Monday, December 29, 2014

Trouble sleeping? Try holistic hypnosis for insomnia

Hypnosis may help you sleep better.  Perhaps there is some  nagging issue or situation that is keeping you awake, even if you think you know the answer(s), for some reason you just can't seem to fall asleep and/or stay there.  Insomnia can negatively affect so many things in life and 
quality of sleep has a scientifically proven impact on the quality of life.  View the chart from Wiki on the complications of insomnia.  Spiritual or metaphysical hypnosis can help you relax and reach a space of peacefulness in which positive sleep patterns can be remembered and developed.   In this state of deep relaxation you may be surprised to find the "soul"-ution to whatever seems to be troubling you.  Hypnosis is a dream like state where the super-conscious can be accessed.  Some call it that "still small voice" that is all too often drowned out by the much louder and dominate "ego" voice. Some call this inner voice a  higher power, some folks call it love or peace, I choose to call it my connection to God.  From this still quiet space in hypnosis answers can emerge more quickly and problems can be solved at a core level.  Once the outer issues are resolved from within normal sleep patterns can take form. 

So..... what's keeping you up at night? 

Have you tried everything and still can't sleep?  Relax and try metaphysical hypnosis...Call now and ask me how hypnosis can help you. Visit or call (305)-305-2288 for more information and to make an appointment to sleep better.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Past life regressions can help identify the core issue of a problem

Is there something bothering you and you can't quite put a finger on what it is?  Metaphysical hypnosis can help you get to the core issue of a situation or a troubling circumstance through regression, by looking beyond the obvious appearances.

Many issues are the result of something that was experienced during childhood.  Maybe someone said something to frighten you or there was an unpleasant incident stored in the subconscious mind which created a fear or phobia you can't explain. It makes no "common" sense why you are experiencing the discomfort of the situation but you just can't seem to get past it...
Pic from via goggle

Some believe in reincarnation and this current lifetime is only one of many lives we experience.  Reincarnation is the belief that we experience life over and over again until we learn the lessons to enlightenment. When I first began doing past life regressions I noticed that once in a state of hypnosis many of my clients would immediately begin with a memory from recent childhood usually in this current lifetime.  They would recall childhood experiences they had forgotten that directly correlate with a current issue they wanted to resolve.  The client would leave feeling much better however the issue might crop up again. There could be one or more past situations all relating to the same presenting issue(s) and a lot of times they are all from this current lifetime.  The key to resolving any issue is to get to the core of said issue and that requires introspection.

The mind is very powerful and will go to where the most immediate attention is needed.  It is said, "when the student is ready the teacher will appear". Some people are simply not ready to really believe wholeheartedly in past lives and there are skeptics of hypnosis.  Some are not even willing to invest in trying the process.  When faced with a trying situation or circumstance it is a good idea to become familiar with the many options that exist.  The greatest miracles happen when we step out of our comfort zone.  It is like peeling back the proverbial onion. Hypnosis is not a magic bullet.  The more you open to relief the more comfortable the mind will be with releasing valuable information which may help you move forward from a challenging situation and/or circumstance.  There is no exact science and the hypnosis process is a creative way of exploring alternatives.  For more information on how past life regression helps read Dr. Brian Weiss book Many Lives, Many Masters or call (305) 305-2288. 

Friday, November 28, 2014

J Lo's memoir is quite revealing! How much do you remember? Try past life regression to help fill in the blanks...

The new memoir by Jennifer Lopez entitled  "True Love" has stirred some curiosity and fascination as she is among the latest celebrities who are releasing tell all memoirs about their past life.  A past life to be any moment other than the present (which is truly a gift), and in her memoir Jennifer Lopez chronicles her love life and I find it interesting that her romantic struggles are parallel to so many relationships.  Beautiful, smart, talented, rich or not so rich, tall, short or somewhere in between, it makes no difference when you are seeking your soul mate and/or passionate place in life.  Exploring past life patterns is a great way to heal and move on.  J Lo reveals details about her relationship errors, emotional abuses from former lovers as well as some intimate details of her three divorces and a broken engagement. She eventually recognized through it all the importance of self love. Everyone should acknowledge, know and express unconditional self love! kudos J Lo and may your soul mate appear to accompany you on this journey.

