body and spirit. Everyone should experience the benefits of hypnosis. Often all it takes is some time to go within and uncover the answers that seem to elude you. Especially if you are feeling suck or burnt out. Hypnosis can help you relax, clear the mental clutter and reduce your level of stress. Become the master of your destiny by going within. Hypnosis is safe and effective. You are always in control in a hypnosis session. Call for more information or visit my Amazon bookstore and learn more about holistic techniques than help you live you best life ever.
Visit or call (305) 305-2288 for more information.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Focused concentration for success

Monday, June 8, 2015
Past life regression hypnosis may help you recall and heal from a past event
It is unfortunate the Duggar family has to deal with public scrutiny of how they handled a very private family matter yet it is also a great opportunity for healing. Not only for themselves but for countless other women who have been molested as children. Over the years many men and women have come into my office with issues ranging from the fear of darkness to issues of intimacy and/or sexuality. One of the basic tenets of healing is recognizing there is a problem.
Unfortunately while many people are adept at identifying the problem there is difficulty in identifying where the problem first began and/or how to let it go. This is where metaphysical hypnosis is a valuable tool. The subconscious mind stares everything and also has a built in defense mechanism to protect. For instance someone who who has a fear of the dark may have had an unpleasant experience at night as a child. It could have been something simple like being awakened suddenly in a hotel room while on vacation, being in s strange or new place could create negative imprints, or it could have been more traumatic. The point is when the student is ready the teacher will appear. When you are ready to face your fears, release them and move forward hypnosis can help you relax and go within. Within is where the answers are..CLICK HERE for books on topic.
For more information on how hypnosis and past life regression can help you cal (305) 305-2288 and visit
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Hypnosis and issues with pregnancy and/or fertility
How exciting that Kate Middleton has delivered a princess! Even more exciting is that the royal couple has reportedly used natural techniques like hypnosis during her pregnancy. When experiencing issues like nausea and other discomforts Princess Kate admitted to using hypnosis for relief according to Fox News. Hypnosis is natural safe and cost effective. During a hypnosis session you are completely relaxed and able to receive suggestions for positive changes in mind and body. Who said what your mind believes you can achieve???? It TRUE!!!
Many couples who think they are infertile chose to adopt a child and shortly after the adoption process find out they are pregnant. Why?
The process of conception may be stressful. Hypnosis can help you relax and utilizing visualization techniques it is possible to reduce and/or eliminate stress thereby creating a pleasant environment conducive to reproduction.
Think about it for a moment...a relaxing peaceful mind and body are the perfect places to begin creation. And once you are pregnant treat yourself to the mental massage that can ease the symptoms and discomfort like morning sickness.
During the hypnosis process it is possible that fears may surface from the subconscious mind that can be addressed and released. Hypnosis is relaxing. What your mind can believe you can achieve...and maybe even conceive.
Click HERE for more information on how hypnosis can help you or call (305) 305-2288 to make an appointment.
Many couples who think they are infertile chose to adopt a child and shortly after the adoption process find out they are pregnant. Why?
The process of conception may be stressful. Hypnosis can help you relax and utilizing visualization techniques it is possible to reduce and/or eliminate stress thereby creating a pleasant environment conducive to reproduction.
Think about it for a moment...a relaxing peaceful mind and body are the perfect places to begin creation. And once you are pregnant treat yourself to the mental massage that can ease the symptoms and discomfort like morning sickness.
During the hypnosis process it is possible that fears may surface from the subconscious mind that can be addressed and released. Hypnosis is relaxing. What your mind can believe you can achieve...and maybe even conceive.
