“If one advances confidently in the
direction of his dream, and endeavors
to live the life which he has imagined,
he will meet with a success unexpected
in common hours.” – Thoreau
Imagination is the key to success and feeling is the way to open the door. Metaphysical hypnosis can help you achieve your goals.
Metaphysical hypnosis is a safe and effective spiritual technique to help you relax and release what no longer serves you. Go within or go without.. Manifesting peace, love, health, happiness, success and prosperity comes from within. K Saunders is a certified hypnosis instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists and trained by Dr. Brian Weiss in past life regression. She is also a tobacco treatment specialist helping many to quit smoking.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Friday, December 23, 2016
Home for the holidays? Relax and enjoy
The holidays are a wonderful time of year however the holidays can also be the most stressful time of year. There is cleaning, shopping cooking and the visits of friends and family that never seems to end. The holidays also can bring up memories both good and bad. It is a good time for forgiveness and love. Hypnosis can help you deal with the stress of the holiday season. It is always a good idea to take a mental break to reflect, put life in perspective and reevaluate where you are.
Where are you?
As the year begins to wind down where are you? Have you accomplished any goals or resolutions that you set at the beginning of 2016? It's never too late. Everyday is a gift. A new opportunity to begin again. Each moment presents an opportunity to shift gears into a higher perspective. Start right where you are. Change your thoughts and the shift begins. If what you are currently doing is not working take a few deep breaths, sit back relax and allow that still small voice to guide you. We are never alone.
Get excited!
If the holidays tend to get you down, do something different. Volunteer at a food bank, it will change your outlook and improve your gratitude. I spent one holiday at a local homeless shelter reading stories to the kids there. I took twenty bucks and went to the dollar store and purchased small gifts to take to the kids one evening. The smiles and shrieks of delight from the kids was the biggest and best gift I could ever receive. One year it got really cold so I cleaned out all my winter sweaters and blankets and drove downtown. I found people huddled trying to stay warm and I gave them the blankets. They were so grateful and it warmed my heart. Don't wait until the holidays, live every day in gratitude. There is always someone less fortunate than you. The smallest of gestures out of kindness can mean the world to someone else.
Be gentle with yourself
The holidays can also be overwhelming. Be gentle with yourself. If you need to talk to someone there are plenty of resources to help you deal with any situation. Do something for yourself that makes you smile. Make a conscious decision to be happy. Instead of brooding over Xmas past, book a fabulous trip to someplace you have never been, craft or drive around and see the lights.
Whatever you do have the best holiday ever!!!
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Hypnosis and the Law of Attraction

What ever the mind can conceive AND believe..it can achieve.
The mind conceives ideas. These ideas are the answers to requests, questions we may have, needs or desires. Beliefs are feelings that the mind and body determined are comfortable enough to live with. A belief is a strong conviction that something is going to happen and beliefs can have a negative or positive impact on your life. You are the determining factor in how and why your beliefs control the outcome of your desires. Metaphysical hypnosis, the power of auto suggestion, can help you focus on what you really want allowing a space for good things to manifest. In a deep state of relaxation it is possible to examine beliefs that may be blocking the manifestation of your desire(s).
Things manifest through thoughts and feelings. Affirmations can help. When is the last time you felt really, really good? When you felt that way did things seem to effortlessly fall into place?
As you go deeper into self you can connect to that place of peace that often surpasses understanding. If you are currently using affirmations with minimal or no success and want some valuable tips on taking your manifestations to the next level CLICK HERE
Sunday, November 20, 2016
What is metaphysical hypnosis? The search for spirituality deep within
Metaphysical hypnosis can be described as a spiritual journey within. That place where all the answers are and where we are Divinely guided and directed. Metaphysics is defined as looking beyond appearances and metaphysical hypnosis is a journey away from outer experiences toward the inner goals and aspirations we seek. Hypnosis is the process of bypassing the conscious thinking mind thereby accessing the subconscious mind. I subscribe to the theory that when the conscious and subconscious mind agree to relax, the super conscious, Creator of all there is, which I call God, may be accessed.
It is an indescribable feeling to even momentarily, release the complexities of the material world, and enter into a state of peace and relaxation where it is possible to actually feel the Universe supporting you. This is the state of creative manifestation.
The deeper within you explore the more you grow...
Metaphysical hypnosis can help you tap into unlimited potential. Below is a story of where man's Divinity is hidden according to an old Hindu legend...
There was once a time when all human beings were gods, but they so abused their divinity that Brahma, the chief god, decided to take it away from them and hide it where it could never be found.
Where to hide their divinity was the question.
So Brahma called a council of the gods to help him decide. “Let’s bury it deep in the earth,” said the gods.
But Brahma answered, “No that will not do because humans will dig into the earth and find it.” Then the gods said, “Let’s sink it in the deepest ocean.”
But Brahma said, “No, not there, for they will learn to dive into the ocean and will find it.”
Then the gods said, “Let’s take it to the top of the highest mountain and hide it there.”
But once again Brahma replied, “No that will not do either, because they will eventually climb every mountain and once again take up their divinity.”
Then the gods gave up and said, “We do not know where to hide it, because it seems that there is no place on earth or in the sea that human beings will not eventually reach.”
Brahma thought for a long time and then said, “Here is what we will do. We will hide their divinity deep in the center of their own being, for humans will never think to look for it there.”
All the gods agreed that this was the perfect hiding place, and the deed was done. And since that time humans have been going up and down the earth, digging, diving, climbing, and exploring–searching for something already within themselves.
~author unknown
photo goggle images
Thursday, November 17, 2016
The Art of Forgiveness
The ability to forgive can be easier if you approach it as an art form. Art is viewed as impersonal yet it holds personal perspectives. The most bizarre art can seem to draw people is with all if its complexities. The same holds true for the seemingly difficult people in our lives. That which offends or repeals is often the same energy that compels us to remain in contemplation about the person or situation. Sometimes it is difficult to view an art form with an objective open mind. It is human nature to judge it. What we like or dislike about certain aspects of it failing to recognize it is very possible to just observe without judgement. For like art things, people and situations take on the energy thought forms given by the observer.
It all starts with a feeling
Before we even begin to judge there are feelings that drive the thoughts. Because words or logos, have so much power the feelings are often neglected. The words take over as the predominate messengers and the feelings become secondary. The subtle feelings in the body carry a vital message, more important than any words can express. Bypassing the feelings may create a distorted message and the added logos then give more power to the perception. Therein is the illusion. Nothing is as it seems.
Nothing is as it seems
Once the mind has made it's decision and words to identify with its hypothesis, it becomes difficult to change opinions. Those opinions may not have anything to do with the presenting situation and/or circumstance. Since the mind has made a conclusion the associated feelings are subject to that conclusion. For example, in a relationship if one has been hurt by someone the feelings of hurt become a part of the persons physiological memory bank. The sympathetic nervous system is activated in "fight or flight" response and stores that memory. The sympathetic nervous system responses are quick and powerful shutting out any responses not essential to survival. In other words little else matters when the sympathetic nervous system in engaged.
Hypnosis can help
Metaphysical hypnosis can help you relax and release. Just like the mind has memory so does the body. Metaphysical hypnosis is a way to go past the experience of the story and remember what it feels like to be safe and comfortable. Hypnosis can help you forgive and move forward in a state of peace and relaxation.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Increase sales performance with hypnosis
Successful sales require a love of the product or service you are providing and more importantly a dedication and enthusiasm to meeting your goals and objectives. The best and often overlooked tools for success in sales are self talk & visualization. Self hypnosis can help you see yourself as the winner you really are by building confidence from within. In a hypnosis session you will be able to uncover the mental roadblocks to your success. Once you bypass what you think the issues are you can get to what really needs to happen to put you in the winners circle. If you think you are doing everything right, but still somehow you are not meeting your objectives, it is time to go deeper into your own mind and plant some positive suggestions to help you win! I worked over twenty years is sales and know what it takes to make the numbers and by the numbers I mean money!! Every sales managers mantra is SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!
Within three sessions hypnosis helped a salesperson who always just "missed" being number one in his district rise in enthusiasm AND in his numbers. He had always been number one, but suddenly things shifted and he was consistently at number three. Well, he got comfortable and slacked up. Without even realizing it he wasn't as committed to being the best. After awhile he got too comfortable. Hypnosis helped him get the passion and love for his product and company back. He remembered what it felt like to be a winner. He discovered some new strategies and ways to get new clients he hadn't thought of before and it WORKED! As his attitude improved old clients started calling him! It was amazing. He feels and thinks like a winner and is back on top!