A memoir is a biography of your life and can be a great tool for reconciling the past by revealing any negative patterns or tapping into positive clues that may be helpful in moving forward.  The negative patterns can be released and the positive enhanced.  Past life regression is a way to remember things you may have forgotten or haven't thought about in long time.  The subconscious mind is so powerful it may bury facts that are important in achieving a goal or releasing something that no longer serves you as a means of protection. The subconscious mind is like a computer chip that records everything that has happened to you, and with the help of metaphysical hypnosis you can recall some useful information. Many people think past life regressions are only to recall ancient historical times however the most recent past may be the most valuable resource in accomplishing a positive change in this lifetime. A past life regression may even help you complete that amazing memoir you have been waiting to publish...
For more information on how hypnosis can help you with your memoir call (305) 305-2288 or visit my online bookstore by clicking here. Also visit my website for more information at

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

I quit chasing butterflies and found happiness

Does it make me happy?
Being happy can be a confusing concept and occasionally a little frustrating.  Especially since at times it seems so elusive like a butterfly....
Consciously we may want to be happy but sometimes forget what happy even feels like,  literally "running around" trying to find that happy "place". It can be a sad situation.   

The good news is you can decide at any moment to make happiness a priority.  The happier you get some interesting things may begin to happen.  Maybe you feel like the proverbial hamster on the wheel, chasing "some thing(s)" except it is always just out of reach...

Reminiscent of Tom Hanks running in Forrest Gump once happy you may decide to just STOP running...
you may no longer want, or need as much tangible outer stuff and you may begin to appreciate what you have and who you are even more. Peace, love, prosperity and happiness begin to flourish when happiness is consciously activated from within, and it lasts longer. When happy some folks find they no longer care so much about Who Moved My Cheese ( great read btw)
they just want out of the trap.
Metaphysical hypnosis can help you tap into that happy space as you begin to realize  
while things may add to happiness... they don't provide it. 
seek first the kingdom within and everything will manifest to accommodate that happy space

Everyday I give myself permission to play in this vast playground called life! 
*mandatory recess

Note to Self: 
Let go of what doesn't make you feel happy because you do DESERVE to be happy. You DESERVE to succeed and  everyday you can wake up SUCCESS-FILLED! 
You can remember what happiness feels like 
and know when it feels right. 
Calm relaxed and in control...welcoming happy in

You always have a choice and in spite of any outer appearances you can choose happiness! 

For more information on how hypnosis can help you get your happy back visit 
or visit my web store for some recommended reading by CLICKING HERE! 
Call (305) 305-2288 to schedule a session
Above all else BE HAPPY!!!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Dr. Brian Weiss coming to Ft. Lauderdale and tickets are on sale NOW!

Dr. Brian Weiss author of Many Lives, Many Masters is coming to Ft. Lauderdale for one day only on Sunday, February 15, 2015.  CLICK HERE for an exciting opportunity to experience past life regression and interact personally with Dr. Weiss during a question and answer period following discussions and actual regressions. I get asked often about my personal journey and training with Dr. Weiss and his lovely wife Carole Weiss was a pivotal point in my spiritual growth.  They were able to give me a deeper perspective on life and prompted me to become open and aware in my quest for peace and understanding in the present.  What amazing gifts Dr. Weiss shares while fulfilling his life purpose.

Dr. Brian Weiss and Karen Saunders at Past Life Regression Training in New York

Tickets have already gone on sale and until December 16, 2014 the investment is only $89.00, after the 16th, tickets will be $149.00.  Make sure you register early because this event has traditionally been very popular and sells out quickly.  Dr. Weiss will begin his 2015 tour at the Broward County Convention Center in Ft. Lauderdale and continue in New York, Philadelphia, Pa, before heading to the west coast for appearances in Santa Clara and Long Beach California.  Click here learn more about Hay House events and to reserve your space to see Dr. Brian Weiss in person.
Dr. Weiss quote
Dr. Weiss will be discussing spiritual topics like harnessing the power of love and understanding soul mates.  He will also present tools for developing intuition and a whole lot more.  This will be a day of transformation you won't want to miss. What a great event to share with loving like minded people during the upcoming Valentines Day weekend. I hold to see you there.  For more information 
If you would like to experience a past life regression  in a private session call (305) 305-2288 for information on how hypnosis can help you.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Are you so doggone frustrated you just can't seem to relax? Hypnosis can help

 Have you ever wanted to try hypnosis but were intimidated by the process or simply did not know where to begin? RELAX!!! I've got a GREAT DEAL just for you...time to move forward

If you're feeling a bit "froggy" not need to jump, just kick back and relax, one hour is all it takes to shift any fuzzy stinking thinking into focus with clear positive projections.  Imagine yourself floating into a state of mental relaxation. 
Hypnosis is safe, effective an it feels good to relax.

You are just a click away from relaxation, renewal and rejuvenation with hypnosis. 