Click HERE for more information on how hypnosis can help you or call (305) 305-2288 to make an appointment.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Relax focus and recall information for exam success
Learning new information can be fun and exciting until it's exam time. For millions of people simply thinking about the possibility of having to take an exam can create stress and anxiety. The issue with passing may not be directly related to information recall. Most exams involve classes..... books, notes, study periods, and instructors. The internet provides a wealth of information on every topic imaginable yet when asked to recall the information many people freeze. The word exam can conjure up all sorts of fear based questions from the typical what if I fail? to a deeper fear that may be buried in the subconscious mind. Although the cause of the fear may not be apparent spiritually there is the theory that the soul or subconscious mind remembers everything. That would include the information on your final exam.
Consider the question, what if I pass?
Passing an exam means moving forward to the next step. Passing an exam can also mean additional responsibility. The fear of added responsibilities can dampen the best of intentions and is one of the most unlikely of reasons to blame for failing any exam. The mind is so powerful that it remembers everything and if you could just relax and focus you could pass that exam! You might be able to pass any just may be able to simply succeed at life in general.
Hypnosis can help you relax and may reveal the real reasons you aren't passing....or succeeding Hypnosis can help get to the core of whatever issue may be holding you back.
For more tips on how hypnosis can help you relax and pass any exam call (305) 305-2288
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
You have everything you need to win! Just take some time to look within..
Many athletes use hypnosis for mental focus and to set clear intentions. Winning requires discipline and focused concentration. There is a winner in everyone and relatively few brave souls go within to cultivate their unique talents and treasures through focused concentration. Hypnosis is a tool that help you to cultivate an awareness of your own uniqueness. Hypnosis can help you clear the mental clutter and win! People are bombarded with lots of external messages that tend to distract and/or deter their greatness or prevent them from achieving a goal. Don't be distracted! You are a child of the universe! You are created in the likeness and image of greatness! Dare to prosper now in peace and love! For more information on how hypnosis can help you call (305) 305-2288
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
One idea can change your life for the better...forever!
Ideas are what dreams are made of and metaphysical hypnosis can help you tap into an inner wisdom that could change your life. Everyday we are bombarded with many messages from different sources. Social media and the media in general has expanded our knowledge base. This is a good thing...or not? Many people come to me because they are bombarded with so many messages it has become overwhelming. How do you decipher that still small voice?
Let's face it. Life can be overwhelming. It can be difficult to sort through all the messages to get to what really matters. What really matters comes from within...not from the external stimuli and distractions. Metaphysical hypnosis can help you sift through or in some instances eliminate the mental clutter long enough so you can begin to enjoy life more. From this space of peace and relaxation it is possible to bring forth ideas and manifest from the infinite possibilities of the subconscious mind. There have been some simple ideas that have made millions of the post it note and Spanx which are ever popular and oft needed;) The Snuggie is a blanket that sells for around $15.99 and sold over 30 million units. simple idea. millions of dollars in revenue.
One simple idea can change your life for the better. It doesn't have to be a million dollar idea either. Authors and actors use hypnosis to help develop their art. Winning athletes use hypnosis for focus and concentration.Maybe you just need a simple idea to relax and enjoy what you have! Great start..
Metaphysical hypnosis creates a space to look beyond the activity of the conscious thinking mind. During a session the body is relaxed but the mind is alert and hears everything that is said. I have had clients describe it as a deep feeling of peace and serenity. Often I'm told they could not remember feeling so relaxed.
Have you forgotten what it feels like to relax? Many people are remembering what it feels like to relax with techniques like yoga and meditation. Hypnosis is another holistic alternative that is relaxing and with a trained facilitator can help you clear you mind and create a space for manifestation. Call (305) 305-2288 or visit for more information and mention this post and receive one hypnosis session for only $90.00
Everything in life was created from an idea. What was your last idea?
If you have used affirmations and they don't seem to be working CLICK HERE! for a link that can take your affirmations to the next level! Or call (305)305-2288 to schedule a session.
Happy manifesting!
Monday, March 16, 2015
Spring: A season of release, renewal and rejuvenation... abundance begins with a blooming thought
I love this time of year because it is a season of release and letting go, as we make room for the growth of glorious spring. With very little human intervention Mother Nature always provides beauty and magnificence in the flower, plants and trees. I always ask my clients if they are spiritual or religious because my specialty metaphysical hypnosis is a modality of awakening to a higher state of consciousness. What does that mean?