Face it, working in sales can be stressful. And the harder you try the further away it may seem you are from your goals. Hypnosis can help you relax and begin to achieve those goals. Your biggest cheerleader should be you! Hypnosis is a way to silence the mind chatter and doubt that lurks around you possible telling you that you are less than you really are. Learn some simple techniques than you can use personally without anyone knowing to boost your morale, expand your enthusiasm and grow your bottom line!
Enthusiasm is contagious and needs to be cultivated everyday. Hypnosis can help you build a solid foundation for success. In as little as one hour your perspective can change from mediocre to fantastic. Check out this recording Sales Success, Increase Your Sales & Income you can listen to in a quiet place and home or in your office for sales motivation. Make sure you are in a quiet place and not driving or operation machinery. Sit back and relax or make an appointment to see a hypnotist in person.
When your perspective changes in a positive way, everything around you changes for the better...including your sales numbers!
Go within and cultivate sales success.
Successful sales require a love of the product or service you are providing and more importantly a dedication and enthusiasm to meeting your goals and objectives. The best and often overlooked tools for success in sales are self talk & visualization. Self hypnosis can help you see yourself as the winner you really are by building confidence from within. In a hypnosis session you will be able to uncover the mental roadblocks to your success. Once you bypass what you think the issues are you can get to what really needs to happen to put you in the winners circle. If you think you are doing everything right, but still somehow you are not meeting your objectives, it is time to go deeper into your own mind and plant some positive suggestions to help you win! I worked over twenty years is sales and know what it takes to make the numbers and by the numbers I mean money!! Every sales managers mantra is SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!
Within three sessions hypnosis helped a salesperson who always just "missed" being number one in his district rise in enthusiasm AND in his numbers. He had always been number one, but suddenly things shifted and he was consistently at number three. Well, he got comfortable and slacked up. Without even realizing it he wasn't as committed to being the best. After awhile he got too comfortable. Hypnosis helped him get the passion and love for his product and company back. He remembered what it felt like to be a winner. He discovered some new strategies and ways to get new clients he hadn't thought of before and it WORKED! As his attitude improved old clients started calling him! It was amazing. He feels and thinks like a winner and is back on top!
Face it, working in sales can be stressful. And the harder you try the further away it may seem you are from your goals. Hypnosis can help you relax and begin to achieve those goals. Your biggest cheerleader should be you! Hypnosis is a way to silence the mind chatter and doubt that lurks around you possible telling you that you are less than you really are. Learn some simple techniques than you can use personally without anyone knowing to boost your morale, expand your enthusiasm and grow your bottom line!
Enthusiasm is contagious and needs to be cultivated everyday. Hypnosis can help you build a solid foundation for success. In as little as one hour your perspective can change from mediocre to fantastic. Check out this recording Sales Success, Increase Your Sales & Income you can listen to in a quiet place and home or in your office for sales motivation. Make sure you are in a quiet place and not driving or operation machinery. Sit back and relax or make an appointment to see a hypnotist in person.
When your perspective changes in a positive way, everything around you changes for the better...including your sales numbers!
Go within and cultivate sales success.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Can hypnosis enhance spirituality?
Hypnosis is another door within. Just like yoga, meditation, visualization and guided imagery, hypnosis bypasses the conscious thinking mind to access the subconscious. Many religions and spiritual schools teach their followers processes similar to hypnosis. The idea is to go within. In order to achieve balance in body, mind and spirit, the use of techniques that are based on relaxation, breathing and suggestion are paramount. Metaphysical hypnosis incorporates all of these techniques and more...
One of the more interesting sessions involved a conservative executive who came to see me for relaxation. During the session I asked him a few questions when he got into deep relaxation and because he seemed to be uncomfortable. Evidently he had been engaging a spiritual practice that no one knew about aside from his spouse and a few confidantes. During his session he got some unexpected answers to some questions he had been seeking. It took some convincing, but he finally relaxed and told me what was happening. Seek and ye shall find...
With the guidance of trained facilitator and ordained metaphysical minister Karen Saunders spirituality can be enhanced through metaphysical hypnosis. The process of metaphysical hypnosis takes you deeper within the subconscious mind. This is where all the answers are said to be.
You can also download a great guided self hypnosis exercise called Talk To God Hypnosis Develop Deeper Spirituality & Higher States Of Consciousness With Theta Binural Beats by clicking HERE
Anna Thompson does a great job of guiding you through the spiritual hypnosis process and you can do this in the privacy of your home or office. For a more personal experience seek a qualified hypnotist who specializes in spirituality.
Past life regression is probably the most popular spiritual hypnosis practice and Dr. Brian Weiss has a CD called Spiritual Progress Through Regression which is very good.
The process can be likened to a tour of your inner self. A dive into the ocean of your mind where there are waves of inspiration and the tide is unpredictable. You never know what you might find however the journey is always helpful. For more information visit. www.amustardseedhealing.com or call (305) 305-2288.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
The Law of Attraction, Relaxing and Removing Blocks with Hypnosis
Do you feel stuck? Are you offering a negative vibration of something that happened in your past? Is it possible that negative vibration could be blocking the manifestation of your best life? The law of attraction is based on the idea of finding a positive thought vibration and holding that vibration until that which you desire manifests. Sometimes it seems difficult to manifest through the law of attraction because you are not in alignment with the positive vibration, or as Abraham would describe it, you are not in the vortex. If you are practicing the law of attraction and find it difficult to manifest your desired outcome, don't give up. Try metaphysical hypnosis.
According to the collective consciousness of Abraham it is possible to offer a negative vibration of something that happened twenty years ago. wow. It is also possible to not even remember what the situation is that happened that cause you to beat the drum of not enough. As humans it is our nature to want to know what that situation is, maybe to churn it, analyze it, perhaps even understand it. Even though it may not matter when practicing the law of attraction, it certainly will not hurt to uncover past events and move forward esp. if you feel stuck. A past life regression can help you to recall a situation, clear the emotions and move forward. If you are using the law of attraction and having difficulty aligning with the positive aspects in your life, hypnosis can help you get out of your head and into alignment with your highest consciousness.
In the book, Think and Grow Rich(1937), Napoleon Hill suggests meditation with your master mind group. The best master mind group meeting occurs in your own relaxed mind. If you find it hard to meditate and/or difficult to relax and use you imagination, hypnosis can hep you to tap into your inner awareness and plant positive suggestions to help you achieve your goals. Hypnosis is natural, safe and effective.
According to the collective consciousness of Abraham it is possible to offer a negative vibration of something that happened twenty years ago. wow. It is also possible to not even remember what the situation is that happened that cause you to beat the drum of not enough. As humans it is our nature to want to know what that situation is, maybe to churn it, analyze it, perhaps even understand it. Even though it may not matter when practicing the law of attraction, it certainly will not hurt to uncover past events and move forward esp. if you feel stuck. A past life regression can help you to recall a situation, clear the emotions and move forward. If you are using the law of attraction and having difficulty aligning with the positive aspects in your life, hypnosis can help you get out of your head and into alignment with your highest consciousness.
In the book, Think and Grow Rich(1937), Napoleon Hill suggests meditation with your master mind group. The best master mind group meeting occurs in your own relaxed mind. If you find it hard to meditate and/or difficult to relax and use you imagination, hypnosis can hep you to tap into your inner awareness and plant positive suggestions to help you achieve your goals. Hypnosis is natural, safe and effective.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Hypnosis Training And National Certification - Group and Private Classes
Begin a new career and/or enhance your current personal or
professional goals as a Certified Hypnotist. Hypnosis is rewarding and
you can earn income while helping family and friends. Everyone,
including you, no matter what your profession, can benefit by utilizing
hypnosis techniques.
The next certification class begins soon.
Learn techniques to help people with issues like:
• stop smoking
• weight
• self esteem
• focus and concentration
• stress reduction
• fears and phobias
and much more...
The class utilizes interactive hands on training with demonstrations, explanations and detailed marketing techniques to help you build a clientele. This class is suitable for professionals as well as beginners.
Host Karen Saunders, a National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) Trainer brings years of experience in training and assisting people with hypnosis, life coaching and alternative healing modalities.
This certification is approved by the NGH, and includes a one year membership to the Guild.
Ask about private instruction and/or mentoring options to help grow your practice.
Call (305) 305-2288 today for more information, or visit www.amustardseedhealing.com
The next certification class begins soon.
Learn techniques to help people with issues like:
• stop smoking
• weight
• self esteem
• focus and concentration
• stress reduction
• fears and phobias
and much more...