CLICK HERE for an amazing deal on hypnosis!  You have a choice of one or three sessions.   Calm. relaxed. JUST CHILLIN' and more PRODUCTIVE
Wait until you feel how that happens...
Hypnosis is an alternative way to resolve many issues like smoking cessation and it really helps when you have simply forgotten what it feels like to relax.  
Did I mention that right now there is a great relaxing deal going on?

I am currently offering first time clients the opportunity to try hypnosis with a great from my friends at Amazon Local!  Give it a try!  

Click below for more details on how hypnosis can help u!!  I look forward to meeting you with this special offer in relaxation for manifestation...
HYPNOSIS SPECIAL OFFER check out the website to see how hypnosis can help you.  Or call (305)305-2288 to schedule a session!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The gift of living life on purpose and recognizing it

Napoleon Hill of Think and Grow rich said "There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it." Lots of people go through life wondering what their life purpose is.  I was one of those people.  I used to spend lots of time wondering if I would ever find my life purpose, what that purpose was and how could I fully embrace and use it?  It was a loaded question that had what seemed to be an elusive and daunting answer.  At times the question was am I good enough to live on purpose?  Living on purpose can be frightening especially if you come from a background seemingly surrounded in fears of lack and or limitation.  Living on purpose might require giving up something or even more challenging acquiring more responsibility than one is willing to endure. Deciding to shift the energy used to "find" a life purpose into actually "living" a purpose filled life in the present moment is a pivotal point.  It is said we have everything we need.  The awareness of this statement may be deemed enlightenment, think about it...
I have everything I need...

To have everything we need means to be living in a state of awareness that wherever we are doing whatever it is we are doing, there is a higher presence leading and guiding us.  This would imply we are always on purpose.  To be knowledgeable of  your purpose and to desire more of that awareness is an amazing thing.
Past life regression is one tool that can open the space to become consciously aware of experiences that have brought us to this moment of having everything we need.  The awareness that each experience is cyclical  and provides an opportunity to learn and grow, or release and grow.  Either way we are always growing simply because the universe is always changing and expanding.  To sit still and inquire within brings an awareness to the infinite possibilities of a purpose filled life.  Right where you are God is in perfect abundance.
While reviewing some old journals I came across a newspaper article written during my high school years about a science project I did which directly relates to my current work as tobacco treatment specialist.  It was confirmation of having studied what I currently know at another time and dimension.  Having seen and forgotten that memory it was refreshing to remember a promise made as a young teen to help people.  While it doesn't look very much like what I envisioned at the time, it is a great reminder that I do have everything I need to be present and live life on purpose.  I am grateful.
We all possess the talents and abilities to live a purpose filled life. Oftentimes we are unaware. There are many alternative tools like hypnosis that can help you to reveal what your purpose is. All we have to do is ask and the Universe is waiting to respond. 

If you journal set aside some time and periodically review what you have written.  It is a great way to see any patterns that may help you recognize your life purpose.  We have everything we need all that is left is to openly recognize it.  CLICK HERE for some of my favorite books...

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hypnosis is a great compliment to weight loss surgery. Better body mind and spirit with hypnosis!

There are so many people having success with weight loss surgery.  However there are also many people who have the surgery, and then have trouble reaching and maintaining their goals.   There is more to weight loss than the physical appearance.  In order to accomplish and maintain any goal it requires some mental work and hypnosis can help you during your transformation. 

Metaphysical hypnosis is a safe and effective way to tap into your subconscious mind and uncover any roadblocks that may exist to your successful new physique.  As a facilitator of metaphysical hypnosis I can help you recall and resolve what may be hampering your success and together we will explore ways to assist you in enjoying your new body.  Once the procedure is done some find all the new attention uncomfortable and this could trigger over eating.  It may be uncomfortable giving up your old wardrobe and shopping for new clothes.  Maybe you just miss your comfort foods and the places you used to eat freely.  Hypnosis can help you relax into the new you and help you create that vision on a deeper level!