Well whatever situation or circumstance that appears to be an issue is rooted in mind and metaphysics is the process of looking beyond appearances to awaken and acknowledge the value in life lessons. Perhaps you have heard the phrase the "school of life". In the recent movie Annie the Jay-Z hit song It's A Hard Knock Life was the catalyst for what turned out to be quite a good ending to an seemingly sad story about a young orphan girl.
In spite of her dire circumstances everyday Annie kept her focus on what she really wanted. While what she envisioned wasn't the final outcome, the universe rewarded her dedication and commitment to her goal with peace love and abundance.
How focused are you on your goals/ Do you know what your goals are? Is there any person place situation or circumstance in the past present or future you feel is preventing you from obtaining your goals?
During this season of spend some time thinking about what makes your heart sing in preparation of spring. Spring is a time of growth! SPRING FORTH! Manifest a new dynamic. Metaphysical hypnosis can help you go deeper within and get to the core of what may be holding you back from peace, love and abundance. Learn to use your imagination in a relaxing creative way. Cultivate your person garden of abundance. It is within you waiting to emerge.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Where does your inspiration come from? Is it an orginal idea or are the lines 'blurred'?
The Blurred Lines trial has ended and Robin Thicke and Pharell Williams are accused of plagiarism of the 1977 Marvin Gaye hit What's Going On. The Gaye song has similar attributes to the smash hit Blurred Lines and Williams and Thicke claimed innocence saying their song was based on a 'feeling' not on actual sampling. The jury found them guilty and the family of the late Marvin Gaye was awarded $7.4 million dollars. According to The Hollywood Reporter on Yahoo, Thicke and Williams were behaving like "bullies" and perhaps didn't think the Gaye's' had the resources to win when they filed a declaratory lawsuit saying there was no copyright infringement.
The lawsuit has brought up some debate and questions about music, plagiarism and creativity. Is there really any new and/or original music being produced? and how much of it is really original? As humans evolve so do ideas and in this evolution is it possible to channel ideas from the great masters of the past? Grammy winning producer Jermaine Dupree spoke out in an article from the Associated Press and expressed that he could see both sides of the lawsuit. Dupree expressed that in his opinion hip hop is created from past music and that it is a feeling. I agree. It was
In the original book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, the author recommended having "imaginary Council meetings" with what he termed "imaginary counselors". Hill described his nightly routine of shutting his eyes and using his imagination with a group of men with impressive traits he wished to imbue. During this trial Williams indicated the influence of the song "Blurred Lines" was drawn from the influence of Marvin Gaye whom he was a fan of growing up. Hill stated in the book, "I have never entirely divested myself of this habit of "hero-worship" I found myself trying to imitate those whom I most admired. Moreover I discovered that the element of faith, with which I endeavored to imitate my idols, gave me great capacity to do so quite successfully." Hill further explained, "My experience has taught me that the next best thing to being truly great is to emulate the great, by feeling and action, as nearly as possible". The video below shows just how great an influence Marvin Gaye was and still is...
I recall an interview with Pharell Williams on the Oprah Show wherein he described his inspiration as sometimes coming during a shower. It was fascinating to hear him describe the shower as a place of sensory deprivation in which ideas can flow. This would be similar to the state of deep meditation or hypnosis. How and where you get your inspiration is a personal choice but be careful where that idea originated is the message from this verdict.
Blurred Lines was the biggest hit song of 2013. If the aim of the writers was to emulate the feeling of the late great Marvin Gaye they succeeded. Too bad that success has resulted in creating some "blurred lines". Hopefully this verdict does not stifle the flow of "Creative Imagination" or the "sixth sense" as described by Napoleon Hill.
May we all be able to Think and Grow Rich!