The class utilizes interactive hands on training with demonstrations, explanations and detailed marketing techniques to help you build a clientele. This class is suitable for professionals as well as beginners.
Host Karen Saunders, a National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) Trainer brings years of experience in training and assisting people with hypnosis, life coaching and alternative healing modalities.
This certification is approved by the NGH, and includes a one year membership to the Guild.
Ask about private instruction and/or mentoring options to help grow your practice.
Call (305) 305-2288 today for more information, or visit www.amustardseedhealing.com
Reasons Why You Should Learn Hypnosis
Hypnosis is a wonderful tool almost anyone can use to improve their lifestyle. The following are just a few examples of how hypnosis can help you..
When is the last time you really relaxed and felt happy? If you can't seem to remember...
Hypnosis can help!
Train to be professional hypnotist in as little as one week. Supplement your income or have a full time practice. Help your friends and family with safe natural and effective hypnosis techniques.
Call (305) 305-2288 for more information.
- CEO's of major corporations use hypnosis to set clear intentions and goals. They also use hypnosis for the relaxation benefits it provides and to reduce stress.
- Athletes use hypnosis for peak performance in sports. Hypnosis assists in focus and concentration. Students use hypnosis to pass exams and enhance their retention during study.
- Kids use hypnosis to release fears, improve school work and reduce exam stress so they can pass.
- Adults use hypnosis to overcome addictive behaviors like smoking and worrying.
- Metaphysical hypnosis provides a great introduction to meditation.
When is the last time you really relaxed and felt happy? If you can't seem to remember...
Hypnosis can help!
Train to be professional hypnotist in as little as one week. Supplement your income or have a full time practice. Help your friends and family with safe natural and effective hypnosis techniques.
Call (305) 305-2288 for more information.
Monday, October 10, 2016
Could The Miami Dolphins Could Use Some HELP? What About The Dolfans...
Sports hypnosis has enhanced the ability to win for some of the best athletes in the World. The power of positive intention can turn almost any situation around. If the individual and/ or team is determined to win they can and will win. However, often the coaches and/or trainers get caught up so physically in the game they forget or negate the mental conditioning that is required to win! Hypnosis can help. Right now the Miami Dolphins are facing a losing season and the fans are not happy. It is kinda difficult to please the most appeasing fans but it becomes a daunting struggle when the fans get obnoxious. So how does Miami create a a WIN WIN situation?
1)The team is probably in fight or flight response but who should they be fighting the opponents or the fans?
The correct answer is neither. The key to winning is the ability to focus on the goal...
If you have done all you can do to physically and strategically prepare, and things still aren't going your way. Time to go within. Individually AND Collectively.
At game time the only things that matter are the ability to relax,
remain calm, clear and focused on the goal of winning...that's IT!
CHILL and you got this..
It is easy to get distracted when literally thousands of folks are calling you a loser. They don't matter. The media comments...do NOT matter. The only thing that matters is the voice that is guiding you from within. That voice should reassure you that no matter what you can and will turn this thing around and WIN!!!
Hypnosis can help you tap into the power of listening to that voice. What are you saying to yourself? Are you agreeing with the naysayers OR are you focused on the win? Hypnosis is a safe and effective way to cultivate the mental stamina required to win and the compassion to grow if you're not. If your current game plan and/or coach isn't producing...do not be afraid to try something different!
So how can Miami create a WIN WIN!
2) The fans should treat the team like any other relationship with some love and support. If your spouse had a bad day would you scream and yell or show up at home with paper bag over your head?
OK don't answer that...this is about taking one for the team. Try to be supportive, just a little..
Hypnosis can help you tap into the power of listening to that voice. What are you saying to yourself? Are you agreeing with the naysayers OR are you focused on the win? Hypnosis is a safe and effective way to cultivate the mental stamina required to win and the compassion to grow if you're not. If your current game plan and/or coach isn't producing...do not be afraid to try something different!
So how can Miami create a WIN WIN!
Sports hypnosis can not only help in football it can help with any sport, from the sofa warrior to the little league pitcher and can help with achieving any goal in between. Just like you condition the body it is important to condition the mind. Daily exercise is important and consistently working with a mind coach is the key to success. Try hypnosis it works. CLICK HERE for more info on how hypnosis can help you.
Monday, October 3, 2016
Studies Show Approximately 70% of Americans Are NOT Happy At WORK!
More than half of all Americans don't like their jobs. WOW. That is a LOT of people! Just imagine all these unhappy people everyday driving on our roads and highways, pissed off, cutting us off in traffic, cussing and honking and.. it really has nothing to do with you. sighs. Wait a minute...may be the pissed off person IS you...if you recognize this analogy CLICK HERE make an appointment and get help to relax.
Money is an important aspect of our lives, and for most folks that means we gotta WORK! Some people are fortunate enough to work in a place with a supportive boss and really nice coworkers. However studies show approximately 70% of people are NOT happy at work! The stats are staggering and whats even more interesting is that most of these people are unwilling to change jobs or careers. They are STUCK!!
Hopefully you are among the 30% that are happy at work.
If you are not happy you should try hypnosis for stress reduction and relaxation. Hypnosis can help you step out of your humdrum everyday existence into an inner awareness of just how great life is or supposed to be. Perhaps you have forgotten that LIFE IS GREAT! It may be hard to remember this when you do the same thing everyday, every day the same thing. After awhile you begin to believe the madness. The good news is it is possible to step out of that miserable reality you have created and co create something new even exciting and it starts within you. Metaphysical hypnosis is a spiritual approach to tapping into peace, love and prosperity. One session and you'll be hooked. After several sessions you will wonder why you took so long to try it! One client after a few sessions was so relaxed the boss asked if she was "on something". The answer should have been YES, high on LIFE! It feels so good to trust the Universe.
It's not about the nasty boss or the gossipy co worker. What matters and what's important is that you be HAPPY! Happiness is a choice and once planted in the subconscious mind can be cultivated and will grow. Happiness is an inside job. Once you remember what it feels like to be happy you will relax and make better decisions. Who knows? You may decide to update your resume or explore that business you have always dreamed about. Or you may decide to not engage the office negativity and enjoy the paycheck. It's all in how you perceive it.
Visit the website at www.amustardseedhealing.com for more information and then (305)305-2288 for and appointment today! Hypnosis is safe, natural and effective and most importantly it WORKS!
If you want to try hypnosis in the privacy of your own home or click HERE for a link to a great relaxation experience. The call for an appointment for the real deal..
Money is an important aspect of our lives, and for most folks that means we gotta WORK! Some people are fortunate enough to work in a place with a supportive boss and really nice coworkers. However studies show approximately 70% of people are NOT happy at work! The stats are staggering and whats even more interesting is that most of these people are unwilling to change jobs or careers. They are STUCK!!
Hopefully you are among the 30% that are happy at work.
If you are not happy you should try hypnosis for stress reduction and relaxation. Hypnosis can help you step out of your humdrum everyday existence into an inner awareness of just how great life is or supposed to be. Perhaps you have forgotten that LIFE IS GREAT! It may be hard to remember this when you do the same thing everyday, every day the same thing. After awhile you begin to believe the madness. The good news is it is possible to step out of that miserable reality you have created and co create something new even exciting and it starts within you. Metaphysical hypnosis is a spiritual approach to tapping into peace, love and prosperity. One session and you'll be hooked. After several sessions you will wonder why you took so long to try it! One client after a few sessions was so relaxed the boss asked if she was "on something". The answer should have been YES, high on LIFE! It feels so good to trust the Universe.
It's not about the nasty boss or the gossipy co worker. What matters and what's important is that you be HAPPY! Happiness is a choice and once planted in the subconscious mind can be cultivated and will grow. Happiness is an inside job. Once you remember what it feels like to be happy you will relax and make better decisions. Who knows? You may decide to update your resume or explore that business you have always dreamed about. Or you may decide to not engage the office negativity and enjoy the paycheck. It's all in how you perceive it.
Visit the website at www.amustardseedhealing.com for more information and then (305)305-2288 for and appointment today! Hypnosis is safe, natural and effective and most importantly it WORKS!
If you want to try hypnosis in the privacy of your own home or click HERE for a link to a great relaxation experience. The call for an appointment for the real deal..