Perhaps you are having issues giving up your favorite foods or you simply do not feel FULL on such a small amount.  RELAX!  Hypnosis can help you!  For more information on how hypnosis can help you achieve your goals call visit
photos courtesy goggle
DISCLAIMER: We/ I do not practice medicine. Hypnosis is a unique and separate profession as is counseling, psychotherapy and all other mental health professions or services. Hypnosis is an alternative means to self-improvement and personal growth. These processes are non-diagnostic, non-psychological and non-medical. The use of Hypnosis is not intended to be used in the treatment of any human illness, disease, injury or for any other therapeutic purpose. Medical concerns should be addressed with your primary care physician. Note: Those under the care of a physician should not ignore the doctors advice for medical conditions. Consult your physician before making changes in his/her prescribed treatment. Our philosophy is not intended to be a replacement; it is intended as a complementary method to help you accomplish your goals.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Overcome the fear of public speaking with hypnosis

When you speak in public, do you experience...
    Sweaty palms?
    Shaking hands?
    Racing thoughts?
    Pounding heart?
    Stuttering and sputtering?
    Even forgetting what you had to say?

If you experience any of the symptoms above, speaking in public must be a very stressful experience for you.

When you get rid of your fear, not only will you eliminate these painful feelings, you will also be able to...RELAX
and possibly...just maybe!!
    Apply and accept that promotion..
    Make that best mans speech...
    Be calm and confident when speaking in public.
    Allow your voice to be heard at meetings and whenever necessary.
    Sleep well at night the day before and after a speaking engagement.
    Be calm and confident when speaking in public.

 Receive the accolades of the audience!! You ARE a WINNER!!!
Have you tried any of the following to get rid of your fear of making speeches or public speaking?

    Spending countless hours preparing for your speeches.
    Confronting your fear by speaking in public many times.
    Or playing the fears over and over in your head  like a broken record?
Hypnosis can help you relax and recall the information you want to convey to your audience.

What drives the Fear of Public Speaking?

Most people who fear public speaking are worried about being judged negatively or criticized ... or they may fear disappointing people who currently think well of them ... they might even feel that they just don't have what it takes to be a good public speaker ... or that people aren't that interested in what they have to say.

These are just some of the many insecurities that contribute to a fear of public speaking.  Hypnosis allows the mind to overcome those fears by bypassing the conscious thinking mind and tapping into the subconscious which is an inner reservoir of strength and wisdom.

More specific concerns of public speaking are caused by beliefs like:

    Mistakes and failure are bad..
    People simply aren't interested in what I have to say..
    I won't be good enough.

These are just a few of the limiting beliefs that contribute to a fear of public speaking.

Recognize that many of the beliefs that cause your fear of public speaking are not true, they only limit you.  And you may even discover evidence that some of those beliefs are completely false.

Try hypnosis.  CLICK HERE for more information on how hypnosis can help you overcome fears and phobias by removing roadblocks to your best life ever or call(305) 305-2288.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Build your confidence with hypnosis

Same thing every day...every day the same ole thing..  Does this statement describe you?  Are you stuck in rut? like a stick in the mud?  say its not so.  Truth is you are not alone.  Studies show many people feel stuck.  Life can be overwhelming at times and it can be easy to get stuck in some type of dis-comfort.  Eleanor Roosevelt once suggested we do one thing everyday that was scary.  Driving in South Florida rush hour doesn't
*do at least one thing a day that makes you laugh!
Something different.  And it could be something simple like trying a new food or painting one fingernail in a neon bright color that makes you smile.  Think outside of the box. Is there something you have wanted to do but were afraid to try.  perhaps hypnosis. Now is the time! Write a silly blog with crazy colors using different fonts and type styles.  
S-T-R-E-T-C-H...and get unstuck
Each time you venture out of you "comfort" zone the Universe rushes with open arms to meet you!  Hypnosis was a stretch for me. I had all these fears that weren't proven like I actually thought someone could make me do something against my will.  Well that's more likely to happen by watching TV.  ijs.   Well I really wanted to quit smoking and I had almost everything, then I tried hypnosis. Guess what?  HYPNOSIS WORKED! I became a non smoker.  You can accomplish a goal as well.  You can pretty much do whatever you put your mind to and hypnosis can help you relax focus and move forward.
Call (305) 305-2288 to schedule an appointment to build your confidence and thrive!

Is spirituality a team sport? Winning requires going within, reaching deeper and connecting on a higher level of consciousness it's a state of mind.

There are many folks seeking a higher state of consciousness aka peace, love and happiness through outer conditions and/or circumstances.   Many spiritual and/or religious groups provide a perceived safe haven for spiritual learning and growth.  These groups are necessary for many reasons...but what happens when the group dynamic no longer seems to serve you?  What happens when the safety bubble seems to burst?  Our biggest teacher is that still small voice within each of us.  The ego seeks and thrives on instant gratification. sighs.