For more info on how hypnosis can help inspire you call(305) 305-2288
Friday, March 13, 2015
Get help to stop smoking
Hypnosis is a safe and effective way to stop smoking. Research in the New Scientist Journal demonstrated that hypnosis was the
most effective way to quit smoking compared to the other methods
available. The quit smoking session lasts about 60 -90 minutes.Some people may quit
on the first session. The average is 21 days to change any habit and
smoking is no different. You can stop if you want to.
An hour or so will be spent helping you to understand, at a detailed level, all about YOUR “belief systems” about smoking, and how your “old way of thinking” has actually been a “barrier” to you successfully stopping smoking.
The last thirty minutes of the session utilizes the positive effects of Hypnosis to help you to make “internal” changes to your thoughts and feelings about smoking.
When you leave our office, we will have helped you to change your mind-set into that of a “NON-SMOKER”.
The session is individually tailored to YOU rather than just being a “standard” session in which all smokers go through an identical process.
Ready to quit smoking permanently? Then give it (3) sessions -21 days to become a non smoker
If the answer is YES, then simply give me a call to arrange your stop smoking session. Call (305) 305-2288 for more information or visit my website by clicking HERE
An hour or so will be spent helping you to understand, at a detailed level, all about YOUR “belief systems” about smoking, and how your “old way of thinking” has actually been a “barrier” to you successfully stopping smoking.
The last thirty minutes of the session utilizes the positive effects of Hypnosis to help you to make “internal” changes to your thoughts and feelings about smoking.
When you leave our office, we will have helped you to change your mind-set into that of a “NON-SMOKER”.
The session is individually tailored to YOU rather than just being a “standard” session in which all smokers go through an identical process.
Ready to quit smoking permanently? Then give it (3) sessions -21 days to become a non smoker
If the answer is YES, then simply give me a call to arrange your stop smoking session. Call (305) 305-2288 for more information or visit my website by clicking HERE
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Learn to listen and value the voice that matters most...YOUR OWN
Its hard to admit that I used to value the opinion of everyone else over my own.
Sometimes it seems easier to forget my own purpose...
Why is it so difficult to remember how great we are created?
I AM created in the image of God and God is love. Each of us is created with a Divine purpose in the image of love. Purpose is different for everyone and it is up to us(should we choose) to get out of our own way and discover what that perfect purpose is. It is different for everyone. We are all apart of this amazing Divine energetic plan and once discovered it is possible to tap into a perfect moment...or two. and hopefully more. This is what some describe as being in the flow....
So how did I step out of the opinions of others and empower myself?

I learn to no longer allow any negativity to take up valuable real estate in my mind for longer than it is needed for me to learn recognize the is a classroom. I am both the student and the teacher. Through observation I grade myself gently and prioritize tasks mindful to include time for personal prayer and meditation (recess and instruction lol). Each day I learn something new and seek equanimity. balance. peace. love.
The ultimate purpose is for me to be happy and let MY light
shine. I used to think I needed
permission to shine my light only to realize lots of time I dimmed the light. WOW. What a revelation! That is definitely not
what I intended and hopefully it is not the intention of people to be hurtful
or to cause pain or harm to others. Sometimes the people nearest and dearest may dim the light... forgive them and
keep moving forward. Resist feeding into
the fears others. They are often unaware of what they do. This life isn't about them, life is about you and that connection to a higher consciousness... By honoring feelings and emotions it is possible to connect to a higher state of
consciousness, that place of inner peace,
wisdom and guidance. Seek the kingdom first by
tapping into perfect purpose. Go
within...the answer to the hearts desire is waiting. listen.
While there will be moments of discomfort in this life the one thing that is certain is change. Focus on changing for the better. Everyday it can and will get better!
Learn to tap into your inner awareness with techniques like hypnosis and meditation. For more information on how hypnosis can help you visit my bookstore or my website at or call me at (305) 305-2288.
Feeling stuck? Hypnosis can help you!
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