Friday, September 23, 2016
Stress reduction and relaxation with hypnosis
Have you forgotten what it feels like to relax? Maybe you're like the internet..always on. If so hypnosis is a great technique to help you remember what it feel like to relax. Many people are walking around in fight or flight mode. This is when you are so tense you want to run away from a situation or things seem to push your buttons and your friends, family and co-workers describe you as "testy". sighs. Testy as in you are an emotional time bomb. RELAX! Stuart Wilde once said life was never meant to be a struggle. I say peace would be a much better option.
The good news is hypnosis can help you relax and and get aligned with some positive momentum. Each session at A Mustard Seed Healing begins with a pre talk to align the client's goals with the facilitator Karen Saunders. Karen is adept in hypnosis and is an instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists, as an ordained spiritual advisor she is compassionate and cares about her clients.
If you are stressed and can't seem to relax try hypnosis. Most clients see a difference in as little as one session. You will leave feeling calm and relaxed. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. You will learn some tools to help you cultivate and maintain that relaxed state you experience.
Metaphysical hypnosis is also a great meditation hack. Some clients who had issues with meditating were reacquainted with their inner zen with metaphysical hypnosis.
For more information on how hypnosis can help you call (305) 305-2288 to book an appointment for a mental vacation. It's worth it!
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Problem solving from a place of peace with hypnosis
When you are at peace with your reality all of your problems become opportunities..What any opportunity could be solved from a place of peace? What if instead of fighting or running from a situation or circumstance you developed the ability to be still and allow the answers to the presenting opportunity flow? Wouldn't that make life easier? Often people stress, lose sleep and worry unnecessarily, only to discover there was no need for the drama. Once the issue was resolved it seemed as if the answer was there all along. The solution is an learning experience.
That still small voice
Many spiritual proponents tend to agree there is a still small voice within each of us. That voice can be called intuition, Divinity, Higher Truth or God. Whatever it is called that still small voice is said to know the answers to even the most difficult of any circumstances. That still small voice is always available and beckoning us to a better way of life. While material things bring comfort, which is nice, the best things in life bring peace, love, health, harmony and joy. The best things in life are virtually free. Once attained, universal law dictates that everything else will be added. Begin with peace.
It is up to us to cultivate good vibes
Unfortunately many folks passionately seek the outer things in an effort to find comfort only to discover material things break down, get lost, go out of style or they may lose their initial point of attraction. True success is measured from within and peace, love, abundance and true prosperity never go out of style. The person who taps into this awareness is full of vim and vigor. Life then takes on a whole new meaning. The intangible things that promote health and wealth are cultivated through a relationship with the higher self, our Creator or God. By clearing away the mental chatter and listening to that still small voice that matters the most, your own ability to navigate the seas of life become easier.
Metaphysical hypnosis is a technique that help you learn to listen to that still small voice. In a deep state of relaxation a skilled facilitator can help you bypass the conscious thinking mind and tap into the super-conscious for peace. Try it in the privacy of your home by clicking HERE
Have you ever tried affirmations an they don't seem to be working? Check out this resource for tips on how to get your affirmations to work CLICK HERE
photo yahoo images
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Hypnosis as a meditation hack
Hypnosis is a great way to kick start or enhance a meditation practice. Both are great ways to create balance in your life. With interest in mindfulness meditation and metaphysics gaining in popularity, among the most prevalent complaints are that people don't feel they have the time to meditate, and also they simply don't know how. Metaphysical hypnosis is a great hack to meditation. Metaphysics is a spiritual term meaning to look beyond appearances and hypnosis is a technique which like meditation can help you go within. Yoga and meditation techniques focus on the breath and when working with a hypnotist that specializes in spirituality you can learn to meditate easily and effortlessly.
During a typical session my clients are able to overcome any fears they may have about hypnosis in general. After all there all many myths and misconceptions about hypnosis. Hypnosis is no different than falling asleep and then waking up feeling refreshed and renewed.
When was the last time you woke up refresh and renewed ready to start the day?
A typical session begins with a pre talk to align your goals. Once I determine you are a good candidate the fun begins. Hypnosis is safe effective and very relaxing. You are always in control! In fact I feel hypnosis is a great way to connect spiritually to the higher power or our creator. It is said all the answers are within us and metaphysical hypnosis like meditation, is a great way to tap into your inner awareness.
Some people have forgotten what it feels like to relax!
A major benefit of metaphysical hypnosis is the ability to reacquaint yourself with the feeling and ability to relax. Once this is achieved with a skilled facilitator it becomes easier to trust your Divine guidance which is also called intuition. From a state of peaceful relaxation ideas flow and success will follow. For more on meditation and hypnosis click HERE
For more info on how hypnosis can help you call (305) 305-2288 and visit my website at www.amustardseedhealing.com
May you be happy!
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Hypnosis may help childhood issues affecting adults
Past life regression to childhood is a hypnosis process that can produce some wonderful results in releasing issues that you may not remember how they started but they continue now and no longer serve you. Many times situations arise in adulthood that began as an innocent child. These issues have been buried in the subconscious mind and have been forgotten. For centuries many people have turned to hypnosis for help with issues ranging from the fear of darkness, to intimacy and/or sexuality. Often there is no recollection of any past experience which would trigger certain fears. The forgotten memory might result in odd or uncomfortable behavior like the inability to meditate or relax in certain situations.
One of the basic tenets of healing is recognizing there is a problem. A memory hidden in the subconscious mind may be triggered by a story in the media or something as simple as a post on social media. Society is bombarded daily with millions of messages most of which are not actually recognized consciously. Some sources report there may be approximately 70,000 thoughts processed by the brain everyday. The mind is a very sophisticated memory bank and can be considered the original and most complex of any storage drive, more advanced than a computer system. The subconscious mind never sleeps and it is always awake and listening, in way observing what is happening by using the senses.
In children the mind is like a sponge absorbing many things from a point of innocence and non judgement. Therefore many things that
an adult would consider alarming the trusting mind of a child may
simply dismiss as perhaps "child's play", unable to process any significance of the event. As the mind develops into
adulthood the concepts of boundaries and rules begin to develop. During this time period fears and phobias also begin to develop. The mind is so loving and powerful it will often
block experiences in an effort to spare even further damage or pain.
This may translate as a childhood molestation becoming a fear of public
restrooms as an adult or the simple fear of sleeping alone in a dark
room. While the stories may vary and there may be no way to actually
prove that anything traumatic happened, it is important because to the
person with the issue it could be preventing peace or the ability to
experience a life filled with love and happiness.
One of my clients had such an experience. A favorite after school television show was I Dream of Jeannie. If you remember the story-line in the show Jeannie was always sent to her bottle by her master, if she misbehaved. The client often fell asleep to this show in the afternoons. The client grew up to be very claustrophobic and could not understand why. During the sleep state the conscious thinking mind is asleep. Consciously the client fell asleep watching television however, during the sleep state the subconscious mind is awake and listening, hearing everything that is happening. Consciously the client fell asleep watching television but when conscious filter relaxed the subconscious mind took over. The subconscious mind not recognizing the difference between reality and fantasy began to work as if the client was actually in the television show as Jeannie in the bottle. Past life hypnosis helped get the client remember the core of where that fear came from and resolved the issue.
Sometimes in an effort to "fit in" actually memories are forgotten and replaced with the stories of shows like the Cosby show Huxtables or Leave it to Beaver when actually there was actually a lot of discord and perhaps alcoholism in the home. Children may block out what really happened in the effort to appear "normal". The memory is still there esp. in groups like Adult Children of Alcoholics
Do you feel like you are stuck? Are your fears holing you back?
In his book Miracles Happen, Dr. Brian Weiss, M.D., chronicles the past life experiences of many people. Some of those stories are of events that happened during this lifetime as children and resulted in beautiful endings and even better beginnings. Past life regression helps you get to the core of issues and many issues began in childhood. For some insight into childhood issues click HERE for some stories on healing and forgiveness.
For more information on how hypnosis past life regression may help you call(305) 305-2288. Visit my website www.amustardseedhealing.com and contact me for more information on how hypnosis may help you.
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One of my clients had such an experience. A favorite after school television show was I Dream of Jeannie. If you remember the story-line in the show Jeannie was always sent to her bottle by her master, if she misbehaved. The client often fell asleep to this show in the afternoons. The client grew up to be very claustrophobic and could not understand why. During the sleep state the conscious thinking mind is asleep. Consciously the client fell asleep watching television however, during the sleep state the subconscious mind is awake and listening, hearing everything that is happening. Consciously the client fell asleep watching television but when conscious filter relaxed the subconscious mind took over. The subconscious mind not recognizing the difference between reality and fantasy began to work as if the client was actually in the television show as Jeannie in the bottle. Past life hypnosis helped get the client remember the core of where that fear came from and resolved the issue.