AND while outer stimuli (materialism) may provide a temporary distraction disguised as peace and love it's really what is INSIDE that matters.   The outer methods of attaining a higher awareness can be entertaining, even distracting, temporarily satisfying the emotions of pain and pleasure.  The ability to discern emotions provide valuable clues to achieving that peace that surpasses understanding.  This is the school of life and each moment provides an opportunity for enlightenment

Spirituality requires going within...metaphysical hypnosis provides the experience of looking beyond appearances, bypassing everyday perceptions as an opportunity to go within and tap into that inner awareness.It is a personal journey.  It it relaxing, refreshing and renewing.

Some folks have the ability to do this through meditation...some folks think they can't...

As a practitioner of metaphysical hypnosis I facilitate the process of bypassing the mental chatter and reintroducing clients to a inner awareness.  It is here that manifestation begins not from without...from within.  Are you aware of that still small voice? Have you heard it? Are you even listening?  Hypnosis can help you go within and achieve your goals.  Hypnosis can help you tap into your inner wisdom and manifestation center.  Ask me how hypnosis can help U...

For more information on hypnosis visit my website at call (305) 305-2288 or check out my virtual bookstore by CLICKING HERE

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Stop procrastinating and move forward with hypnosis

Procrastination is a learned response and the same way you learned to put things off you can re-learn to move forward.  Hypnosis can help you get out of your own way by helping you to recognize the patterns that are holding you back.   Perhaps you have missed opportunities because of some type of fear.  Everyone has at least one fear and the most successful people have learned to reach beyond their fears and discover a new level of comfort.  Remember the story of the Little Engine That Could? 

 Hypnosis can take you from thinking you can to KNOWING you can! 

 Hypnosis can help you build self esteem  by tapping into a new awareness of abilities you may not have recognized you had.  Why wait for something ordinary to happen when you can do something different and step into something extraordinaryManifestation begins within you as a thought.

As a consulting hypnosis facilitator let me help you achieve that state of relaxation where dreams are realized.  The subconscious mind is powerful and hidden beneath the surface of your everyday conscious thinking is that part of you that is greater than you ever could imagine!  Click HERE for more information in how hypnosis can help you.  Call (305)305-2288 for more information and to schedule your session.
CLICK HERE to visit my store for videos and books om self hypnosis. photo

Friday, September 5, 2014

Manifest success with spiritual hypnosis and life coaching

Let go and grow~
Tend to thoughts as if tending a garden. Do not forget to weed out any negativity...
Encourage the healthy growth of tiny buds of inspiration(ideas) and your life will surely prosper!
Happy Manifesting!

                                                                                                               ( Picture Google )
Hypnosis can help you tend the garden of your mind.  By investing the time to slow down and bypassing the constant chatter of the everyday thinking mind, it is possible to reach that state of peace and serenity needed to  move forward.  Once in the relaxed state the real answers come forward and I find it is usually not what you think.  I read in the Huffington Post the mind is bombarded with approx. 50,000 messages a day.  Add to that the thoughts of your wife husband or significant other and that number doubles.  Perhaps you only need to resolve one issue.  If you could just be silent for a few with a good facilitator the answers will flow.  You may find yourself in the flow.  The flow of life. Our Creator, I call God, intended us to be happy and in the flow of peaceful abundance.
If for some reason you are unable to relax and/or meditate, try spiritual hypnosis. Hypnosis can help you achieve that state of inner peace that leads to outer manifestation of desired goals.  For more information call (305) 305-2288 or CLICK HERE to visit my website. For books that I recommend on the subject of hypnosis CLICK HERE namaste

Thursday, September 4, 2014

What is hypnosis?

The term “hypnosis” comes from the Greek word hypnos which means sleep.

This is because the person induced into hypnosis resembles a person sleeping, but in actual fact they are completely aware and in control albeit in a state of absolute tranquility.

The ancient Greeks and Romans used hypnosis for therapeutic purposes. It has been used to carry out pain free operations, known as hypno-anasthesia.

Hypnosis is a calm, incredibly relaxed state; a totally natural phenomenon; we are in a state of hypnosis at least twice a day, once when first waking and again before going to sleep. This has been termed the alpha state.  

A person who is hypnotised is totally aware and in control, in fact they could get up and leave whenever they wanted  to, which they probably wouldn’t due to hypnosis being so relaxing. The client will feel calm and relaxed and completely in control at all times.  

This is very different from stage hypnosis where you can witness people acting the fool. They only act the fool because they want to and these people are chosen very carefully by the hypnotist. You will have met these people in your day to day lives, they are the ones who like to be the life and soul of the party, who can be loud and entertaining and enjoy being the centre of attention.

A persons focus and concentration are heightened and there is an acute attention to detail while in this deep trance like state.
For more information on hypnosis click HERE or call (305) 305-2288 to schedule and appointment.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

James Trapp invites you to Wake Up and Thrive! At the University of Miami Sept. 13-14, 2015

Former President of Unity Worldwide Ministries James Trapp will speak at UM for two days in Sept.
To read more about this event and get tickets click HERE

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Do you answer yes when you really want to say no? Then read The Power Of No

Is it possible that saying No can be spiritual?  It's a great question and The Power of No is a book that everyone should read.  Especially those enlightened beings who say yes with  that cool as cucumber cherub smile, then end up regretting their decision.  Even more so if those yes's create chaos in your life.  The co-author of the Power Of No, James Altucher says we should all read this book "because one little word can bring health, abundance, and happiness.  Written with his wife Claudia Azula Altucher, The Power of No is a compilation of some of their individual and collective life stories. In the book they share how setting boundaries and simply saying the word No helped them.  The Power Of No is spiritually entertaining  as they reveal how they overcame boundaries by saying no, for "each no eliminates a cage".   No angel should be caged.   Have you considered spiritual boundaries lately?
The book begins with "Your No Bill of Rights".(pg 14) Each "right" describes just how empowering and relatively "painful" it might be to just say no.  Fact is it can painful to say no, especially if you tend to be of the "yes" persuasion, "a naturally giving person".   One of the No Bill of Rights is the "right" to choose what stories you believe in.
The authors give simple techniques on how to say No effectively and begin to honor your true authentic self.  Speaking of authenticity there is a chapter on storytelling. Was there any time you bought into another persons interpretation of how your life should be lived, usually according to their story?  Perhaps in the past you've said yes to doing something only to regret it later or at the precise moment the agreement left your lips. smh, Now what do you do? According to the authors it is ok to change your mind.  Changing you mind can be the best thing you have ever done.  For example engaging in activities with folks that drain you.  Maybe a family member, co-worker or friend.  It may be difficult to say No as most people equate saying No with some type of rejection.  This book can help you change that perception.  Saying No is a good thing.
Another one of the "No Bill of Rights" is the right to take your time.  sighs. Thanks for the reminder.  Why hurry? Have you ever been rushed into making a decision about something that isn't urgent but you are pushed to commit ASAP or PRONTO?  The Power Of No reminds you to slow down and rather than react on auto pilot to people, situations and circumstances in our life take some time to evaluate the best answer. The Power Of No may surprise you, it surprised me.  This book describes seven(7) levels of No and how using them can be powerful. 
Warning this book is REAL!  A real good read with real stories and real practical tips that can be life changing.
From the authors: What we show in this book is that No comes from a deep core inside.  A spiritual core. One that allows you to tap into power you might not have known you had.
I'm all about tapping into my spiritual core and connecting that power source.  So I put the techniques to task.  There is someone I've known for years that is always asking for something, a favor, an errand, work etc with the promise of future pay. I once rode around several counties spending  days meeting and talking with realtors in the anticipation of the promise of being compensated for my time and efforts at a future date.   It was always tomorrow. While tomorrow came my money never did.  I always seemed to agree to doing things for this person that take my time and cost me money.  We hadn't spoken in awhile since the  last time I fully expressed my displeasure with this behavior.  Well, It is written when the student is ready the teacher will appear.  Like clockwork that evening while reading the chapter on boundaries I got a text asking for a favor.  I text back....ok.  ugh..   Then came the promise. breathe! All the emotions and pain of feeling used and disrespected came flooding back.  I felt it in my core.  I mindfully sat with the decision.  I read the book some more.  I woke up around 3am and decided it was time take my power back. The Power of No.  Later that day I text the person, I changed my mind.  They did not reply and as hours passed I realized this was the pattern.  Eventually I was able to say No.  It was uncomfortable but in the long run it will be worth it.  What a lesson! According to the book, When our No's are not in place, we are vulnerable to abuse(pg.43).   Since reading this book I have become much more aware of the Power Of No and the abuses of yes.  This is a great book filled with wonderful lessons and real life examples of just  how enlightening saying no can be.  Yes! saying no can be a spiritual experience. The Power of No is available on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble Hay House and Indigo

Please note I was given a copy of this book to review by Hay House with my unbiased opinion.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Get out outta your head and into your mind...that's where the answer is!