Sometimes in an effort to "fit in" actually memories are forgotten and replaced with the stories of shows like the Cosby show Huxtables or Leave it to Beaver when actually there was actually a lot of discord and perhaps alcoholism in the home. Children may block out what really happened in the effort to appear "normal". The memory is still there esp. in groups like Adult Children of Alcoholics
Do you feel like you are stuck? Are your fears holing you back?
In his book Miracles Happen, Dr. Brian Weiss, M.D., chronicles the past life experiences of many people. Some of those stories are of events that happened during this lifetime as children and resulted in beautiful endings and even better beginnings. Past life regression helps you get to the core of issues and many issues began in childhood. For some insight into childhood issues click HERE for some stories on healing and forgiveness.
For more information on how hypnosis past life regression may help you call(305) 305-2288. Visit my website www.amustardseedhealing.com and contact me for more information on how hypnosis may help you.
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Friday, August 12, 2016
Why everyone should learn hypnosis for stress reduction..don't worry. be happy.
Stress levels are at all time high and hypnosis is a safe and natural option for stress reduction. Everyone should learn hypnosis! Yes...it's a bold statement. All hypnosis is self hypnosis and hypnosis has the power to change stressful thoughts into peaceful manifestations. The most potent power that exists is the power of the mind. Imagine the possibilities...literally IMAGINE the possibilities of your life filled with peace, love, happiness and prosperity! Now imagine creating peace love happiness success and prosperity through the law of attraction.
Everything begins with a thought.
Everyone is comprised of thoughts and feelings and these thoughts and feelings determine life experiences. Hence the expression "as within, so without". Some cultures teach suppressing feelings. People have been taught not to cry or express emotion. To cover or negate feelings can create a disconnect, an internal state of confusion, stress or anxiety an actual disconnect from the higher power..
Where do those unexpressed feelings or emotions go?
Here is an example of what happens when humans suppress feelings and emotions. Imagine a pressure cooker, that kitchen pot used to prepare food quickly. Liquid is added along with other ingredients and the lid is then tightly closed. When placed on a stove top, the pressure builds and as the temperature raises steam begins to escape from a release valve on top. The right temperature is needed to cook the ingredients to perfection. Too much pressure and with no escape valve the pressure cooker would explode. This is an example of what happens when humans suppress feelings and emotions. Now imagine your life filled with daily activities like family duties and work...is there stress? What or where is your escape valve? When do you unplug? How do release the steam? Or are you prone to periodically explode?
Hypnosis can help you relax, renew and rejuvenate. Instead of sitting and rehashing issues over and over hypnosis gives you a fresh new perspective on a subconscious level. Hypnosis is a great way help unwind and recharge. Go to www.amustardseedhealing.com for more information on how metaphysical hypnosis can help you with stress management and connect to a higher power or call (305) 305-2288.
Photo Google
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Hypnosis training in Miami
Learn hypnosis in Miami and become certified with the National Guild of Hypnotists with a private instructor. You can learn hypnosis to enhance your current business or practice or to start a new career. Hypnosis is also great for personal use helping you to relax and focus. Learn how to help people stop smoking, overcome fears and phobias, stress reduction and with many other issues. Private instruction includes manuals, scripts and a one year membership to the National Guild of Hypnotists the World's oldest and largest recognized hypnosis organization. This also includes how to start a hypnosis practice.Begin a new career or add life enhancing skills to your professional practice. Ask about mentoring. Call for more information at (305) 305-2288 or visit my website by clicking HERE
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
A simple technique to help you stop smoking

Smoking is bad for you but you can't seem to quit and you're not alone. Quitting is one of the hardest things you may ever do but may also be the most rewarding. You see the commercials on television with the health issues from smoking yet you continue to puff away. Logically you know smoking is bad for you but quitting is so hard! What's up with that?
While the conscious thinking mind knows smoking is bad for you there is some benefit that keeps you puffing away. Hypnosis can help you quit but you can try this simple technique below to stop smoking on your own.
A simple technique to help you quit
Take a deep breath every time you desire a cigarette. A really deep breath mimicking the way you smoke.
Keep breathing deeply while you massage you hands or temples. This will give you something to do with your hands instead of holding the cigarette.
Studies show the urge only lasts for several minutes so while you breathe in clean fresh air play your favorite song and remind yourself of the benefits of being a non smoker.
Allow the urge to smoke to pass. Give it at least 3 minutes.
Relax your body and assume the posture like you do when you smoke.The chart below outlines the average number of craves daily. You may experience more or less. Do the breathing exercises consistently. Practice even when aren't craving. Recondition yourself to breathe clean fresh air.
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Hypnosis is an alternative that works
If you still can't quit . Call me. The results are amazing with hypnosis! Many people are able to quit smoking in only one hypnosis session. There are a few exceptions to every rule and I know it sounds out of the ordinary but it's true in only one hypnosis session it is possible to be a nonsmoker. In fact hypnosis may help you get rid of all types of negative behaviors and achieve many goals in your life. Hypnosis works by bypassing the monkey chatter in the conscious thinking mind and connect with positive thoughts, feelings and behaviors needed to achieve goals. The mind is so powerful that when properly focused it can and will accomplish goals like smoking cessation more quickly.
Some people may need more than one session. It all depends on how bad you want to quit. Hypnosis is not a magic bullet, as a matter of fact there are NO magic bullets! There are no guarantees. Your success is my success and I have plenty of success stories like the client who gave of smoking AND soda in one session. All hypnosis is self hypnosis and your success is determined by you.
For more information call (305)305-2288 or visit my website at www.stopsmokeinmiami.com
If you can't make it to my office and/or you want additional reinforcement CLICK HERE
to access an online system you can download immediately.
Monday, July 25, 2016
How to achieve your goals via gratitude and mindfulness
Cultivate an attitude of gratitude
One of the most important lessons of life is the attitude of gratitude. Mindfulness can help develop that attitude. Where you thoughts go your power goes. What are you thinking? Whenever something goes your way it is easy to be grateful. When things appear not so great is when gratitude might be a challenge. The Buddhists practice equanimity. Equanimity is a state of being aware, being balanced and not becoming to happy or too sad. In our human existence the lesson of equanimity can be difficult. Everyone born with intelligence has the ability to judge between right or wrong, rich or poor. Metaphysically judgement takes place in the mind, through the faculty of discernment and where your thoughts go your power goes. If you are in a place of negativity shake it off and get grateful. If your intention is to be successful at any goal, go within, figure out if that is what you really want and what is standing between you and that goal. Judge rightly from a place of peace and love..be grateful.
Then go for it!
What is intelligence?
Miriam-Webster defines intelligence as the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations. Intelligence requires reason; 1)the skilled use of reason (2) the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (as tests)
According to this definition intelligence involves the ability to learn and understand what the situations and/or circumstances are teaching. Everything being equal or in equanimity would mean the every thought has the same significance. As humans born with intelligence do we have the ability to shape our destiny?
In the fast paced society in which we live the outer circumstances often dictate the direction our lives will take. Life may put us in a particular situation to learn important lessons. Hence the reference to the school of life. Seemingly difficult people are usually the biggest teachers. Observe when and if your buttons are being pushed. Take the time to go within and be the observer of the body sensations. These are the guiding signals of healing. While you cannot change another person you can change how you react to what you are experiencing. The physical body is an excellent and accurate barometer which contains insight that can help you move forward.
Meditation is a great tool to connect with your higher self. Metaphysical or spiritual hypnosis is another very powerful tool for connecting to source. Becoming intimate with the inner self is an excellent process for achieving peace and freedom. Often people reach their goals in the external but fail miserably in the internal which is the ability to be happy. Several famous musicians come to mind who achieved many external goals yet peace seemed illusive.
When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Be aware and be ready. The teacher is in.
Intelligence involves the skilled use of reason. Have you ever tried to reason with someone who is not receptive? Have you ever tried to achieve a goal to no avail? Perhaps there is a certain person or situation that seems to grate on your nerves and you can't seem to get clarity or a sense of peace. The next time your encounter such a person, place, situation or incident, allow yourself to actually feel what is happening within your body. Observe the breath and body sensations. Remember to breathe deeply. You will find that before you even encounter the situation there may be a subtle twitch or a certain feeling. Pay close attention to that feeling. Connect with your heart space, consult within your mind and body space. What is your higher self trying to communicate to you?
Breathe deeply and go within.