This is one of my favorite quotes by Einstein.  It is also another reason why I love hypnosis.  Hypnosis allows you to tap into various states of consciousness to obtain the answers to issues unlike any other metaphysical modality.  If you are willing to show up and do the inner work the powerful creative subconscious mind can reveal answers that help almost anyone move forward. Notice I said almost anyone.  For many years there have been skeptics due to various myths and misconceptions about hypnosis.  Myths like you can be made to do something without your consent.  It's simply not true.  If it were there would be a lot more millions in the World.  Let me reiterate: hypnosis is very safe and effective.
I became a hypnotist because it helped me quit smoking improve my outlook on life.  Once I remembered what it felt like to relax in a different state of consciousness I was hooked.  Hypnosis helped me go deeper into my meditation practice.  Hypnosis helped me see things  differently.  The key to unlocking your greatest potential is not a team sport.  It requires going within, silencing the chatter of the everyday thinking mind.  Hypnosis can unlock that inner awareness to peace love and abundance.  When is the last time you heard that inner voice?  Are you listening? for more information on how hypnosis can help you cal (305) 305-2288 or visit
(pic google

Friday, August 22, 2014

Have you come full circle in life? ask yourself

Coming full circle can be a wonderful thing.  The opportunity to revisit a relationship, situation or circumstance can be quite revealing.  There are many definitions and interpretations  for reciprocity of life and what that should look like.  Life is a personal experience. Filled with a multitude of experiences the past molds the present and may hold the key to the future.  Zig Ziglar said repetition is the mother of learning.  I think repetition is the mother is invention.  Regression can help you recognize past patterns.  These patterns can be the keys to your success.  Perhaps you only date a certain"type" or you seem to always end up in the same situation.  Hypnosis can help you recognize where you got stuck.  Hypnosis can also help you to remember what you are really great at so you can develop your life purpose.

Life doesn't have to be hard or painful.  It's actually supposed to be fun.  The Bible says lest we become children can we enter heaven. Heaven is a state of mind! Keep it simple and have fun. Life is a playground of possibilities!  To explore how hypnosis can help you visit or call (305) 305-2288 for more information.
CLICK HERE for books and videos on how to empower yourself with self hypnosis~kysses
photo goggle

Monday, August 18, 2014

Does hypnosis work an article from Penn State

As people become more open and receptive to alternative healing more research is being done and the answers are positive.  Hypnosis can help!  Here is a link to a recent article about hypnosis and if it works written in the Penn State News

What makes you happy?

I got a text the other asking what was my life's purpose.  It seems with the sudden passing of Robin Williams some people are pondering the question of life.  The text prompted me to think a minute.  I answered to be happy! It was then I realized just how much my priorities have changed.  In the past my life purpose centered mostly around helping others and making other folks happy.  I now know if I am not happy there isn't a thing I do to help anyone else.  Thus my quest for inner peace and happiness.  I used to think it was selfish to put myself and my needs first, au contraire putting my happiness first is the best thing I could have ever done.  There is a saying if Momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy!
There is no better feeling than seeing a client relax and move forward.  Happiness is contagious and when you have it it's one of those things you simply do not take for granted.  Happy does not come from the outside happiness grows and flows from within you.  I use to think happiness came from another pair of shoes.  My dad used to call me Imelda for Imelda Marcos who reportedly owned thousands of pairs of shoes. 
Shoes used to make me happy actually they still do but it is a temporary adrenaline type of happiness.  One day while organizing the closet I counted all the empty feelings(shoes) I was trying to compensate for and all the money I spent looking for happy. 
I decided to be happy not buy happy!  Besides broke ain't cute and happy breeds prosperity! I am prosperous!
Happy is really a state of mind! It make take a little time and effort to remember what it feels like. You get your hair done you buy new shoes have you ever renewed your mind?  Hypnosis can help!  Visit for more information on how hypnosis can help you get your happy back. kysses
Goggle pics

Friday, August 15, 2014

Why did Robin Williams choose suicide? Could alternative treatments have helped him?