This is where the answers are. Learn to honor your feelings from a space of that higher consciousness. Cultivate peace within the physical body by allowing whatever sensations are surfacing to arise and dissipate from a place of mindful observation. There is no need to judge or analyze the story. All that is required is an awareness of what and how you feel. Be patient. Turn the physical eyes within and honor the spiritual intellect. It is trying to tell you something and it is wise beyond time and or space. Just like our minds have memory so does our physical body.
Be gentle with yourself.
You can learn a new non-verbal way of communication which at first may seem strange. It is a process of tapping into what some call intuition. As you become intimate with your higher self you will recognize you are always Divinely guided. We are always safe and protected. It gradually becomes a safe way to relax in that sense of knowing and achieve goals from a new space of awareness and clarity.
Metaphysical hypnosis
I specialize in metaphysical hypnosis which I describe as meditation on steroids. Metaphysical hypnosis is a great way to learn and achieve mindfulness. As a facilitator I have developed a technique to help you relax and tap into your inner awareness. This process is used to help achieve many different types of goals. The possibilities are endless. Click here for more information on how metaphysical hypnosis can help you develop your inner intelligence. Call (305) 305-2288 for free phone consultation and to schedule an appointment.
Past life regression and overcoming fears
can help you to relax and go to where a fear or phobia first began. Often the fears result from a situation that should have been fun like a day at the beach as a child. Sometimes these issues
are from an incident in childhood and the have simply been forgotten.
Dr. Brian Weiss author of "Miracles Happen" and "Many Lives and Many
Masters" writes about his patient Catherine, who recalled her past life
from another lifetime, and this is another possibility. The subconscious mind can
remember everything and the point is to bypass the limited conscious
thought patterns and beliefs we use everyday in order to tap into the deeper memory
bank. This is where our mind stores very important information that can
be the key to healing. Metaphysical hypnosis is the
spiritual process of looking beyond appearances and gaining a clear insight to the
core belief which is creating any negative thought patterns. During a
hypnosis session, in a state of relaxation and focused concentration,
those limiting beliefs can come into a present awareness, this begins
the process of healing. By recognizing and clearing those negative
beliefs you can begin to moving forward. The mind is extremely
powerful and in an effort to protect, may "hide" important information.
For example someone who is afraid to swim, or afraid of the water, may have had an incident in the past that created this fear of wide bodies of water. The mind in an effort to maintain a safe space, may store the memory of what happened and embed the fear so it never happens again. While this may be a logical response to some type of trauma, the fear may be preventing a pleasurable experience from happening such as enjoying the seaside with a significant other. Hypothetically, the subject is engaged to an avid swimmer and wants to participate in water activity but cannot comfortably do so due to the fear of water. The subject has a desire to swim and wishes to do so but can not understand the basis of the fear. A hypnosis session may be uncover, during childhood, the subject was at a family picnic and thrown into the water, unable to swim, the subject panicked, and although it was less than a foot of water, it may as well have been a tidal wave. The subject now has a negative imprint of the trauma and embarrassment of the incident, and is no longer comfortable in the water.
Once this memory has been consciously uncovered the conscious mind can integrate what has happened and logically assimilate the experience and release the fear.
All hypnosis is self hypnosis and as a consulting hypnotist I facilitate a safe, effective an affordable process to help you remove road blocks to success.It is not medical nor therapeutic.
Learn more about how hypnosis can help you in Miami by clicking here. for more information or for private sessions call (305) 305-2288
For example someone who is afraid to swim, or afraid of the water, may have had an incident in the past that created this fear of wide bodies of water. The mind in an effort to maintain a safe space, may store the memory of what happened and embed the fear so it never happens again. While this may be a logical response to some type of trauma, the fear may be preventing a pleasurable experience from happening such as enjoying the seaside with a significant other. Hypothetically, the subject is engaged to an avid swimmer and wants to participate in water activity but cannot comfortably do so due to the fear of water. The subject has a desire to swim and wishes to do so but can not understand the basis of the fear. A hypnosis session may be uncover, during childhood, the subject was at a family picnic and thrown into the water, unable to swim, the subject panicked, and although it was less than a foot of water, it may as well have been a tidal wave. The subject now has a negative imprint of the trauma and embarrassment of the incident, and is no longer comfortable in the water.
Once this memory has been consciously uncovered the conscious mind can integrate what has happened and logically assimilate the experience and release the fear.
All hypnosis is self hypnosis and as a consulting hypnotist I facilitate a safe, effective an affordable process to help you remove road blocks to success.It is not medical nor therapeutic.
Learn more about how hypnosis can help you in Miami by clicking here. for more information or for private sessions call (305) 305-2288
Hypnosis can help with hoarding
Are you holding on to many old, outdated things, people, situations and circumstances in your life? Do you have lots of nice "stuff" but always seem stuck? Do you want to let go but just can't seem to move forward? Perhaps you have what is called a hoarding disorder and hypnosis can help with hoarding. The act of hoarding can apply to many things both physical and non physical. Let's begin by exploring mental aspect which are our thoughts.
What are you thinking?
Everyday the mind is bombarded with literally hundreds if not thousands of thoughts. The more engaged you are in work and/or socially activities the more messages you receive. And it doesn't stop there, add in television, radio, cell phones, computers and social media communications and the number of messages the brain receives can be quite overwhelming. If you can begin to think of thoughts as things, you can also begin to understand why it is important to take the time to disconnect periodically. Go outside in nature. Turn off any electronics and breathe deeply, giving your mind and body time to center and relax. As you begin to clear you can also focus on what you really need and want to manifest. Meditation is growing in popularity because there is scientific evidence proving that taking the time to disconnect is beneficial to our overall health. Metaphysical hypnosis is a technique where you work with a facilitator such as myself, to help you align with the best meditation practice for you. What is the best meditation practice? The one you do...
For example, begin with a few minutes each day and start right where you are. Focus on the breath or purchase one of the many guided meditations available by clicking HERE
The important thing is to make a conscious decision to consistently clear your mind.
One suggestion would be to begin with a denial like the one below. Metaphysically, denials are used to mentally release old worn out thoughts or beliefs that may be holding you back. In a comfortable position sitting or lying down. Focus on your breathing which should become nice, deep and even.
Repeat the following releasing denial statement:
I now release any and everything that may be holding me back from my highest good...
Some things may come up. Allow them to surface. Resist the urge to engage in the mental chatter. continuing to focus on your breathing which should be nice and deep and even. Counting may help.
Inhaling 1...2...3...exhaling 1...2...3...
Repeat the release statement again:
I now release any and everything that may be holding me back from my highest good...(pr from success)..
Allow yourself to relax. Breathing in and out.
This is your time to relax.
It's also a good time to let go..
After awhile, when you feel relaxed and ready, incorporate an affirmation. Affirmations are statements that reinforce the positive aspects you are now incorporating into your life. A good affirmation might be the following:
Mind mind is clear and open to receive the manifestation of peace love joy perfect health and prosperity in my life and all is well...
Close with positive statements like any of the following affirming your desires.
I am healthy..
I am wealthy...
I am wise...
I am happy..
I am love and loved..
I am prosperous...
and so it is
To do: Make this a daily practice
Schedule time everyday to do this practice or something similar. In as little as 15 minutes you have set the tempo for a great day. An easy way to remember is to do it in the morning before or after you brush your teeth or shower. You can even start the denials and affirmations while still in bed, then just sit in silence for a few moments. It's a great way to start the day and to begin the process of eliminating mental as well as physical clutter as you build your best life ever.
For more information and a free phone consultation call (305) 305-2288 or visit my website at www.amustardseedhealing.com
Karen Saunders demonstrates hypnosis on the Arthritis Show with Dr. Farshchian
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Improve sports performance with visualization
Hypnosis is a viable option for sports
enhancement and it can be useful to develop skills of confidence,
concentration and the mental focus needed to win. Championships in
sports are won by the individual or team that has optimal physical
skills obtained by intense training and the mental ability to focus.
Most athletes adhere to a rigorous training schedule. So what happens
when each players physical skill set is relatively the same? The
determining factor in who wins is a strategic mental battle. The
ability to mentally tune into the flow of the game, block out
distractions and align oneself with the flow, combined with a winning
attitude is a key factor in a successful outcome. Once in the flow
everything seems to be working in your favor and most likely it is.
Not holds true not only in the world of sports but also in life.
While many individuals and teams train the body extensively, very little, if any time or thought is given to mental preparation. Hypnotists, or as I like to call myself, mental strategists, provide tools that give winners a very distinct advantage...the ability to concentrate and focus on the goal for success.
Mental focus, concentration and clarity create winners in any profession on or off the playing field. The ability to focus under pressure is essential to winning. Imagine your team being in the NBA playoffs. Your team has made it to game seven before the championship and the pressure is mounting. The stress level is through the roof, however you still manage to remain calm, relaxed and in control. This is what is required to succeed. The ability to channel stress and adrenaline in any situation into a positive thought creates a win/win situation. Maybe it’s the weekend and your child has a soccer game. You notice his or her confidence on the field is waning. Hypnosis is a great tool to help gain the confidence he/she needs to win and have fun while doing it either on the field, in the classroom or in life.
So its game day and the distractions are heightened. Thousands of fans or a ball field of weekend warriors are all looking at you, you are at bat, or you have the ball. There is a battle for the same goal...to WIN! It is a physical game and the opponent is brutal. The ability to focus on winning in any situation is critical for success. The winner has to remain calm and not be distracted by an overly aggressive opponent who throws an elbow or lands a foul. The winner is always focused on the win. Nothing should distract from the goal. Often there are games where the team is the best in the league but somehow they get off track and emotional. Maybe a foul or some controversy ensues. This may be the opponents’ tactical way of distraction. It happens. They key is to NOT lose focus. Success is the goal.
You set a goal and then it seems stuff comes up...do not lose focus. Keep your eyes on the prize!
There could be what seems to be "foul play" and hypnosis can help with that as well. Whatever you focus on, you get more of, its the law of attraction. Often you are not aware of the unconscious thoughts in your mind. There may be some hidden fear that may be preventing you from achieving your goals. Metaphysical hypnosis puts a spiritual spin on regular hypnosis it and can give you the skills to ignore distractions, control emotions and remain clear about your goals. Nothing else matters when you have a certain peace about the game. Winning becomes natural. Mental conditioning is important to remain calm, focus and to ultimately win. Proper mental conditioning can enhance the ability to win. However if you come in second or third don't despair. When you achieve that peace that surpasses understanding described in spirituality it will not matter as much. Metaphysical hypnosis differs slightly from regular hypnosis in that it is spiritually based on teachings like the law of attraction and similar works like Napoleon Hills Think and Grow Rich. It considers the totality of the mind body and spirit connection.Once balanced it is simply easier to win at the game of life.
A typical hypnosis session can last anywhere from an hour to longer. Results can be seen after the first session and optimal performance can be reached in approximately six sessions.
The number and frequency of hypnosis sessions should be discussed with the practitioner. Become aware of what works for you and go with it. There are no magic bullets in life so be relax and allow the process to unfold. Make sure you are comfortable and trust the facilitator you are working with. Do not be afraid to speak to several hypnotists before making a decision on who to work with. Everyone has their own style. What you want are results. You want to feel better so you can perform better, simple as that. When you feel better you can focus better. When you focus you stand a better chance at winning.
More emphasis should be placed on mental conditioning. Historically many winners have admitted to using hypnosis. It is reported that basketball Coach Phil Jackson used hypnosis to take his teams to victory. Mike Tyson is reported to have admitted to using hypnosis to be ferocious in the ring during an interview with Britain's Daily Telegraph. You don't have to be as intense as "Iron Mike" but you can begin to enjoy your sport more as you improve your performance and win more. Very few people play just for the sport of it after all, it feels good to win. Tiger Woods and Andre Agassi are reported to have used hypnosis to enhance their athleticism.
Hypnosis is also good to help you focus on other goals like smoking cessation, stress reduction, passing exams, improving relationships manifesting and just to relax. Treat yourself to a mental vacation. Try hypnosis..it works. Call (305) 305-2288 for more info.
While many individuals and teams train the body extensively, very little, if any time or thought is given to mental preparation. Hypnotists, or as I like to call myself, mental strategists, provide tools that give winners a very distinct advantage...the ability to concentrate and focus on the goal for success.
Mental focus, concentration and clarity create winners in any profession on or off the playing field. The ability to focus under pressure is essential to winning. Imagine your team being in the NBA playoffs. Your team has made it to game seven before the championship and the pressure is mounting. The stress level is through the roof, however you still manage to remain calm, relaxed and in control. This is what is required to succeed. The ability to channel stress and adrenaline in any situation into a positive thought creates a win/win situation. Maybe it’s the weekend and your child has a soccer game. You notice his or her confidence on the field is waning. Hypnosis is a great tool to help gain the confidence he/she needs to win and have fun while doing it either on the field, in the classroom or in life.
So its game day and the distractions are heightened. Thousands of fans or a ball field of weekend warriors are all looking at you, you are at bat, or you have the ball. There is a battle for the same goal...to WIN! It is a physical game and the opponent is brutal. The ability to focus on winning in any situation is critical for success. The winner has to remain calm and not be distracted by an overly aggressive opponent who throws an elbow or lands a foul. The winner is always focused on the win. Nothing should distract from the goal. Often there are games where the team is the best in the league but somehow they get off track and emotional. Maybe a foul or some controversy ensues. This may be the opponents’ tactical way of distraction. It happens. They key is to NOT lose focus. Success is the goal.
You set a goal and then it seems stuff comes up...do not lose focus. Keep your eyes on the prize!
There could be what seems to be "foul play" and hypnosis can help with that as well. Whatever you focus on, you get more of, its the law of attraction. Often you are not aware of the unconscious thoughts in your mind. There may be some hidden fear that may be preventing you from achieving your goals. Metaphysical hypnosis puts a spiritual spin on regular hypnosis it and can give you the skills to ignore distractions, control emotions and remain clear about your goals. Nothing else matters when you have a certain peace about the game. Winning becomes natural. Mental conditioning is important to remain calm, focus and to ultimately win. Proper mental conditioning can enhance the ability to win. However if you come in second or third don't despair. When you achieve that peace that surpasses understanding described in spirituality it will not matter as much. Metaphysical hypnosis differs slightly from regular hypnosis in that it is spiritually based on teachings like the law of attraction and similar works like Napoleon Hills Think and Grow Rich. It considers the totality of the mind body and spirit connection.Once balanced it is simply easier to win at the game of life.
A typical hypnosis session can last anywhere from an hour to longer. Results can be seen after the first session and optimal performance can be reached in approximately six sessions.
The number and frequency of hypnosis sessions should be discussed with the practitioner. Become aware of what works for you and go with it. There are no magic bullets in life so be relax and allow the process to unfold. Make sure you are comfortable and trust the facilitator you are working with. Do not be afraid to speak to several hypnotists before making a decision on who to work with. Everyone has their own style. What you want are results. You want to feel better so you can perform better, simple as that. When you feel better you can focus better. When you focus you stand a better chance at winning.
More emphasis should be placed on mental conditioning. Historically many winners have admitted to using hypnosis. It is reported that basketball Coach Phil Jackson used hypnosis to take his teams to victory. Mike Tyson is reported to have admitted to using hypnosis to be ferocious in the ring during an interview with Britain's Daily Telegraph. You don't have to be as intense as "Iron Mike" but you can begin to enjoy your sport more as you improve your performance and win more. Very few people play just for the sport of it after all, it feels good to win. Tiger Woods and Andre Agassi are reported to have used hypnosis to enhance their athleticism.
Hypnosis is also good to help you focus on other goals like smoking cessation, stress reduction, passing exams, improving relationships manifesting and just to relax. Treat yourself to a mental vacation. Try hypnosis..it works. Call (305) 305-2288 for more info.
The benefits of past life regression and recalling childhood memories
Past life regressions are gaining in popularity as many people are awakening to the benefits of hypnosis, meditation and spirituality. Regressions help enhance your connection to source via spirituality by giving insight into recurring experiences. Past life regression is a process used in hypnosis to recall past memories. Some people are uncomfortable with the process so it helps to be familiar with reincarnation. While it is referred to as a "past life" most of the beneficial memories are from childhood experiences in this lifetime. Regressions provide the opportunity to recall memories from childhood that help release negative emotions. That release can be a catalyst towards a more comfortable life.
A past life regression can reveal important information buried deep in the subconscious mind. For example something as simple as a scolding from a parent could create self esteem issues or shyness. Hypnosis is safe and very effective and recalling these memories can be valuable in healing all types of issues. There are even documented cases of physical healing as a result of past life regression. Read Dr. Brian Weiss M.D., book Miracles Happen for more information on the power of past life regression and healing. Many people think you have to believe in reincarnation to experience a past life memory, but this is not the case. I feel a past life is any moment other than this present moment.