 I was a bit sad to hear of the transition of comedian Robin Williams. He made me laugh and I "got" him.  The whole nanu nanu thing was so different.  Robiin Willams took the fear out aliens for me and Mork and Mindy became one of my favorite shows. I also get that perhaps I related to Robin Williams because he was different.  Robin Williams began doing impressions and comedy as a lonely over weight young boy who felt different. I too am different and I have always felt different or been reminded of the fact by the scores of "normal" folks around me.  Perhaps you feel different too.  The feeling of never quite fitting in used to haunt me and the loudest voice was the one in my own head.  It was a constant reminder that I didn't agree with or believe a lot of what everyone else said or did.  I wasn't overweight as a child I just preferred to be alone.   Nor was I interested in what I was "supposed" to be learning or made to do.  I was bored.  I was considered a minority mentally and physically yet they labeled me "gifted" in public school.  It was daunting and I was taunted.  So I created coping mechanisms.  All external. That's life. You get in where you fit in and folks on drugs and alcohol tended to not care either way so it was comfortable drowning the sorrows for awhile.  People who don't understand depression will sometimes make accusations of drug and alcohol abuse for depression, out of ignorance, oftentimes as they pop another codeine something for their "nerves" and chase it with red wine.
The stories I could share.. smh  I was destined to be a medical doctor or so I thought however in college the first time around I wasn't all that interested.  Spirituality and mysticism felt more natural to me.
The depression got worse until I could not leave the bed much less the house.  Notice I said "the depression" as it was another label I never took ownership of.   Depressed was what they told me I was feeling when I described it to folks.  To help doctors kept giving me more prescriptions and I kept feeling worse.  I could not work and work did not want to hear that.  It seems some folks faked depression to stay home and get paid.  The folks that really were depressed pay the highest price. isolation.  That time can never be recovered. That feeling can never be quite understood.  It's just there.  "What do you have to be depressed about" they asked.
How the heck would I know?  If I knew why and how I would have given anything to just make it go away...that awful feeling
But I couldn't will it away.  So I faked a lot. I smiled and when I got home I cried thousands of tears begging God to just take the pain away...  There were times I considered the alternatives. But I was never brave enough.  I worried to much about appearances.  Interesting thing is none of those appearances(people) really gave a damn about me. inconsiderate vultures.  I remember the day I realized that if I didn't do something I really was gonna die. As the Dr. took my blood pressure and wrote me five more prescriptions for the issues and the side effects of the issues, he appealed to my vanity.  He described what could happen if I didn't die...whew. another side effect. very risky.  I think I understand why Robin Williams had to cut his wrists and put a belt around his neck.  He had to die.  The pain was too painful, the consequences too great.  I visited a hypnotist at some point to quit smoking and it was then that I remembered what it felt like to relax.  It was different and it was a good feeling.  I was comfortable in my skin and the world seemed more peaceful.  There was hope. I liked that feeling more than the drugs so I learned everything I could about it.  no side effects. Hypnosis introduced me into a deeper meditation.  peace be still.  Combined with my spiritual beliefs hypnosis saved my life.  I surrendered to that higher power I had heard about.  Not the one that scared me from the pulpit in the Baptist church I grew up in,  but the one that was inside of me.  The one power that was stronger than me.  Something shifted and I knew I had to live... for ME!  I actually wanted to live.  I felt empowered.
Depression is hard.  Depression is lonely.  Nobody wants to hear about it or so it seemed.  Most folks think it is over rated.  I did too until it happened to me. Money fortune nor fame can't erase the pain.
I was sad to hear Robin Williams decided to leave early.  He taught us so much and I can only imagine how much he took with him.  I choose to stay on this earthly plain and share for whatever it is worth, however I can, whenever I can. Drug and alcohol free.  It feels good to be free and freedom IS a state of mind.  I love me more than any external stimuli. Only God knows what a "normal" life looks like and since we(God and I) have developed this relationship built on trust I place my trust in God.  I check in with God often.  As I cultivate a relationship with the Angels and myself it is a profoundly intimate experience. It is a personal journey.  I dug out of that hole body mind and spirit.
This is the first time I have discussed it publicly. I was never brave enough to write about it or even talk about publicly however the death of Robin Williams has touched me and brought an awareness to life.  I have held it in long enough and it no longer serves me to hold on to that past life.
I AM free. It is safe to be free and full of life.  happy.  It's cool to be different and even cooler to honor my diversity.  Depression no longer defines me.  I am not afraid to live.  They say the internet is immortal and so am I.
To everyone who thought I was faking depression may you never experience what it feels like to be depressed. To those who supported me I love you more than words can ever express.  Thank you for taking my calls and just listening to me.  Thank you also for understanding when I simply did not have the words.  Thanks to my therapists who understood what I was growing through esp. the therapist that asked me angels on day.... I love you!
Thank you God for...all of it. May I be an instrument of your peace.
If you are depressed tell your story.  And tell it often.  Also take the time to listen.  You are never alone. 
Depression can be a struggle.
Honor your emotions seek help and follow your doctors instructions
Try alternative and complimentary methods of treatment.
There are infinite possibilities.
Explore spirituality.
Don't give up life is really beautiful. 
Depression happened when I was afraid to live or die..
I love living
                                                       RIP Robin Williams nanu nanu