Everyday we are bombarded with situations, messages and experiences, etc. that create imprints or memories in the subconscious mind. These imprints can be positive or negative and shape our belief systems. The subconscious mind is very powerful and holds the key to life's progression. The subconscious mind remembers everything that has happened and some believe it is the soul. If this holds true the subconscious mind has stored every previous lifetime experience as well.
In a past episode of the reality television series, Keeping up with the Kardashians, Khloe was hypnotized because she could not remember most of her childhood. She remembered having been upset because of the OJ Simpson trial and later the death of her father but could not remember much of her childhood. Her mind basically blocked out childhood events. Wanting to know why she could not remember she consulted a doctor who first thought she might be suffering from some type of pre dementia. After ruling out that possibility she was referred to a hypnotist were she was able to remember significant parts of her childhood.
Past life regression has unlimited possibilities as an alternative technique and is a great tool for revealing roadblocks to moving forward.
For more information on how hypnosis can help you call (305) 305-2288.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Deepen your meditation with hypnosis as a tool

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It was also on the top of a mountain in the Biblical book of Exodus, that God revealed himself to Moses. When Moses came down from the mountain top, he carried the Ten Commandments. Moses was also on a mountain top when God revealed to him the Promised Land and told him he would not live to see it. Very similar to Dr. Kings' life story. .
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke about his visit to the mountain top at a rally in support of sanitation workers in Memphis Tennessee on April 3, 1963. He was assassinated the next day. Dr. King never got to see the promised land of racial equality and the election of an African American President. Dr. King never got to physically experience his prophecy. Just like the story of Moses, the prophesy was repeated. On January 21, we honor Dr. King with a national holiday. Here is an excerpt from the "mountaintop" speech.
"Well, I don't know what will happen now. We've got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn't matter with me now. Because I've been to the mountaintop. And I don't mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. And I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord."
The Buddha was also reportedly enlightened on a mountain top according to The Life of Buddha, by A. Ferdinand Herold, tr. by Paul C Blum [1922], at sacred-texts.com Here is a excerpt of that story:
"Finally, he saw himself at the foot of a mountain of filth and excrement; he climbed the mountain; he reached the summit; he descended, and neither the filth nor the excrement had defiled him.He awoke, and from these dreams he knew that the day had come when, having attained supreme knowledge, he would become a Buddha." It clearly states he awoke from these dreams. Dreams are a higher state of consciousness. Meditation is a vehicle to used to attain a higher state of consciousness. The filth and excrement represent the negative thoughts held in mind. We can all rise above any situation by turning within. Metaphysical hypnosis can help.
In each of these examples the mountain top metaphysically represents a higher state of consciousness. These are but a few examples and you probably have more. Have you been to the mountaintop? Perhaps you have experienced your own mountaintop story. One of the greatest tools in problem solving is the silence. Albert Einstein said, You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew". Meditation and imagination can create miracles. To achieve their great humanitarian accomplishments, and teach peace, it was necessary for each of these individuals to look beyond appearances and go within. They had to be that peace. This is the practice of meditation. In order to create a space for the outer expression of abundance or the manifestation of greatness, sometimes called miracles it is necessary to retreat to state of the nothingness. God works through the individual and collective consciousness. Seek first the kingdom and everything shall be added to your life. The kingdom is within. Metaphysics, religion, and spirituality, all are vehicles of seeking that higher consciousness. Metaphysical hypnosis is one vehicle to achieve inner awareness.
Involution always precedes evolution.
Be still and know. Call (305) 305-2288 for more information on how hypnosis can help you.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Why a mental detox with hypnosis is just as important as a physical detox
Detoxes are all the rage these days and there are a myriad of ways to detox the body. But what about the mind? While physical detox is popular and important we often forget or negate the importance of detoxing the mind. When was the last time you had a mental detox? Everyday the mind is bombarded with literally thousands of messages. And most of the time you actually believe some crazy stuff you hear or read. At times it may seem hard to think because you got way to many thoughts! You may need the mental detox to develop the courage to complete the physical detox for better health. Why not make health a priority body mind and soul.
Get out of your head with hypnosis! Mental clarity can help you recharge focus and succeed.
Metaphysical hypnosis is a process that can relax the mind and body to form a deeper connection of peace and love that begins within and spreads outwardly. In this state of deep relaxation it is possible to tap into the creative consciousness. Creative consciousness is defined as that state where ideas are generated. That space in mind where all the mental chatter has dissipated and clarity is established for manifestation.
This is the state from which an artist creates and a musician composes. It is a state of higher consciousness and peace paving the way for a deeper connection to that still small voice within. Some call it a place where intuition or a hunch arises. The only way to get there is to go within. The process of going within takes courage and tenacity. It is like peeling back the layers of the proverbial onion. There may be a few tears in the beginning, but the end result can be sweet and appealing to the senses. Going within leads to self awareness, personal growth and achievement. It is a process of awakening for some and for others just the simple act of remembering what it feels like to relax makes a world of difference that words cannot describe. A state of peacefulness surpassing understanding...
Mental clarity is the basis of beginning to really enjoy your life. Create a new awareness of just how great this life really is. You will be pleasantly surprised what a hypnosis session can leave you feeling like. Some describe it as euphoric, relaxing, a natural high.
It feels good to feel good...
For more information on hypnosis visit my website at www.amustardseedhealing.com call (305) 305-2288 or check out my virtual bookstore by CLICKING HERE
Monday, March 28, 2016
Go deep within using metaphysical hypnosis for peace and prosperity
What do you really want?
Is there something missing in your life that would bring you joy? Are you satisfied with the life you are
living or does there always seem to be something missing?
It is easy to look for happiness in an outer
material world. This is a temporary fix...true happiness only comes from within. It
can be described as that peace that surpasses understanding. Having experienced this feeling it is
hard to look back and stay in/as a lesser state of being. It is possible to experience this state from
external stimulants however this too is only a temporary fix. This is what leads to alcoholism and addictions. Meditation techniques teach how to access
the state of peace and awareness however it must be personally experienced and practiced daily for more permanent benefits. The state of peace exists in each of us and many people have simple forgotten what it naturally feels like. It is seems easier to keep looking outside for the next thing and then another thing...it never ends. Metaphysical hypnosis can help you go within and take your meditation to the next level if needed.
Metaphysical hypnosis is like a spiritual booster shot for meditation...
Metaphysical hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation facilitated
by a trained metaphysical hypnosis practitioner who can guide to you the awakening of your inner
self. This is where the sub conscious and
conscious mind aligns with the super consciousness often referred to as God
mind. I have witnessed folks who meditate daily experience the benefits of
metaphysical hypnosis. It is written
where two or more are gathered the higher power shifts into action. With metaphysical hypnosis there are two
physical beings consciously involved as well as the two states of lesser consciousness
which can be powerful for creative manifesting. True peace and abundance can be experienced
through deliberate silent practice.
Unfortunately many feel they simply do not have the time to just sit
around and “do nothing”. That is too
bad, for in a short span of practicing intentional nothingness a wealth of
benefits and infinite possibilities can emerge.
I have sat with folks in workshops and classes who have
meditated for years and asked them why they practice meditation and surprisingly
many of them could not express why, yet they did recognize if they did not sit
there seemed to be a different flow of energy during the day. And it really is all about the energy...
Everything in this vast universe is made of energy. It is a law of physics that while energy
cannot be created or destroyed it can be changed. By sitting in meditation in the space of
nothingness negative energy can dissipate and positive energy can flow manifesting
creative ideas. Humans are the only
species said to be born with intelligence and all that everyday thinking may
cloud the manifestation of a great idea.
By sitting in silence thoughts are cleared and positive ideas flow. Metaphysical hypnosis is a technique designed
to facilitate a space for creative mental manifestation. Ideas
are what create abundance and prosperity.
Ideas are the answers to our prayers.
Energy exists in abundance and we have the power to shape
and shift energy to create our desired outcomes. Through the power of creative visualizing or
metaphysical hypnosis and going within oneself it is possible to shape shift
energy into a positive outcome.
Walt Disney once said "The more you are like yourself,
the less you are like anyone else which makes you unique. The problem with most
people is that they spend their lives trying to emulate others and so we have
lots of copies but few originals."
The time and energy it takes to emulate someone else is much better
spent getting to know your true self. By knowing what you like and don't like you can begin to manifest more of what brings you happiness. Hypnosis can
help you tap into the endless reservoir of abundance within. Let go and let God! For more info and a free phone consultation call (305) 305-2288 or visit www.amustardseedhealing.com
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